SuperPRIMETIME in Charleston
December 10, 1998

(As the scene opens we see a South Carolina court room. We see the 12 member jury sitting in the jury box. The defendant table has two highly recognizable CSWA members sitting at it. "The Hard One" Randy Harders sits by his famous counter part Mrs. Beyer. Both are dressed in formal wear. A lawyer sits next to them. Not much is in order leading many to believe that he is rather new at his chosen profession. As the camera moves over you can see the prosecutor's table. There sits Marcia Clark. Then the camera looks upon those in attendance. You can see a certain seating arrangement. Eli Flair is sitting on one side next to Poison Ivy. Flair seems to be otherwise preoccupied. Ivy looks aggrivated as usual and not to be conforming to the formal wear crowd. Mark Vizzack is relatively close by with Sushine. Sunshine is talking with Kelly at the present moment. Eddy Love is there combing his hair with Powers, Gina, Susan, and Radder. They all sit on the other side. The room seems to be split into three factions. The third faction consists of ES, the reason for the trial. Somewhere in the middle of it all are the figure heads of the CSWA. The scene cuts to Bill Buckley..)

Buckley:Hello, CSWA fans, my name is Bill Buckley, with a special edition of CSWA UPDATE!. We're in the courtroom of Judge Lance Ito, where the trial vs. Randy Harders, on charges of falsifying information, copyright infringement, and slander. The judge is about to enter.)

(A hush falls over the crowd as the Baliff comes out.)

Baliff: All rise!(Everyone stands and the judge starts to enter.) The honorable Judge ITO preciding.

Ito: You may sit.(The crowd sits as the judge does.) Ms. Prosecutor, you may begin your opening statements.

(Marcia Clark stands and faces the jury.)

Clark: It is very simple and I promise this will not take long. Mr. Harders has been charged with copyright infringement, falsifying information, and dismantling a Mr. Rap Man's reputation. We will back this up with powerful evidence. End of story. You will find Mr. Harders guilty, because I am Marcia Clark and I said so.

(Marcia sits down.)

Ito: Counselor, it's your turn.

(Harders' lawyer gets up, drops all his notes. he goes to pick them up and he smashes his head on the table. Harders has this disgusted look on his face. Mrs. Beyer turns to Harders.)

Mrs. Beyer: You god damned tight wad, just had to save money, didn't you?

Harders: I'm sorry hon.

(Harders' lawyer goes over to the jury.)

Lawyer: Well, umm...My case, our case....We have.... no we don't.....We have.... no we don't... (Under his breath) Damn.... this case is more screwed then that Del Payne chick.

(The camera looks at Sunshine, she really looks upset. She leaves the court room.)

Lawyer:Your honor, the case against my client, Randy Harders, is without merit. The members of this group, The Elimination Squad, are just angry that my client was completely better then they are.


Thank you.

(He returns to his seat, with a fuming Harders next to him.)

Harders:THAT was your defense? That's it, we've lost.

Ito:If there is nothing more from the *ahem* defense, I don't think we need to go any farther. This court finds in favor of --

(He gets cut off by the courtroom doors opening rather loudly. Standing there is Ms. Sunshine Del Payne, holding a large stack of papers. Next to her is none other then Hornet, in his best suit. He begins to walk to the defense table, a noticeable limp still in his step. Harders' lawyer stands to greet him.)

Hornet: Your services are no longer required.

Lawyer: But, what...

Hornet: No buts, just leave.

(Harders' lawyer leaves and Hornet takes over. He turns to the judge and takes the folder of papers from Sunshine.)

Hornet: Your honor, this folder contains a list of names and numbers of the people that participated in the survey.

(Marcia stands up.)

Clark: I object!

Ito: Overruled.

Clark: But your honor!

Ito: I said overruled! this is my court and I will rule it how I see fit.

(Marcia turns to Hornet.): I bet those are fake.

Hornet: Au contrair, try calling them yourself.

Clark: I do not have a phone.

(Poison Ivy stands up and has her cell phone in her hand.)

Ivy: Hey bitch...use my phone.(Tosses the phone to Marcia. She then proceeds to dial the first phone number.)

Clark: Hello, is Bill there?....Oh, you are Bill, well I have a question...Did you participate in a poll on who you favored in the Harders/Rap Man match?...(Marcia's face becomes glum.) Oh you did, you voted for Mrs.Beyer....No, that is all...Okay, good bye...(She hangs up and gives the phone back to Ivy.)

Ivy: Hell yeah, and go **** yourself!

Ito:Listen, Ms. Ivy... I've booked you for contempt of court, what, eight times now this year? Don't think I won't go for the lucky seven. Now, SIT.

Hornet: Now, that proves that Harders is innocent on the falsifying information charge. As for the copyright infringement charge, I saw no copyrights used. The first Amendment allows each and every one of us to voice our opinions. That is what Harders did. In the 1950's there were communist magazines published and sold on an open forum and the publishers were not charged with any crime. Why? Because of the First Amendment. There is no way Harders could be sued for voicing his opinion and the opinion of others. I rest my case.

(Judge turns to Marcia.)

Ito: And as for you Ms. Prosecutor?

Clark: Don't look at me, my case is shot to shit.

(Judge turns to jury.)

Ito: You may leave and deliberate and we will take a break.

Baliff: All rise.

(Judge leaves, then Baliff leads the jury out to the deliberation room. Harders converses with Hornet and everyone else begins to speak with each other. 5 minutes later the baliff comes back in leading the jury.)

Baliff: All rise for the honorable Judge Ito!

Ito: All may sit.

(Everyone sits. Judge Ito turns towards the jury.)

Have you come to a verdict?

(The head juror nods.)

Baliff, take the verdict and hand it to me.

(Baliff does as he is told. Judge reads the verdict and hands it back to the Baliff. The Baliff begins to read.)

Baliff: In the matter of the state of South Carolina vs. Randy Harders we the jury find the defendant...not guilty!

Ito: Case dismissed!(Slams the gavil down.)

Harders(To Hornet):Thanks. I appreciate the save.

Hornet:Far as I'm concerned, any friend of Sunshine is a friend of mine. My pleasure.

(Buckley is able to catch up with Harders as he leaves the courtroom.)

Buckley: Harders, you just won the case, what are you going to do now?

Harders: First I am going to kick rap Man's ass in the ring and out of the ring. Then I am going to find myself some stuff crust pizza. Damned things are hard to get a hold of and I'm hungry.

(The court room is cleared, all but the janitor cleaning up the mess.)


