in Santa Fe
April 10,
1999 |
Mark Vizzack vs. Eddy Love |
(Fade in on Sunshine Del Payne in her
locker room, writing something in a notebook and speaking to someone on a cell phone...
She looks well, though her eyes are ringed with circles and she looks a little upset...)
Sunshine:No... No, I won't be there.
(Muffled yells through the phone...)
I'm sorry, but I have to be here with Mark. He's got
a big match tonight. No. NO! The business isn't as important as Mark's career is to me.
(More screams...)
I... I know... But it's like my head is telling me
to do different things... Why can't you cut me some slack this time?
(She hangs the phone up, tears
streaming down her face... as she sits in the corner with her head cradled on her
(Cut to:Vizzack, walking through the hallways, and
stopping in front of Sunshine's door.... He knocks, and enters.)
MV:You here?
(The sound of water running can be heard...)
Sunshine(From the washroom):I'm just... washing my
hands. I'll be out in a minute.
(She emerges, in her long sleeved black dress,
combat boots, and sunglasses...)
Are you ready?
MV:Yeah... ready as I'll ever be. Are you sure you
can handle being in my corner AND managing Del Payne Industries?
Sunshine:Yeah... no sweat. Rudy ready for the
pre-match interview?
(She hurries him out of the room... but the scene
wanders.... into the bathroom... and the mess that remains.... highlighted by an
unravelled - but- well - used length of gauze, and a washcloth sitting in a
sink....Covered in blood....)
V/O:This program is a presentation
of CS Enterprises Inc., in association with U-62 Television.
(Fade in on the final moments of the
Eddy Love/Mark Vizzack World Title match at ELVIS LIVES XI...)
BB(V/O):It was the crowning moment
in Mark Vizzack's career.... reaching the top of the mountain.
(Cut to:Montague of Vizzack)
A superior athlete, a man who
exemplified the CSWA, a man who never stopped fighting.
(Fade to black)
But this may simply be the 'eye'....
of Hurricane Season.
(Cut to:Montague of Eddy Love's best
and brightest moments)
"Hurricane" Eddy Love... A
man with one blemish on his record, a man with one setback on his goal... a man, who wants
to Rule the World, just one more time.
(Cut to:Eddy Love and Mark Vizzack
staring each other down from any one of their confrontations...)
TONIGHT.... The Elvis Lives REMATCH.
(Cut to 20,000 plus screaming fans
in the arena at Santa Fe, with signs such as "HURRICANE SEASON IS OVER" and
settles down on Bill Buckley and Stan Parsons...)
BB:HELLO SANTA FE!!!!! My name is
Bill Buckley, joined tonight by Stan Parsons, and we've got THREE, count 'em, THREE Title
Matches tonight!
SP:Of course, Randy Harders tries
once more to take the Greensboro Title from Aaron Douglas, but with Commisioner Merritt in
Harders' corner, the pressure is all on the Champ to survive.
BB:Nemesis defends his newly won
United States title against "Hard Body" Bobby Jackson. Then, it's the big one.
"Daredevil" Mark Vizzack defends the CSWA World Title against the man he took it
from, "Hurricane" Eddy Love. Will lightning strike twice, or is this, as Eddy
states, only the "Eye" of the hurricane?
SP:Kicking things off tonight,
however, is a mob war, so to speak, as "Godfather" Vito Corleone squares off
against "The Bookie" Gilly Nevenrose. Let's head to ringside.
Corleone vs. Gilly Nevenrose |
Nevenrose tried to take this one
early, catching Corleone as he entered the ring, and beating him into the mat from even
before the bell. Ref Ben Worthington finally decided to call for the bell, and Nevenrose
continued his domination of Corleone. Nevenrose kept the boots to Corleone, until the
Greensboro Champion was able to roll outside. Nevenrose quickly followed, but Corleone
dodged a clothesline, caught Nevenrose's arm and rammed it down hard around the steel ring
post. From there, Corleone started in, nailing Nevenrose with a dropkick, and then a snap
suplex out on the concrete. Corleone rolled Nevenrose in, following with a belly-to-belly
suplex and hooking in a chicken wing. Nevenrose didn't give it up with the chicken wing,
but Corleone kept it locked in, almost dislocating that right arm. Corleone finally let up
on the chicken wing, but not in any other way, whipping Nevenrose into the corner and then
sitting him on the top turnbuckle. A superplex from the top solidified the momentum for
Corleone and got him the one-two-three.
WINNER: Vito Corleone
BB:Nevenrose looked good, but he
made some rookie mistakes and Corleone capitalised.
