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Fanatic v Suicide


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
The Question

* Suicide RP for C08.

The camera fades in to the RingRats Wrestling Academy in New York City. An outside shot is seen with some people going into the famed wrestling school. The scene segues to the inside of the academy, as some young and upcoming wrestlers are sparring in the ring, with various others working out and stretching. The scene then cuts to some pictures of some well-known faces hung up on the wall. Shown, in order, one-by-one, was Scott Riktor, Dusty Thompson, Ellis Scott, Larry Tact, Ulysis Solian, and Fanatic. The camera then panned back before Fanatic to take another look at the picture of Ulysis Solian. Except, all it showed was not the visage of The Prodigal Son, but that of The Mysterious Wanderer himself, Suicide.

Except, this wasn’t some picture – it was the real thing.

“Within these hallowed halls, men have come in as everyday ordinary individuals with a dream. Some come with the dedication and perseverance that will help them leave here with their dreams turned reality. There are those who dream big but come up short neither had the hunger nor the drive to survive. Those few who do however, will take the next step in not only their careers as a professional wrestler, but also the next step in their lives.”

“There is one particular young man who had every facet to become one of the best… and he is almost there. He came in every day early, and I was here to anticipate his eagerness to learn and work hard. He never relented, pushing himself to the very limit. Just when he though he couldn’t go any more, he continued on because settling for just enough wasn’t go for him. He was, as you can say, my star pupil.”

Suicide looks towards his left as the camera pulls back, showing The Mysterious Wanderer gazing at the picture of Fanatic.

“But he’s not a student anymore. He has become the very thing he wanted and has succeeded in many ways. However, there is one more hurdle he must clear if he’s truly to become whole…”

The camera pulls back again as Suicide looks to his right. The picture of Larry Tact is now shown.

“Before I address my equal in one Fanatic, for he is just that, I must address my other equal in one Mr. Larry Tact.”

“Mr. Tact, it’s been a long time and while we have final reunited at the last Cyberstrike, I wish it came at different circumstances. I’m sure there are many questions swirling in your mind about our recent encounter… or maybe none at all. Truth be told, whether you have inquiries or not about what took place, please know one thing:”

“I do not apologize.”

“Is it my ego getting away of my conscious? Am I trying to deny my feelings of guilt for my actions? Honestly, none of the above. While I would question as to what your business was to come down to the ring while I was in the middle of my match against Mr. Chaos, truth be told, it’s none of my business. What you did to him after I had already defeated him means nothing to me. Truth be told, the way Mr. Chaos’s narcissism has been running rampant in New ERA of Champions, one could argue he deserved what he got.”

“However, considering our tumulus past the last several years, I had to make sure I was not next on your list. It could be said that maybe what I did assured I was, but quite honestly, it doesn’t matter. And apologizing wouldn’t do any good considering you did catch my first, though I knew you would. You and I know each all too well. It would not be far-fetched for me not to trust you these days, but there is a more prevailing issue at hand and it has nothing to do with either of us.”

The camera zoomed in and kept in its sights just Suicide and the picture of Fanatic.

“Hello Fanatic, or should I finally say, Mr. Tact? I’m actually very happy that the secret has been finally revealed and you and your brother took some time to build a budding relationship. While you have worn that mask of yours for many years, the pain I have seen was easy to see. When you confided in me a long time ago who you were, you asked me to make a promise that I would never tell anyone who you were, including your own flesh and blood. Your brother and I have been very close throughout the years minus the past four and there were many opportunities for me to reveal your secret.”

“But I never did.”

“I’ve always had the upmost respect for you and the trials and tribulations you had to endure in your life. I remember the moment I felt you were on your way was back in 2002 when yourself and another pupil to our academy, X, defeated Mr. Thompson and myself for the tag team titles. Then, in 2008, you had done it again, only this time; it was just you and me. There is nothing you ever had to prove and you did just that, not against me, but against everyone you have ever faced off against in the squared circle. Quite honestly, our match will be one of the biggest tests I have faced, not only in New ERA of Wrestling, but in my entire career.”

“However, there is something I have to question. Forgive me for being so inquisitive, but it has to do in your relationship with your brother. The love between you two is real but what about this Tact Legacy your brother has repeated ad nauseum? I know your focus is squarely on me and this match, however, what pivotal role will your brother’s preachings play? Will they enhance and strengthen your mettle… or will it become a hindrance?”