(Cut to:The arena in South Carolina. Backstage. A large man and a smaller woman are walking through a dimly lit hallway. A leaky pipe has dripped water all over the floor.)

MAN:Tonight, our final triumph begins. The escaped prey will not be able to run anymore.

WOMAN:Do not overplan. When last he was underestimated he took the better of you. Of both of us.

(They pass underneath a light, and the two are seen to be Dante Inferno, and Silky Rose.)

Rose:He told us he would meet us here. Where is he?

(A door opens... and in walks Billy Buckley, son of CSWA play-by-play man Bill Buckley)

Billy:Oh, I'm sorry. Wrong way.

Inferno:YOU! You have seen us! Come here.

(Billy backs up)

Billy:No.... no, I'm gonna just go back the other way.

(Billy tries to run, but Inferno grabs him and tosses him against the wall.)

Rose:You have upset the master.... You must die for your sin.

(Inferno begins to repeatedly smash the body of Billy Buckley into the wall.... Buckley is getting progressively less conscious... and his body is beginning to splinter and break..... Another voice, however, causes Inferno to stop and drop him.)

Inferno:You're late. I will not tolerate mistakes on my journey toward my final victory. Too much rides on this.

(Arthur Kellington walks toward them with a large bag.)

Arthur:Don't worry about it. I told you everything would be fine. This kid here (Motions to Buckley) was an added bonus. Wasn't it fun beating him up?

Inferno:I do not kill for sport. My desire is the HUNT. I will not waste my energy on the weak.

Arthur:Okay, whatever. Just remember what I got you out of Green Valley for. You do my job and you get your prey.

(He begins to walk away)

Rose:What of this one? (She motions to Buckley)

Arthur:Leave him alive. He'll be able to tell everyone what happened. Kinda like a calling card.

(Arthur leaves them with his bag. Rose digs through it, to find articles of clothing that look like they belong on the body of a professional wrestler.)

Inferno:Yes..... yes. We want our prey to be prepared for the fight... so he will give his best fight...

(He picks Buckley up, and sits him against the wall. Buckley's eyes are glazed over, but follow the face of Inferno)

Inferno:You..... You will tell Vizzack I'm coming, won't you?


BB(V/O):To be the CSWA World Champion is to be defined by a different standard then others. Some measure a champion by size.

(CUT TO:Screenshot of Kevin Powers, holding up the US Title belt after FFXII)

Some, through determination and skill.

(CUT TO:Hornet, becoming a 3-time UNIFIED Champion)

Others, with their gift, to enthrall.

(CUT TO:Eli Flair, locking the Total Elimination on The Eliminator.)

The current CSWA World Heavyweight Champion... is defined by Love. "Hurricane" Eddy Love, who has overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, to wear the gold. And today, he is the man who takes his skill into battle to defend that gold.

(SCREENSHOTS of Love, victorious over every opponent he faced in the World Tournament.)

But tonight, he faces no ordinary foe.

(CUT TO:Slow motion of Vizzack hitting the "Daredevil Flyer" on Steve Radder)

"The Daredevil" Mark Vizzack, has long been spoken of as the only man who has the ability to end "Hurricane Season" in the CSWA. Their last meeting ended inconclusively, and with more then one question unanswered.

(CUT TO:Footage from the Main Event at "Remembering Timmy")

Tonight, two men enter the ring, with the same purpose. Two men who have been called by some, to be the start of the next generation of wrestling SUPERstars. Two men, who have overcome countless odds to find themselves at the top of the wrestling world. Two men, whose destinies seem forever intertwined as the eternal struggle between two men who need to know... for their fans, for their families... for THEMSELVES, who the better man is. Two men, who will answer those questions tonight.

Ladies and gentlemen, we know not who will walk out of Charleston with the CSWA World title.

(CUT TO:Overlays of both men, leaving the ring victorious)

But whoever wins.... we will surely have a new definition.... of CHAMPION.

(FADEIN on 15,000 plus SCREAMING FANS, most with some form of Eddy Love's "I Break it You Bought It/ What's not to LOVE about Hurricane Eddy" shirt. Signs such as "We LOVE Eddy" are all over the arena.)

BB:HELLO, CHARLESTON!!!!! Welcome, CSWA fans, to CSWA SuperPRIMETIME!!! My name is Bill Buckley, and joining me tonight is, as always, Sammy Benson! Sammy, we've got perhaps the MATCH of the YEAR tonight, as "Daredevil" Mark Vizzack finally gets a shot at "Hurricane" Eddy Love, with the title on the line! What about it?

(SB is wearing what appears to be a new suit, and... is that a beer in his hand? He looks like he's been enjoying the deal he made with Merritt at "Remembering Timmy."

SB:What are you talking about, Buckley? This is gonna be NO CONTEST! Vizzack proved at Remembering Timmy that he can't handle Love. My man Eddy is NOT going to lose his belt!

BB:That remains to be seen! Right now, however, we've got a man named Blade in his debut match against Henderson Bramble! Sammy, this man has a lot of promise, he could be a contender.

SB:The only thing I care about tonight.... is that SAMMY HAS THE BEER! Who cares who wrestles Bramble? How much closer closer could you get to wrestling a cripple?

BB:........ Let's get to the ring for our first match.

BLADE vs. Henderson Bramble

BB:Blade entered the ring with his head down, hair-in-face. He looked as though he was from the same breed as Pat Black, maybe, or Mike Randalls in the 'old' days. Whatever the resemblance, he DEMOLISHED Bramble in what can only be called a blowout. From the opening bell, Blade inflicted nothing but punishment on the hapless jobber, finally ending it at the five minute mark with his finisher, the "Guillotine Blade." He then arrogantly stood on Bramble's chest for the easy 1-2-3.

After the match had ended, however, he simply stood in the middle of the ring for a minute or so. The lights dropped, and when they came back on he has simply disappeared.

SB:Tell me again what he's doing here? There aren't any vampires in the CSWA, are there?

BB:Watch your mouth, Sammy. BLADE looked impressive in his debut. He's sure to play a big role in the Battle Royal scheduled for SHOWTIME.

SB:Whatever, Buckley. My point is, WHEN does my man Eddy come out?

(Sammy takes a LONG swig of beer)

BB:Sammy.... exactly what did you and Merritt talk about the other night?

SB:Oh, a lot of things.... that Merritt better realize that I haven't forgotten about. Muhahahah.