SP:Still, neither man, in my
opinion, should be ashamed of their efforts. Corleone looked a far cry from his poor
showing in the Greensboro World Cup.
BB:Speaking of which, the voice in
my ear is telling me that there was an altercation in the back involving Aaron Douglas and
Randy Harders. We'll try to get things straightened out for you during the course of our
next matchup, K-9 taking on Cool Moe D.
SP: Right now we have Aaron Douglas
standing by!
(FADEIN: The camera is facing
Aaron Douglas' dressing room. There is a knock at the door, Douglas opens it. M. Harry
Smilek is with a cameraman hoping to ask Douglas about his upcoming Greensboro title
defense.Douglas is wearing sunglasses, a golf shirt, and khakis. He motions for Smilek and
the cameraman to enter, he closes the door behind them.)
M. HARRY SMILEK: Aaron, thanks for
giving me this interview, you're like the only wrestler here that let's me interview him!
Gosh, i'm just grateful.
AARON DOUGLAS: Smilek, just remember
who kept you in business, because soon...VERY SOON, i'll own this dump of a federation,
and actually give this place a little diginity. I mean, Richard Dawson as an announcer?
Midgets? Owners toting bats? This is a DAMN MADHOUSE! I came to the CSWAbecause I heard
this is were you'll find the ELITE! Instead, I get here,and find out that the only elite
thing in this company, is what's right in your face, Aaron Douglas!
M. HARRY SMILEK: Yeah, this place
has gone down hill. I remember when I use to get more TV time. I remember when Merritt was
a nice guy. And how can I forget, that Christmas bonus back in....
a week ago that I had a little suprise for my pal, Commish Merritt. Now I know he was
moved by that generous donation he gave the Canadian Cancer Society last week, i'msure it
brought a tear to his eye. (chuckles) But tonight, tonight i'vegot a bigger surprise for
my good buddy. You know that LITTLE lawsuit I filed against you, well guess who has graced
our presence in the audience tonight, our good pal who came all the way from Guilford
County, the Honorable Judge Antonio Connor! (laughs) And Merritt, if you think of sticking
you nose in this match, giving Harders a bat, or even giving him the win, i'll GUARANTEE
that i'll be owning the CSWA before the year's end! Do you want to cost yourself the
trial? TEN MILLION DOLLARS!? I didn't think so!
M. HARRY SMILEK: Well since Merritt
is taken care of, what about Harders?
AARON DOUGLAS: Did I ask you to
talk? (Smilek shakes his head 'no'.)Then don't! As for Harders, he'll find out his
destiny, tonight! Without Merritt to hold his hand and help him beat me...he doesn't stand
a chance! He's undefeated? BIG DEAL! He just hasn't faced anyone worth a sh*t! Tonight,
however, you're gonna be in the ring with a true master of the game, a man that can take
everything you got...and come back witha hell of alot more! I can't wait until a beat you
down and slap on the THIRD DEGREE BURN! I'm gonna make you wish you NEVER signed this
match, NEVER came to the CSWA, and while i'm at it...NEVER been born! Now Smilek, get out
of my dressing room, i've got a can of Whoop ass i've gotta serve somebody.
(Douglas escorts Smilek
and the cameraman to the door, he closes it behind them. FADEOUT.)
Cool Moe D realized early that he'd
have his hands full in this one. Ya know, I think he realized it just about the time K-9
came off the top and nailed him with elbow to the back of the head. Moe D was showboating
for the crowd, when K-9 came off the top, starting the match before the bell. Moe D
quickly recovered, however, dodging a kick by K-9 and dropping the "Innovator of
Insanity" to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Moe D used his size and power, in
which he had a major advantage over K-9, to keep K-9 down on the mat and off the
turnbuckle. A fallaway slam followed by a legdrop, and Moe D went for the cover, getting
only a one-count. Moe D dropped K-9 with a running powerslam, and then picked K-9 up like
a rag doll, setting him up for a powerbomb. But K-9 was ready, and he used his incredible
quickness to roll over the back of Moe D and catch him with a dropkick. The dropkick
didn't knock Moe D down, but the following clip to the leg and DDT did. K-9 sprung off the
middle of the ropes, catching Moe D with a springboard splash, and then he headed up top.
Moe D got up, and tried to catch K-9 off the top for the powerslam, but a top rope Frank
n' Parsons took Moe D off his feet and put him down for the three-count. The real story
took place AFTER the match, however!
(The lights dim)
BB:What is going on here?
