The truth of the matter


Long Live THE KING
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"Above all else… your latest, proved, more than anything, that ignorance is bliss. And, that even people who study the bible, and Jesus' sayings, 'till they’re blue in the face, aren't exempt from it."

Sean "Triple X" Stevens sat on the hood of his rental, facing the camera, with a bright England sky as his backdrop. It was cold out… Sean was dressed in a thin hooded sweatshirt, and jeans. His hair was hanging gently down his back, covering his ears in an attempt to keep them warm. He glanced at the camera and continued.

"So, let me see if I got this straight, Deacon… because my name is Triple X, advice in the faith category shouldn't be taken seriously? I should just keep my mouth shut, right? Why? …is it because I don't walk around in a robe, speaking Jesus' name every fifth word? Or maybe it's because I don't beat religion into the heads of the entire CSWA roster, whether they want it, or not? Does that mean something's wrong with me? No… you dumb hypocrite, there's something wrong with you."

"You're the one walking around here with something to prove. There's not a scripture in the bible – and, do correct me if I'm wrong – that says a name, or better yet, a gimmick dictates how much, or the validity of what somebody knows. You're supposed to be the 'Hero'… the good guy. But, what you just preached to your legions of fans, whether you meant to or not, was, before you take a person's advice or help… look at their outside. That's stupid. You're stupid. And, if anybody actually listens to your diatribe, and follows your sermons, they're stupid."

Stevens shook his head, as the wind blew, causing the camera to shake a little. He paid it no mind, blew in his hands, before placing them in his pockets again.

"I could have someone's answer, but because I didn't name myself after a position in the church, you've led them to believe that what I have to say isn't important. If you wanna keep it real, let's keep it real, Deacon. People shouldn't listen to my faith talk because my nickname is Triple X. If they wanna find a real reason not to listen, it should be because I sometimes get angry and say the word 'f#ck'. Because, when I drop things by accident, sometimes I'll say the word 'sh#t', or 'damn'. Or because your arrogant attitude has me leaning toward calling you an asshole."

"I came at you humble… with respect… and, yet you blatantly twist my words, and try and make me look like something I'm not with your third grade- esque insults and 'Gregorian' wit. You like to pretend you're something in the eyes of the masses, but what it boils down to… is you're not. …you're fake. And, I'm tired of biting my tongue, or looking away when I see your faults. You're not perfect, and you're far from the best in the industry. I've faced the best… I've beat the best… and, rest assure, I'm gonna beat you in the center of the ring, because I'm better… because I can… and, because you've just proceeded to f#ck up the only you had, my kindness."

"I'll see you at Primetime, Deacon. Make sure you bring your 'faith' with you. I'd love to see the look on your face, when it fails you."

Stevens hopped off the hood, the wind became unbearable, his hair was blowing in front of his face, and the temperature, seemed to lower. Thing is, as pissed off as he was, he couldn’t feel it.

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