BB:Sammy....never mind. Up next we've got a DOUBLE debut match, as "Spoiler" Jack Brody takes on "The Role Model" Marcus Johnson. Sammy, who do you like in this one?

SB:I like my man Eddy, but for this match.... Johnson is the perfect Role Model for the CSWA... I think he'll be the one to take it.

BB:Why is that?

SB:Because I'M the one holding the beer! Now sit down. You're blocking my view of this woman's HOOTERS.

"The Spoiler" Jack Brody vs. "The Role Model" Marcus Johnson

BB:These men went at it from the get-go. Brody started things off by keeping Johnson down on the mat with a reverse chinlock. Johnson refused to stay down, however, and powered out, taking Brody down with a side slam. From there, Johnson put on a display of wrestling to impress everyone in the crowd. He didn't let up on Brody for more then five seconds at any point in time. He finally ended the match after about five minutes with a running powerslam. Johnson looked incredibly impressive, and he could very quickly be a contender in the CSWA.

SB:What a role model! Everyone in the CSWA should be like him.

BB:Even Eddy Love?

SB:No, um..... No. Eddy is the Champ! He doesn't have to change for anyone. Now, Ivy the Feminazi, on the other hand, could use some manners.

BB:Be warned, Sammy.... She'll be out here later. Right now, we're going to my son, Billy, who has a special interview with the CSWA World Champion, "Hurricane" Eddy Love. Billy?

(CUT TO:Rudy Seitzer, in front of a closed door marked "HURRICANE" on the front.)

RS:Hello CSWA fans, my name is Rudy Seitzer. Bill, Sammy, Billy was scheduled to be here, he must have gotten hung up elsewhere. No matter, Mr. Love doesn't want to talk to anyone anyway.

BB:Interesting. Did he say?

RS:He doesn't want to "Excite the crowd too much before the match," as he says, but personally, I think he's just preoccupied with Mark Vizzack. Vizzack showed a LOT of potential in Philadelphia, and Eddy Love wants to leave no unanswered questions. Back to you at ringside.

SB:That's right, Rudy! Leave my man Eddy alone!

BB:Coming up next, folks, we've got yet ANOTHER debut match! This one will see Cool Moe D taking on TJ Knuckles. Sammy, please pay attention this time. Sammy?

(Sammy gets up, probably in search of more alcohol)

Cool Moe D vs. TJ Knuckles

BB:This match started off rather fast, but TJ Knuckles quickly got the upper hand. He had several near-falls, but refused to let Cool Moe D off the mat. He seemed more intent on trying to make Moe look bad then to actually finish the match... until the lights suddenly went out. When they came back on, Knuckles was laid out on the mat, and in the corner sitting on the top turn-buckle was Blade! He had Knuckles' manager Parker by the hair, preventing him from interfering. Cool Moe D got up and put Knuckles in the "Blockbuster."

Before he could go for the cover, however, Blade chokeslammed Parker, and walked over to Cool Moe D, apparently saying something. We couldn't make it out, but after a minute or so, they shook hands, only for Blade to clock him with a right hook and drop him with the "Guillotine Blade!" Blade left the ring with his arms raised, and referee Patrick Young had no choice but to declare this matchup a no contest.

(Sammy returns just as the match ends)

BB:Sammy, when are you going to stop drinking? You missed a GREAT matchup!

SB:Did my man Eddy come out and beat That Worm, Mark Vizzack yet?

BB:No, not yet.

SB:Then what's to think about, huh? What's next?

BB:Guerilla Warfare and Mr. X.

SB:Oh, great. Time for a nap.

BB:Why me?

Guerilla Warfare vs. Mr. X

BB:Guerilla Warfare came to the ring surrounded by his 'platoon,' and dressed in combat fatigues. If he was concerned about Mr. Y on the outside, he overcompensated. Throughout the match, whenever Mr. Y would look as though he was setting up a sneak attack, the 'platoon' would keep him in check.

As far as the match itself, the larger Guerilla Warfare had the majority of control with power moves and simply keeping Mr. X on the mat. However, Mr. X was able to keep the match more or less even through his quickness and attempts at keeping Guerilla off balance. The match finally ended at about the 15 minute mark, as Mr. X mistimed a clothesline, and Guerilla was able to take him down with a single-arm DDT for the pinfall.

BB:Impressive effort by both men, Sammy. Even YOU have to give credit to these men.

SB:Yeah, yeah... They were okay, but they aren't--

BB:Let me guess... They're no Eddy Love.


BB:Coming up next, we've got the end of the second round of Greensboro World Cup matches! Sammy, we've already seen some trends in this one, as Nemesis and Apocalypse are both 2-0 in their divisions, it looks like we've already got a Round 2 matchup there, but the second Semifinal match isn't all that clear.

Bracket Three looks as if it's gonna come down to Rap Man and Eli Flair. Bracket Four.... everyone is currently tied at one draw apiece, and one point. What about it, Sammy?

SB:I think Eli Flair could take the bracket easily. He's already manhandled his opponent tonight once before, and I don't think Rap Man can handle his aggressive style. But you know, I think the feminazi will find a way to screw things up for Flair like she always does.

BB:Sammy! A lot of people say that Flair wouldn't have returned to wrestling after the death of his wife if Poison Ivy hadn't convinced him not to give up!

SB:Who cares? Poison Ivy only has one major flaw... She doesn't sit still and let people leer at her. If she did that I'd have no problem with her. And she better not corrupt Del Payne. I couldn't deal with two of 'em.

BB:In any case, let's head to the ring for some more Greensboro World Cup matches.

Greensboro World Cup
Bracket C

The Rap Man vs. The Crippler

BB:Rap Man, fresh off a disputed loss to Randy Harders, looked to clear the air tonight and return to his winning ways. And how did he! He kept Crippler off balance from the get-go, using his martial arts skills to keep Crippler off balance. He finally ended it at the ten-minute mark with a DEVASTATING thrust-kick. Moving into the lead 2-0 with six points, Rap Man looks ready to take his first taste of a championship with the Greensboro Title.

SB:So he's in the lead. So what? Rap Man needs to concentrate less on rapping and more on wrestling. Did you hear his music?

BB:Sammy, he DID say he got a record deal.

SB:C'mon, Buckley, you know how intelligent the average american is.... Anyone can get a record deal. Hell, if the song is in english, it's a gold record at least.

BB:Be that as it may, it should be a testimony to his talent if he's gotten signed, wouldn't you say? Never mind, don't answer that. Up next, we've got the other half of Bracket C, as "Total Elimination" Eli Flair takes on "Godfather" Vito Corleone. I think I've got to go with Flair on this one.

