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JT Whiplash Spotting

- via "The Ring Post" columnist Jamie Brody

Sources report to me that, for the first time in over three months, the popular but troubled former REBEL Pro competitor "The Confederate Copperhead" J.T. Whiplash was spotted in the Raleigh-Durham metropolitan area, fresh out of a rumored 90-day substance abuse treatment center to reportedly break his well-publicized problems with various types of substance abuse. When asked whether this meant J.T. was on his way back to REBEL Pro, he stated that in the immediate future, he's more concerned about getting sober, but to never say never. Reports are that the REBEL Pro staff are more than interested in J.T. coming back given his ability to draw fans and money into the company, but they want to see if J.T. can stay sober before offering him any kind of deal. An anonymous source inside the company reported the following statement: "Given the fact that during J.T.'s first run, we drew some of our best houses in recent history and his immense popularity in the Southern United States, of course we'd be more than happy to have him back. The only thing is J.T. has been rather infamous over the past 20 years or so of letting his demons get the better of him and in that aspect, we can't have J.T. showing up under the influence at REBEL Pro events as this led to his departure in the first place. However, we have heard J.T. just got out of a rehab center and so far, things have been going well. But we want to wait and see how he does sobriety-wise before investing time and money into him again.". We here at "The Ring Post" hope for the best for "The Confederate Copperhead" and hope to see him in a wrestling ring again in the near future.

Link: http://www.rebel-pro.com/news/breaking-news-exclusive/





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