“I do not need to tell you to prepare and train for our match. I do not need to tell you to not underestimate and overlook me. I know you have all of that covered and more. No, what I need to tell you, or ask you, is… whose legacy are you fighting for? Is it your family’s, yours… or is it Larry’s? Maybe he has your best interest in mind, but forgive me for playing devil’s advocate, or the voice of reason here. I’ve heard your brother talk each and every time about he wants for you and while that may sound like a big brother looking out for his younger brother…”

“What do you want?”

“In the end, for you, that should be the only question on your mind. I just hope, for your sake, the answer becomes available when we face off.”

“’Nuff said…”

Suicide walked out of the camera’s view as it zooms close up to the image of Fanatic. Then, the camera fades out.


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Indefensible arguments.

* Fanatic RP for C08.


(On the Top Of The Rock, in Rockefeller Center, New York City. The place is designed to give grandiose landscape views of New York City in its most sparkly, flashy, glamorous skyline sight, and it doesn't disappoint. The night sky above acts as a cool backdrop to the ambiance of the skyscrapers and bridges along the spectrum of the cityscape. The sky is a deep blue, endless to the known mind. The white stars dotting the sky make it look like a seamlessly woven quilt, one that will never change, never be worn out to its end. Standing, gazing up at the stars, is Fanatic. He dons a royal blue cloak, with the hood presently hanging on the back; the 'infinity' insignia-- the Mark of Fanatic-- woven on the hood, in gold. His mask is a fire-red, with a matching gold Mark embedded on it. He takes a few slow, deep breaths, fully gathering the air in then exhaling it, calmly, before speaking in his mellow tones.)

"Time passes by many .. weakens many .. and merely hinders some. It is fortunate to those who gracefully absorb it, allowing them to find new designs for their life .. new activities to occupy their time .. call them hobbies, or whatnot. For this fortunate group, they transition .. they are able to take joy in many things .. able to allow the joy to fade from their old flames of .. hobbies past, I suppose. And as they age, they will reminisce .. speak of old times and their fond memories of those past times. They will feel .. nostalgia .. and make the best of what their life grants them."

"However, some people are destined to weather the storm of time. They prevail through enticements of life's alternative opportunities .. battle through facets of their current ambitions, which typically would cripple the very passion they possess. For these unfortunate few .. they are slated to continue on .. never finding the end of the road for themselves. They will continue on, perhaps to their own detriment .. until they are extinguished, not by someone else's doing .. but merely from their own passion."

(He pauses, the gold Mark facing directly at us.)

"For the man .. the myth .. the legend .. and for myself, as well .. perhaps we simply never chose a path. Or .. were never presented with the opportunity to choose. I would venture to say .. we are both blessed and cursed."

(He returns his gaze to the sky and the stars.)

"I will not speak for you, Suicide .. I bear no intention of embodying the attitudes of those who have faced you, thus far, since your arrival. However, I have no problem speaking for myself .. as, no one else could really do that task its due."

"I remember .. days believing I would die on the canvas in that facility. It was the strength of that place .. the RingRats Academy .. to drive one to their limit .. and then go on to break it. At that point, one would either extend themselves .. or they would break. It was simple .. effective .. but I was no star pupil. I only played the game as it was meant to be played .. and happened to possess a passion and a will to thrive in such environs."

"But it was an illusion of sorts .. I was never meant to die in that academy. The feeling of fatigue .. thinking back now .. it seems not more than a whine .. a plea for acceptance. Of course, back at that time .. I did not know what I now do .. nor have the ability to withstand far more .. the illusion is that we cannot go further .. but that is hardly the case ..."

"Life rarely gets easier as one develops."

"It is true that I saw you in the Rocky Mountain region, years ago. However, I would be selfish to accept credit for a feat my mentor, from the Land where I was, accomplished. It is true that he did team with the man known only as X .. but I did watch you from the shadows of the rafters. Understand, I could not be known at the time .. it would have been a violation of the Code of the Land. But I was there .. looking back, had I been whole at the time .. it would have been only better to see my mentor of the Land .. facing my mentor from my distant past ..."

"However, as time passed, we did meet in the Land of Legacy .. in the Underground. But time passes like water, and we now find ourselves meeting, once again .. all that time gathering to a point of the present .. when we will meet, opposed ..."

LARRY TACT: "And then all of New Era will see... how the time is only tactful... for the Man With The Fedora Hat to find us."