"Total Elimination" Eli Flair vs. "Godfather" Vito Corleone

BB:This one was never in question. Eli Flair was all over Corleone from the get-go. He was more intent on wrestling a technically clean match this time out, mainly because his body was still covered with bandages and medical tape from the Kevin Powers match at Remembering Timmy. Flair ended this one mercifully in under five minutes, locking Corleone in the "Total Elimination," only for him to almost immediately submit. After the match, Poison Ivy got on the microphone and told Rap Man to bring several tourniquets to their match, as there would be a lot of internal bleeding. This prompted Rap Man to emerge from the curtain, and nearly giving us a Bracket C decision right there! Rap Master and Hot Scott held him back, however, as he still had one match to go tonight.

SB:Whew! THAT one was never in question. I said about two months ago that Flair might have a little too much focus for his own good, but I might have bee nwrong. He's ready to take this whole thing!

BB:Actually, Sammy. I'm the one who said that. But you;re right, it's that focus that has Flair one match away from the second round. Speaking of which, we've received word that Page Michaels has not shown up to the building tonight! "Hot Stuff" Aaron Douglas is already in the ring, and Ben Worthington has started a count!

(Worthington counts to ten, and awards the match to Aaron Douglas. Douglas takes a microphone)

AD:This is PATHETIC! I came to the CSWA looking for some sort of challenge, yet so far in this Greensboro thing I've had one match cancelled due to a bad case of death, and another where my opponent is too afraid of me to even show up! Enforcer, whatever you do before the next round of this tournament, PLEASE surprise me by actually showing up!

(Douglas leaves the ring)

BB:Well, some harsh words by Aaron Douglas, but Sammy, I can't say I blame him. The last time he had a match that wasn't marred by something foolish or childish was his match with Mark Vizzack back in July!

SB:Nope! That one was interrupted by Miss Happy giving Douglas a smack to the face! I think he was robbed, I think he couldn've won the belt.

BB:Instead of Eddy?

SB:Wha? No, No of course not! What are you talking about?

BB:Never mind, Sammy. Up next, we;ve got Rap Man in his second match of the night, taking on "The Hard One" Randy Harders in a return match from Remembering Timmy.

SB:Rap Man could take this Greensboro thing all the way to the title.... but Harders has one thing that Rap Man will never have!

BB:What's that?

SB:Mrs. Beyer! LOOOOVE them hooters!

"The Hard One" Randy Harders vs. The Rap Man

BB:Not to cut off my tasteful, tactful co-host, but both combatants arein the ring and we're ready to start this one off! Collar-and-elbow tie up, Harders SHOVES Rap Man back! He's unquestionably the stronger of the two!

SB:Don't forget about Rap Man's speed. He's got 74 black belts, remember?

BB:That's 17, Sammy. Rap Man back to his feet, and a quick go-behind by Rap Man! Waistlock takedown! Sammy, Rap Man has an early advantage in this one! He's going to have to use his speed to counteract Harders' power!

SB:He's got himself a side headlock now. Boooooring....

BB:Sammy! He does indeed have that side headlock in there, WAIT! Harders picks him up! Side suplex! Rap Man lets go of the hold! Wait a second, what's this about?

SB:It looks to be the rest of ES, Buckley. Open your eyes.

BB:Yes, the rest of the Elimination Squad is indeed making its way to the ring, though they aren't getting involved. Harders picks up Rap Man, BODYSLAM! The cover, 1.............2.........No! Rap Man not out of it yet. Harders sends him into the ropes.... reversal.... THRUST KICK sends Harders to the mat! He gets up, HIP TOSS! Rap Man is looking MUCH more prepared this time! Harders gets up... Football Tackle! NO! Rap Man shifted his body and Harders hits the turnbuckle! Rap Man in there.... BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX! The cover, 1............2.............NO! Harders BARELY got the shoulder up, and he rolls outside to get some tips from Mrs. Beyer.

SB:Don't mince words, Buckley, he's trying to get some 'sugar.'

BB:As Sammy so 'eloquently' put it, Harders is having a conference, it would seem, with Mrs. Beyer on the outside. Rap Man calls for him to come back to the match, Be Worthington continues to count, and the rest of ES looks like it's moving in on Harders!


BB:Enforcer steps up to Harders and gives him a hard smack! HARDERS FIRES BACK! WE'VE GOT A FIGHT ON THE OUTSIDE! Harders trying to keep pace but three on one is too much for him! ES tosses him back into the ring for Rap Man to make the cover! 1...............NO! Not even a 2 count!

SB:Now he's mad! Here comes the foaming at the mouth again!

BB:Harders back to his feet, DROPKICK by Rap Man! Another cover, 1.........2...........NO! No! Harders refuses to go down in this one!

SB:Hot Scott looks to be getting a bit frustrated himself... did he just slip something to Rap Man?

BB:I believe he may have! Look at Rap Man's fist! He's got SOMETHING in there! Hot Scott distracts Worthington, FIST BETWEEN THE EYES OF RANDY HARDERS! Sammy, he may be out!

SB:It's okay, if Mrs. Beyer gets lonely she can always sit on Sammy's lap!

BB:Stop it, Sammy! This is a travesty! Rap Man with the cover, 1...........2............3!NO! NO! Harders draped his leg across the bottom rope! He's not out of it yet, and Rap Man can't believe it! Uh-oh... Look who it is!

SB:NO! NO! I dealt with her once tonight being at ringside, uckley! Make her go away!

BB:Fans, if you didn't pick it up from Sammy's comments, Eli Flair and Poison Ivy are heading to the ring, and they do NOT look happy!

SB:Would you be happy if your mood was permanently set on "Bitch?" Or if your manager's mood was permanently set on "Bitch?" No, of course not.

BB:Fans, Poison Ivy has, for the second event in a row, gotten in the face of Hot Scott! Sammy, I believe she's telling him to leave the ringside area! DID YOU SEE THAT???

SB:Feminazi strikes again!

BB:Fans, without FLINCHING, Poison Ivy reached up and hooked Rap Man's leg as he came off the ropes! Be Worthington is telling EVERYONE at ringside to leave the area! Behind him, Harders has come back to life!

SB:Trading punches with Randy Harders may be hazardous to Rap Man's health... he needs a new plan.

