Submitting a Feature or Resource
Currently, features and "What Is FW?" columns can only be entered by those signed up as FW staff. If you have a feature or column you would like to submit on a biweekly or monthly basis, please private message "Chad" on FW Central or e-mail here.
Log into the Content Manager and select “Submit Feature Story” from the main menu.
Fill out the form using the following tips: a. “Subject”: This is the headline. Keep it brief or it will be cut automatically by the system. For example: Wrestler of the Month – October. b. “News Text”: Enter all the column or feature text here. c. “News Snippit”: Clip the top of your feature or enter a lead line here that will be displayed on the main page. Do not exceed the length of the four-line field. d. “Reporter’s Name”: Enter your name or the name of the character you would like displayed. e. “Feature Logo”: Choose your feature logo here. If you don’t yet have one assigned, choose the default, feature.jpg.