Walking into view and standing next to Fanatic is his brother, Larry Tact. He wears a simpler and more stylish pair of navy blue SilverTab jeans, ribbed grey shirt, and black nylon Nautica jacket.

"It's been a while, Ulysis. I'll tell you what I wonder. I wonder, what is it the past four years? What is it that Ulysis has found different about me? Is it my hair...?"

He runs his hand over his tied back golden locks.

"Is it my wealth? Do you think it's somehow made me feel beyond reach, less of someone on your level? Speaking of level, maybe it's my ability? The fact that I'm not just an arrogant guy roaming the indies anymore. Now, I've made runs through circuits, beaten some of the very best, and backed up the arrogance with performance that can stand right with that of Suicide?"

He smirks, shaking his head.

"You know, though, at this point you really should know me better, Ulysis. I'm not the type who stays in the same mold for too long. And I take criticisms and people's attacks just the same as I wrestle... like a Champ. And whether it's Chaos claiming superiority, while he needs to force New Era employees to grab his ass... Mister Entertainment proclaiming his New Era must continue, when it's only the equivalent of a fad running its course... or yes, even Suicide, questioning if the Tact Legacy is something my brother and I are both on the same page about.

"Ulysis, I'm not sure whether or not you trust anyone, but I thought you would trust Fanatic to not just be some poser, follower, wannabe. He isn't here to cater to me, or to do what I say. Make no mistake, Fanatic is in the ring each week, and Fanatic is the one who is building up his credentials, and gaining his due. He's taking the steps necessary toward becoming the best New Era recognizes... the World Heavyweight Champion. And I think he's on his way to making a strong case for that, with his banked title shot. This week, he's aiming to gain a second shot, not necessarily because he'll need it, but because it's one more point to strengthen what he is looking to accomplish. It's another step along the path as he works towards that goal."

"And in the process of doing that work, my brother only furthers the Tact Legacy, of which he was born into. See Ulysis, it's not a matter of if we're on the same page. This is in our blood."

"The Tact Legacy is part of us. No matter what happens, all of what we do contributes to it, regardless. And it's what we will eventually pass on, the ultimate gift to all who bear witness to it, and to those who will gain from it after."

"We live and breath the Tact Legacy. It is our lives... and now the time is right... for Suicide to fill the next page we write."

"The battle is certain to be fierce .. it will be one to remember .. and if we still stand in New Era afterward .. it may not be our last confrontation. However, Suicide .. the Tact Legacy we craft, is not a negotiable point. It is solid fact, it is as much what we represent .. as ourselves. It is not something to be invoked and revoked at will .. but is within ourselves."

"It is like the Craze .. the spirit of which cannot be extinguished .. only satiated until the next battle. It is an ongoing force of passion .. and experience .. never ceasing to crave more .. because for my part, I am blessed and cursed .. with the passion for wrestling. The drive to push myself further .. into the next challenge, then beyond it .. always striving to find the next wave to ride. And with it, the Craze will be there .. ready to be given more .. ready to consume ..."

"... all in a blur ..."



Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA

* Suicide RP#2 for C08.

The camera faded in to a four-story apartment building in Bronx, New York. The neighborhood is pretty calm and quiet, considering it’s one of the five boroughs that make up the most famous metropolis in the world. The camera cuts to several shots of four old men playing dominoes, a few kids hopping over a couple of jump ropes in Double Dutch, and a couple of mothers with their toddlers gossiping.

The camera then cut back to that very same four-story apartment building, only this time someone walked out of it. A lone, dark figure stood at the top of the stoop as he surveyed his surroundings. He took out a cigar and a Zippo lighter from the inside pocket of his black trench coat. It could only mean one thing.

This was Suicide.

The Mysterious Wanderer looked around once more and decided to save his cigar for another day as he placed both it and the lighter back into the inside pocket of his coat. Suicide then proceeded to sit down on the stoop as he looked down with his hands clasped, his elbows resting on his knees as he hunched over.

“Who are we? Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? Many questions swirl in our minds throughout our entire lives as we desperately seek for answers. The evolution of mankind has always been bound by questions and answers. We ask questions to try to understand the unknown. We seek answers to enlighten ourselves and advance us as a species to make us better, stronger, faster, and smarter. The cycle repeats itself without fail; we strive to achieve perfection.”