BB:And he finds one! A kick to the stomach, and an irish whip.... reversal! Rap Man comes off the other side with a dropkick.. NO! Harders side steps, and Rap Man hits nothing but air! Harders gets him up... THERE IT IS!!!! HARDERS HAS RAP MAN IN THE WHIRLWIND!!!!!!

SB:But is it the second time or third time?

BB:Regardless, Rap Man is up... He's not giving it, but how can he when Worthington is preoccupied with the fighting on the outside! BEN! Pay attention to the match! NO! Here comes Enforcer from behind! HE CLIPPED HARDERS' KNEE! ELI FLAIR GETS IN THERE! Fans, we've got a four-man free for all as Rap Man and Enforcer are trading blows with Eli Flair and Randy Harders! HERE COMES ELIMINATOR AND MYSTERIOUS! Harders and Flair know better then to tempt fate, and they leave the ring! Listen to these fans, Sammy!

SB:They LOVE Harders and Flair, AND Mrs. Beyer!


SB:Okay, they're cheering for Ivy, too. How about it, Jonesey? What's the call?

RJ:Ladies and gentlemen, this matchup has been declared a DOUBLE DISQUALIFICATION!

BB:Well, the second meeting between Harders and Rap Man also ends inconclusively. These two, Sammy ,aren't done with each other by a LONG shot!

SB:No, I can't say they are. To make no reference to Flair and his standing with ES, as well.

BB:Incredible. We'll be right back.

(Cut to commercial for ELVIS LIVES Celebration XI)

BB:We're back, and we've got a very special matchup right now. We're going to see "Arrogance" Joey Melton" take on "The Iceman" Steve Radder, in a very heated match. Radder, as you may recall, cost Joey Melton the chance to once again wear the CSWA World Title, disguised as "Masked Eddy Love." Radder was then unmasked in Philadelphia by Mark Vizzack. Well, no more talking. Let's get to ringside.

RJ:This contest is scheduled for one fall!

(Cue up:Jesus Christ Superstar)

Coming down the aisle, with his manager, Teri Melton, from Greensboro North Carolina, "Arrogance, JOEY MELTON!!!

(Joey and Teri Melton head to the ring, looking as good as they ever have, maybe a fair bit better. Melton looks ready to take Radder to the limits and back. He is wearing one of his many robes.)

BB:Sammy, this one is personal. It's gonna be rough.

SB:I'm completely torn, Bill..... Joey has been my man for years, but Steve Radder is on my buddy Eddy Love's side. I've got to stay loyal, Buckley... I hope my man Joey's still got it.


(Cue up:"Bulls On Parade" - Rage Against The Machine)

Accompanied by his manager, Kelly.... from Toronto, Canada, "The Iceman" STEVE RADDER!!!!

(Radder emerges from the curtain with Kelly on his arm. He's got dark blue tights with "The Coolest of the Cool" emblazoned on the side, dark glasses, and a black jacket. Kelly is in a nice dress, also dark blue.)

BB: Radder storms the ring and attacks Melton before he can take off his rope!! Hey, he just threw Teri Melton over the top rope!!

SB: Oh, the humanity!!

BB: Radder goes to work on Melton in the corner...There's a chop to the head! And now a series of

Heart kicks!!!

SB: Get out of there Joey!!

BB: Radder whips Melton into the turnbuckle, and follows him in with a elbow!!! My, gosh he was up so high he almost missed that one!! A Body slam!! And he's going up top!!

SB: I can't watch!

BB: He's off the top with a Elbow drop!! quick cover, One..Two....Two and a half, Melton is up! Melton is

tossed to the outside! Radder quickly follows!

BB: Radder sends Melton into the steel railing! WHAT IMPACT!! He grabs Melton and he sends him down to the other end, and Melton's back hits hard against the railing...and Joey flips over into some fans lap!!!

Radder with a suplex onto the floor!!!

SB: Melton is hurt bad!

BB: Indeed he is, this new generation has taken over! Radder, on the top rope! He's gonna moonsault to the outside!!! My gosh, Melton moved out of the way, and Radder landed on the railing! Joey slams him

onto the floor! He's choking Radder with the tv cable!

SB: Take him to school, champ!

BB: Melton slings Radder over to Teri Melton, who does a back drop!! Melton runs at Teri, and she

backdrops Joey onto Radder!!! WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!

SB: I love it!! THAT is where Melons belongs! Not over here with us!

BB: Joey rolls Radder back into the ring, and he's got him in a Abdominal stretch!!

SB: This match is physical...what's happening in the CSWA!!

BB: Wait a minute, Radder breaks the hold and flips Melton over! Radder with rake of the eyes!! And now

up against the corner, a chop....but Melton moves Radder into the corner, he hits with a series of vicious chops!! Melton shoots Radder into the turnbuckle, and Radder FLIES OFF WITH A CLOTHESLINE!! What a move! 1........2..........NO!!!! Almost three!!! He's going up top for a reverse Moonsault....There it is, but Melton gets a foot up, and hammers Radder in the mouth!

SB: Yes!!

BB: Melton with a slingshot suplex..! One..and that's all! Melton with a SLEEPER HOLD!! We've got about two minutes in TV time left!!

SB: Take him, champ...

BB: In a desperation move, Radder rams Melton into the corner!! And an elbow to the jaw! He's climbing

the ropes, and there's a STANDNG FRANK'N'STEINER if you will...1.........2........No!!

BB: Radder up top, with a REVERSE MOONSAULT!! He hit it that time!! But, he's not covering Melton, he's yelling something at Teri! Look out!!! Melton just clipped the Knee!!

SB: Take him to town, finish him off!

BB:Radder's not out of it yet, as he kicks off Melton's attempt to lock on the Figure Four! Radder's up... Melton off the ropes, DROPKICK by Steve Radder! He sets Melton up, ABSOLUTE ZER0!!!! The cover,

WHERE IS Worthington? Don't pay any attention to Teri, get back to the match!

SB:Too late, here comes the cavalry!

BB:PEYTON WRIGHT! PEYTON WRIGHT! He kicks Radder in the head and reverses the pin! What in the world is going on?

SB:HAHA! Gotta LOVE that Corporate style! Wait.. WHAT IS BILLY STARR DOING HERE???

BB:Billy Starr is in the ring! Billy Starr is in the ring! He picks Melton up, DDT! He helps Radder to his feet... Is he with PLR? They share a few words..... KICK TO THE STOMACH! Powerbomb! Starr leaves the ring, tossing a dirty look at Teri Melton as he goes by!

SB:What happens now?

BB:Worthington has turned around, and sees both men down! He begins the count, 1...........2.............3...... 4...............5..............

