Six degrees...


I stalk, because I care

Tommy Lee to Pam Anderson
Pam Anderson to David Hasselhoff
Hoff to Hulk Hogan (Guest Star on Baywatch)
Hogan to Kidman WCW


League Member
A slightly different route:

Tommy Lee to Kid Rock (both had their way with Pamela)
Kid Rock to Snoop Dogg (both have appeared at a Wrestlemania event)
Snoop Dogg to Maria Kanellis (she was his *****)
Maria to Torrie Wilson (they were both WWE divas)
Torrie Wilson to Billy Kidman (by marriage)

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Day before a holiday weekend in the financial industry is just a long way of saying "too much time to kill."


I spoil things.
Brolin to Bacon in Hollow Man.

Bacon to Tom Hanks in Apollo 13

Hanks did "The Terminal" which also had Zoe's not six but...

Bernie Mac to Al Bundy

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Al Bundy was played by Ed O'Neill
Ed O'Neill was in Little Giants with Rick Moranis
Rick Moranis was in Ghostbusters with Bill Murray
Bill Murray was in Scrooged with Karen Allen
Karen Allen was in The Perfect Storm with George Clooney
George Clooney was in Ocean's Eleven with Bernie Mac

Chad Merritt to Stephen Thomas


Barack Obama to Tommy Siegel.


Barack Obama ran against John Edwards in the 2008 primaries.
John Edwards had sex with Tom Siegel's mom.
Tom Siegel's mom had Tom Siegel.


Barack Obama appeared on Monday Night Raw on the show for the troops.
Triple H was on the same show.
I met Triple H at the Wrestlemania X-7 fan fest.
I beat Tom Siegel like a drum on e-fedding shows.


Barack Obama was a Senator in Illinois.
Chicago is in Illinois.
Chicago sang "You're My Inspiration"
Tom Siegel was Tiny Tim's inspiration.