“But sometimes the answers we seek are not the ones we want. Sometimes the answers given may not be to one’s liking, but even so, the truth is not at all a hindrance. We may fail in our pursuit for excellence, but only those who continue no matter how hard and frustrating it might be will achieve what they wish.”

“There are also questions and answers that are, to be quite honest invalid. Sometimes we ask a question that isn’t the correct one. Either an entirely different question must be asked… or an adjustment needs to be made.”

Suicide then looked right at the camera with an expressionless stare no thanks in part with the help of his infamous mask.

“Sometime, however, no question has to be asked because you already know the answers.”

“Mr. Tact, I already know the answers to questions I never posed. Such as, ‘How has Mr. Tact changed in the past four years?’ and ‘Do I trust anyone, even those close to me?’ The truth is you have not changed since last I saw you. Also, as the adage goes, ‘Trust is a two-way street’. Unfortunately given our past, you have lost that privilege. While forgiveness has been given easy, to forget is impossible. You have always been an intelligent man; always one step ahead of those who wish to challenge you, for the most part. I’ve never questioned your resilience, for you have shown to be one in the upper echelon of our sport. When I saw you rise to the heights you deserved, I was elated and praised your successes. ”

“However, I do question your intentions. Not really what you hope to accomplish in NEW, but what you really hope to accomplish with your brother. You repeat the ‘Tact Legacy’ mantra as if its gospel all should heed, but the truth is, Mr. Fanatic has done the work for you. So I ask whose legacy is being fought for. You see, the Mr. Larry Tact I know would fight for his legacy on his own, by hook or crook.”

“But you may be right. Maybe your brother is fighting for himself, but the end result is the same; to bolster your family legacy. There is one thing you have overlooked however – the fact remains that your brother, one bound to you by blood, trusted me with his secrets. He knew you were kin and yet did not rush to you to reveal the truth. Now suddenly he is at your side acting as, not your equal as he should, but your ward. You may not be a puppeteer to his marionette, but that does not mean you aren’t playing with his strings.”

Suicide stood up and walked down the steps of the stoop slowly. He then turned to his right and started to walk down the street.

“This is a perfect seguing to you, Mr. Fanatic. It seems your brother’s influence of you is potent enough to create a revisionist history. Because last time I checked, it wasn’t your brother who had pinned me many years ago in the Rocky Mountains; it was you. Your brother would like to take credit for something he has never accomplished – defeating me. And maybe that is why he is ecstatic to choose me as the next chapter in your family’s history book.”

“To be brutally honest, this isn’t about the past, but the present. And what has been shown before me is a true test; not for you, my friend, but for myself. It isn’t to prove whether or not I can defeat the man who I helped train and nurture. No, it’s to prove to myself if I am still blindly following fate… or have truly started to create my destiny…”

“But I already know the answer.”

“I do have to thank you Mr. Fanatic for answering the question I posted to you last time:”

“What do you want?”

“It seems the answer is unfortunately what I presumed it would be…”

“You don’t know.”

“I understand you believe that you and I never chose a path nor were we given an opportunity to choose. Except, my friend, you are wrong. The truth is we all chose our paths, even if we wish not to admit it. When I was younger like yourself, I thought the same way as you. Just go where life takes you without worrying about choices to make. Whatever happens as an end result was already pre-determined by fate and that we must accept what may come.”

“I figured out eventually that it was a lie. We don’t just choose our paths, consciously or subconsciously, we make them. To allow ourselves to be at the mercy of fate is foolhardy. The mere fact that you are underestimating your own abilities shows that maybe this path you are walking down now is unraveling you. Maybe it is what you want, to make the unknown known again. Or maybe it’s a path that will be your undoing. Of course whether or not I want to help you is irrelevant; you must follow this path to the end without fail.”

“The Tact Legacy is the path you chose and maybe you will get the answers you seek. Maybe you believe your brother is to help guide you on this path to enlightenment. I hope you find what you are looking for in the end… but it will not come at my expense. This new chapter yourself and your brother have decided to write may have me as the question. Unfortunately for you two gentlemen, if the Tact Legacy believes they have the answer to solve the mystery let alone the Mysterious Wanderer…”

Suicide stops himself and turns to look at the camera

“It may be an answer you find not to your liking. ‘Nuff said…”

And with that, Suicide continued on his path as the camera stayed and watched The Mysterious Wanderer walk off into the sunset. The camera then faded out…

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