SB:After THIS match, it ends in a double countout? What a gyp!

BB:WAIT! We're getting signs of life from Radder! Worthington up to eight... RADDER LAYS HIS ARM ACROSS MELTON'S CHEST! 1.........2..............3!!! He got him! Radder wins!

SB:Uhm......Um..... He's one of my boy Eddy Love's friends, of course he got the win!

BB:Always have to have the last word, eh, Sammy?

SB:That's not fair. Do you realize what a victory, a CLEAN victory over Melton will do for Radder's career? Look for him to be in title contention in less then a month. GUARANTEED.

BB:Folks, tonight has been simply incredible. Another round of Greensboro Matches, a STUNNING upset by Steve Radder over Joey Melton... but I wonder, who was truly the underdog? I made reference to the new blood taking over the CSWA, maybe Joey's time truly has passed?

SB:Bill Buckley, ladies and gentlemen, the poster boy for mindless rambling.

BB:Enough, Sammy. Up next, speaking of the new blood, we're going to see The Deacon make his return to the ring, taking on Pat Black.

SB:I don't; understand The Deacon, even more then usual this time.

BB:How so?

SB:Think about it, Buckley. Deacon leaves the CSWA after losing matches he should've won. He comes back VERY abruptly at RememberingTimmy, only to challenge the LEADER of The Black Army? What's he thinking?

BB:I think, Sammy ,that Deacon realizes that THIS is what he was called back to the CSWA to do... to deal with Black's Army. Without further adieu, here comes Pat Black!

(Black begins to walk the aisle, no music, no fanfare, no lights. All he has is Lady Death flanking him on the left, and Apocalypse on the right. They enter the ring, and stare at the curtain, awaiting Black's enemy.)

BB:Here we go, here's what Charlston has been waiting for.



(The lights go out and the crowd responds as the Gregorian chant begins to filter through the air. From behind the curtain, Shepherd walks. He holds the curtain, and the mammoth Deacon steps out in his monk attire. A gold spotlight lights there way as lighting cels dash around the stadium with crosses, and fish, and other such Christian symbols light the otherwise darkened arena. Deacon and Shepherd make a slow entrance, making their opponent wait it out. He slowly ascends the stairs followed by Shepherd and then Deacon steps over the top rope. His head has hung low and now he begins to look up somewhat. He crosses himself and then violently thrusts his arms out with explosive force. In response, sparks fly from the ringposts and shower up into the night sky. Deacon's hood, thrown off by the 'cross movement' lies on his back. His eyes meet his opponent, but Apocalypse merely stares back with just as much force and determination. Deacon takes the robe off and the bell rings to start the match.)

SB:The Mute Freak is here.... whoopdeedo.

BB:Stop it, Sammy. These two men lock up, and it's Deacon who gets shoved backward! Only a step though, as he goes right back to it! Black fires a punch, and Deacon fires back! We've got a slugfest in the middle of the ring!

SB:Deacon shouldn't even be here! Eddy Love banned him from the ring!

BB:Deacon sends Black into the ropes! Black off the other side... CLOTHESLINE BY DEACON! Black is down! What's Shepherd doing?

SB:Looks like he's praying or something.... Hey! Disqualify him!

BB:Shepherd is laying his hands on Pat Black, but he's not attacking him! It's almost like the "Laying on of hands" in the Bible. Shepherd is getting inside Black's head, as Black gets up VERY abruptly. He gets halfways across the ring from Shepherd, and locks up with Deacon once again.


BB:Black hits Deacon with a knee to the midsection, and a reverse atomic drop! Now, he sends Deacon face first into the turnbuckle! And again! Black whips Deacon across the ring... REVERSAL! Black goes face first into the turnbuckle, and Deacon follows up with a splash! Black to the outside! Sammy, he's in trouble!

SB:If you wanna see trouble, you better wait for Eddy Love to tell Deacon to get out of the CSWA again!

BB:Deacon grabs Black by the HAIR this time and pulls him back into the ring! Sammy, is it me or does Pat Black seem out of it tonight?

SB:He doesn't look like he's quite into the match right now. Apocalypse pulls him aside and whispers something in his ear. Allright! Let's see Lady Death get in there and get The Mute Freak to question his vows!

BB:Sammy! Fans, I apologize for Sammy Benson's actions tonight. If anyone would like to complain, his personal number is---

SB:OKAY! We can stop that now.

BB:Black gets back into the ring... He refuses to lock up with Deacon! More mind games, Sammy.

SB:But if it works, who can question it?

BB:In this case, you're right. They finally lock up, THUMB TO THE EYE! Deacon is stunned! Irish whip... APOCALYPSE CATCHES DEACON IN THE BACK WITH A CHAIR! Deacon goes down hard!

SB:Gotta love that strategy.... If there's no weakness, make your own!

BB:And that he did! Black now dropping elbow after elbow on the weakened back of The Deacon! Now he locks in a Camel Clutch! Sammy, Deacon has nowhere to go!

SB:HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love it! Eddy, if you're watching, come one out here and enjoy the fun!

BB:Deacon can't get out of the camel clutch, but he's not giving in!

(From the dressing room area, Eddy Love comes to ringside and sits down next to Sammy.)

EL:Evening, Sammy. Nice to see the Freakin' Deacon almost out of the CSWA for the second time. Next time he'll listen to the champ and save himself the beat down.

BB:Excuse me, Mr. Love, but we do have a match still going on, and Deacon hasn't tapped out!

SB:It's just a matter of time. Hey, Young! Stop trying to get some from Lady Death and pay attention to Deacon's tap out!

BB:Indeed, Lady Death IS distracting the official, and, OH MY! Apocalypse just gave Deacon a HARD shot to the mouth! What is this?

SB:Hey... HEY! Get that feminazi outta here! I already dealt with her TWICE tonight!

BB:Yes, fans, Poison Ivy is coming down to the ringside area... but for what?

EL:Least we know she's not here for the Mute Freak, they didn't like each other all that much.

BB:Are you sure? She's telling Lady Death to get back to her corner and stay there, using language that we can't use here.

SB:Stupid feminazi.... Young, pay attention to the match!

EL:She better not be.... what a fool.

BB:Young returns his attention to the match... OH MY GOD! Poison Ivy just DECKED Lady Death with that Singapore Cane! She's out cold, and here comes Apocalypse! PAtrick Young trying to break this up!

SB:He should be paying attention to the match, not worrying about some feminazi!

BB:He's gotten in between Apocalypse and Poison Ivy... HER ECOMES ELI FLAIR! Flair hits the ring and DROPS AN ELBOW ON PAT BLACK! He lets Deacon go! Now it's Apocalypse and Pat Black in the ring, facing up against Eli Flair and The Deacon, who is still down!

SB:How can these two be fighting on the same side?

EL:Doesn't matter. NOBODY crosses Eddy Love.

BB:Eddy Love has left the table and has hit the ring! He and Pat Black are double teaming Eli Flair, and Apocalypse is working over Deacon! HERE COMES MARK VIZZACK! HERE COMES MARK VIZZACK!

SB:What's the worm doing here?

BB:He's following Love! Vizzack hits the ring and IMMEDIATELY goes after Eddy Love! Pat Black sends Falir off the ropes.... IMPACT DDT BY FLAIR! Black goes down! Deacon has Apocalypse up.... SUPLEX! NO! NO! Deacon dropped Apocalypse on his HEAD like a Tombstone Piledriver! Apocalypse may be out!

SB:EDDY!!! You're alone in there!

BB:Too late! Vizzack whips Eddy Love into the ropes.. EDDY TO THE OUTSIDE! He gets outta there! And Vizzack takes a microphone!

VIZZACK:EDDY! You got outta here this time..... You're gonna leave the ring after our match about twenty pounds lighter! I won't need fifteen minutes to finish you off!

BB:A kind of mixed fan reaction to that. Eddy Love is in his homestate, he's got the advantage.

SB:But look in the ring! Eli Flair and Deacon have actually shaken hands! What is going on in the CSWA?

BB:I don't know, Sammy. Officially this match is declared a no contest! We'll be right back!

(CUT TO:Commercial for the new Hornet "Legend Killa KILLER" shirt)

BB:Fans, it has come down to this. Fifteen minutes for the future of a federation. Will Mark Vizzack be able to end Hurricane Season, or will Eddy Love end Vizzack's hopes for a major World Title?

SB:Buckley, wind it up. My man Eddy has a World Title reign to continue on.

BB:Let's go to Rhubarb Jones.

RJ:This contest is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time limit, and it is for, the CSWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!!

(HUGE FAN POP as "All You Need is Love" by The Beatles comes through the sound system)

Introducing first, coming to the ring with his manager, Sweet Melissa... from the Great State of South Carolina, the CSWA World Heavyweight Champion, "HURRICANE" EDDY LOVE!!!!!

(The fans are ALL on their feet as the CSWA World Champion comes home! Eddy smacks hands with just about EVERYONE on his way to the ring, and for the first time since coming to the CSWA, is playing to the crowd and getting a standing ovation for his efforts.)


(Cue up:"Don't Tell Me (What Love can Do)" - Van Halen)

Coming down the aisle with his manager, Sunshine Del Payne.... from Baltimore, Maryland, "Daredevil" MARK VIZZACK!!!!!

(Mark and Sunshine emerge from the curtain, to not QUITE so thunderous a cheer from the crowd. Still there are plenty of fans in the ring area who are eager to smack hands with this CSWA favorite. He hits the ring, and after giving Sunshine a small hug, takes his jacket off and gets ready to wrestle.)

BB:It's very odd for me to hear a crowd that quiet for Mark Vizzack. Yes, he'll always have his fans, but this really is Hurricane Country.

SB:NO way will Eddy lose his title at home. NO WAY.

BB:We've got fifteen minutes on the clock, and there's the bell! Sammy, I have to think that Eddy will be playing it slow here. He's got everything to lose, but the title IS his to lose!

SB:That's right, I've gotta agree. Eddy only loses the belt if Vizzack pins him or makes him submit. If he pulls the full fifteen, Love keeps the belt!

BB:They circle each other, Love goes to lock up but he pulls away! Come on, ref! Make him wrestle the match!

SB:What's your problem, Buckley? Can't you see the man is fixing his kneepads?

BB:And taking his sweet time at it, if I do say so myself. WAIT! Vizzack off the ropes... DROPKICK sends Eddy Love to the mat! And another puts him back!

SB:That's not fair! He wasn't ready!

BB:He was plenty ready enough! Eddy Love to the outside... WHAT is Sunshine doing? She's handing Vizzack a chair!

SB:Uh-oh, she wants Vizzack to put her lights out!



BB:Referee Ben Worthington telling them to get back in the ring... Vizzack sends Love in... he follows, NO! Eddy Love to his feet and he's STOMPING AWAY on Vizzack!

SB:Good strategy. Let the worm think you're out, and you get him to lower his defenses! Bodyslam by my man! YES!

BB:Eddy Love looks to be in complete control here as he sends Vizzack to the man again with a vertical suplex! The cover, 1............2.............NO! Vizzack is NOT going to go down that easy.

RJ:Ten minutes! Ten minutes remain in this matchup!

BB:Sammy, if Vizzack hopes to win this match, he's got to work fast!

SB:He should just give up now. Eddy is the man. Let Eddy keep the belt.

BB:Love now grinding away with a side headlock.... Vizzack pushes him into the ropes... reversal... SUNSET FLIP by Vizzack! 1.............2.........NO! Love isn't going to go down that easy either! Vizzack picks him up.. LOW BLOW by Love! Vizzack hits the mat!

SB:There's my girl Sweet Melissa... she's going home with the Champ, baby, yeah!

BB:Love picks Vizzack up... SLEEPER! He's got the height advantage in this one, there's nowhere for Vizzack to go! He's fading, Sammy! It could end right here!

SB:I hope so, Eddy could get hurt in there!

BB:Vizzack trying to reach the ropes... Love pulls him away! Vizzack reaches his arm around Eddy's neck... WHAT IS HE DOING?? Vizzack PULLS Eddy to the corner, CLIMBS THE TURNBUCKLE using the sleeper as support, and FLIPS HIMSELF over Love, and now he's got his neck hooked for a ninverse DDT! HE HITS IT! And both men go down! Worthington starts the count!


BB:Neither men have gotten to their feet, although we DO see some signs of life from Eddy Love. He turns himself over and begins to crawl toward Vizzack.... He lays his arm across his chest! 1...............2.............NO! NO! Vizzack got the right shoulder up! Love is getting frustrated now!


SB:HOW did Vizzack manage to kick out of THAT? Finish it, Eddy, FINISH IT HERE!

BB:I think he heard you, Sammy, because he picks Vizzack up.... setup... HURRICANE PILEDRIVER! Love hit the Hurricane Piledriver! The cover, 1..............2..............3!!!NO!NO!NO! HOW IN THE WORLD DID VIZZACK KICK OUT????? NOW Eddy Love is getting frustrated!

SB:He kicked out of the Hurricane?? ?? ?? ?? What is he ON?

BB:I don't know, Sammy, but Love picks Vizzack up... My god, Sammy, these men can BARELY stand! Love sends Vizzack into the corner.... WHIPS HIM ACROSS THE RING! NO! NO! REVERSAL! Worthington got in the way! We've got a downed referee! Vizzack doesn't care, he gets a running start, VIZZ SPLASH! Love is down, but so is the ref!

SB:You know Eddy, though... Always the one with a backup plan!

BB:HERE COMES KEVIN POWERS!!!!! Powers comes up behind Vizzack... KISS THE CANVAS! Vizzack is out! And Powers drapes Love over Vizzack and tries to rouse the referee!

SB:YES! Worthington is moving! We can end this matchup right now!

BB:NO! Here comes Eli Flair and that Singapore Cane! He lays into Eddy Love and flips the pin back over! STAREDOWN between Powers and Flair! THEY GO AT IT! THEY GO AT IT! Flair sends Powers to the outside and quickly follows him! And Worthington continues to stir!

SB:NO! NO! Not fair! NOT FAIR!

BB:The count, 1...........2...........3!NO! Eddy JUST got the shoulder up!

RJ:Ninety Seconds remaining!

BB:This is it, Sammy. This is where everything is decided.

SB:EDDY! Finish this!

BB:Eddy Love gets to his feet, picks Vizzack up... Fist to the jaw... Atomic drop! The cover, 1......2..........3! NO! Vizzack looks like he's got NOTHING left!

SB:What's Love doing? WHY IS HE DOING IT?

BB:Love whips Vizzack into the ropes.... this could be a bad decision on Love's part!

RJ:Thrity Seconds remain!

SB:NO! Don't whip Vizzack into the ropes!

BB:Vizzack off the other side, duck down! Love bends over for a backdrop, but Vizzack catches himself! Boot to the face! Now a fist to the midsection! Off the other side, DAREDEVIL FLYER! Love hits the canvas!





BB:Powers is on the outside, he can't believe it! Flair is ecstatic! He grabs the belt from the timekeeper's table and hits the ring! Wait.... what is Worthington doing?


RJ:This matchup has gone the full fifteen minutes, and is declared a draw! THEREFORE, the CSWA World Heavyweight Champion remains "Hurricane" Eddy Love!

SB:YES! Justice is served!

BB:I can't believe it! Let's look at the replay!

(The following is seen on the replay, happening simultaneously:

COUNT: 1............2................3

TIME LIMIT:2.................1...........<BELL RINGS>)

BB:Sammy, I'm not sure that Vizzack didn't just become the CSWA Champion.

SB:I don't care, the official decision stands!

BB:This is true, and the belt remains with Love, but Sammy, I don't think these two men have had their last meeting.

SB:Who cares? Eddy has the belt, and he's OUTTA THERE. Flair, Sunshine, and Vizzack need to get outta there, too.

BB:Yes, Kevin Powers has helped the Champ back to the dressing room, and Mark Vizzack is not yet completely recovered.... Eli Flair and Ms. Del Payne are both kneeling beside him, and he sits up! This may be Hurricane Country, but the fans here give Mark a standing ovation for his efforts here today!

SB:Effort, but no belt!

BB:Fans, this has truly been a night to remember. We'll see you at SHOWTIME!

(The camera zooms in on Mark Vizzack and Sunshine in the middle of the ring, then it pans the crowd. Everyone is on their feet cheering Vizzack's effort, until..... )

BB(Sounds of hastily putting his microphone back on):Fans, welcome back. What you just saw was not planned, but a fan has just been SHOVED from the upper tier to the floor! And someone appears to be walking toward the ring from the crowd!

(Cut to:The crowd. There is a man, dressed completely in black, with a shaved head, goatee, and LOTS of tattoos walking toward the ring. With him is a woman with blue hair, and what appears to be a leather bikini and thigh-high boots. They begin to walk toward the ring.)

SB:I think I'm in love, Buckley...

BB:Look at Vizzack! He looks like he's seen a ghost! And Sunshine looks even worse!

SB:You can tell?

BB:These two have hit the ringside area.... this man is SHOVING security aside! Sunshine looks like she's starting to cry! What is going ON here?

SB:Someone don't like the worm very much!

BB:Sammy, this isn;t funny... OH MY GOD! This man has entered the ring... he's got to be at least seven feet tall! Sunshine is CRYING! She's keeping Vizzack and Flair directly between herself and these two!

SB:Something's odd, Buckley.

BB:Vizzack whispers something to Flair... who looks ready for a fight!

SB:Good call, sparky. What tipped you off?

BB:They both rush this man at once! HE'S GOT THEM BY THE THROAT! DOUBLE CHOKESLAM! Now he goes for Sunshine!

SB:Oh my god... what are they doing?

BB:This man has grabbed Sunshine by the arms and holds her in front of him! This woman is SLAPPING AWAY at her! NOW what? SHE GAVE HER A RIGHT HOOK TO THE FACE! HERE COMES POISON IVY!!!!!

SB:Feminazi AGAIN!

BB:She's got her Singapore Cane.... KNOCKS THE WOMAN OUT! The man drops Sunshine and grabs Ivy by the throat!


BB:I think he heard you, Sammy. He drops Ivy with a seven-foot high CHOKESLAM! Vizzack is back in the ring.... OFF THE TOP ROPE! HE'S CAUGHT AND FLUNG TO THE OUTSIDE!

SB:Now he's got Sunshine ...... what the hell is she doing?

BB:Oh my god... This is not right.... Sunshine has curled up into the fetal position and is rocking back and forth.... He looks at her and seems to decide she's not worth it... and NOW here comes security.... Good timing, guys. Well, once again, for Sammy Benson, my name is Bill Buckley, we'll try to sort this mess out for you. Good night.

(The scene fades, with the fans nearly silent... as security escorts this man out of the ring..... the last two shots are Poison Ivy attempting to talk to Sunshine, who is sitting in the corner of the ring, curled in the fetal position, head between her knees, rocking back and forth, seemingly oblivious to what's going on..... The view lingers on her for a second before cutting to Mark Vizzack, lying on top of a destroyed table that broke his fall, completely unconscious, with security, medics, and Flair attempting to get him back to the locker room......)

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