SP:I don't like it. Look at K-9, he
seems unfazed by all of this!
VOICE:K-9..... Come.... Join your
BB:That... sounded like Apocalypse.
(The lights go out completely, then
just as suddenly, come back on. K-9 is gone.)
SP:That's spooky, Bill... It looks
like The Unholy just got a little stronger.
(CUT TO:Commercial for BOB16)
BB:An impressive win for K-9, as he
seems to have found a "place"in the CSWA. We're joined now by the Greensboro
Champ, Aaron Douglas.
(Douglas sits in between Parsons and
Buckley. He's got a black eye, his hair is in disarray, and he's wearing a ripped and torn
"El Volcano" T-Shirt.)
AD:Good to see you.
BB:Good to see you too, Aaron.
AD:No, not you. That guy in the
fourth row with the Canadian flag. GO CANADA!
SP:What happened backstage?
AD:Nothing. Nothing at all. Why? And
why are you sitting so close?
(He nudges Buckley and Parsons
SP:Tell us, Aaron, what's the status
of the lawsuit?
AD:All in good time, gentlemen...
Let's just say that Merritt won't be handing Harders a bat any time soon. Uh! There's my
buddy the judge! Excuse me, morons.
(Douglas leaves the announcing table
and heads for a man in the stands.)
BB:It's about time.
SP:Let's head up for more action.
"Knuckles" Tollens vs.
"The Role Model" Marcus Johnson |
Tollens came out first, surprisingly
wearing a "Role Model" T-Shirt. He was also carrying a microphone, and had the
following to say:
TJ:Thank you for that nice warm
reception, it really touched me now can it. Marcus, marcus, we meet face to face. I know
you have seen my interviews and I know that you know that you are my Role Model, and I
appreciate this whole scam you came up with, but its time for me to take over. You see
after tonight this is the only T-shirt you will see that has the name Role Model on it.
(He rips the Johnson T-shirt to
reveal one has "Knuckles" on it and says "THE NEW ROLE MODEL")
Johnson and Tiffany made their way
to ringside next, with Tiffany still carrying her collection plate. She was actually
overheard saying to people, "Save the Children!" At long last the match was on.
These two men seemed evenly matched for a good fifteen minutes, until Tollens reversed an
Irish Whip into a powerslam. It was precisely at this moment that Tiffany chose to solicit
the referee himself for money for the children. Tollens himself attempted to remove her
from the ring, but Patrick Young, the official, did his duty and did it himself.
Unfortunately for Tollens, Tiffany dropped the collection plate in the ring. Even more
unfortunately, Johnson was a good aim. A look of "He made me do it" and a three
count later, and the Role Model was off with another victory.
Winner: Marcus Johnson
A couple of words could sum this one
up: no contest. Blade, along with Nemesis, are two of the favorites to win the upcoming
Tag Team Tournament, and he proved it, taking out The Preacher in just under five minutes.
Preacher did get a dropkick in, but the onslaught from by the man known for his high-risk
maneuvers was too much. Blade came from everywhere, over the top, off the top, under the
bottom, even around the ropes! Preacher just wasn t quick enough to keep out of the way of
this moving train. Blade mercifully ended it with the Guillotine. Blade in just under five
minutes, showing the world that he, as well as The Unholy, means business.
Winner: Blade
"Iceman" Steve Radder vs. Jim Phillips |
Jim Phillips is the man who everyone
"wants to be" according to him. However, it seemed like Steve Radder took
exception to that statement, as he more or less gave Phillips a wrestling lesson. The
self- proclaimed EXTREME Champion didn't miss a step, and didn't seem to suffer any ill
effects from his recent string of attacks at the hands of The UnHoly. Radder ended it in
just over ten minutes with the Absolute Zero, securing the pinfall. After the three count,
however, all hell broke loose. Apocalypse, Pat Black, and Blade bungeed down into the
cage, catching the outnumbered PLR member once again. Radder quickly exited the cage, only
to turn and see K-9 approaching from the backstage area! It looked like trouble once more,
until Eddy Love and Kevin Powers hit the ringside area, making the save and giving The
UnHoly a run for its money.
Winner: Steve Radder
the Greensboro Title:
"El Volcano" Aaron Douglas vs.
"The Hard One" Randy Harders |
CSWA Greensboro
Champion Aaron Douglas, hasn't made too many friends in CS Headquarters, but that doesn't
diminish the fact that he's one of the up and coming stars in the sport. Randy Harders, is
in the same boat as well. The Greensboro title, as it's sure to be a stepping stone for
Douglas, could serve the same purpose for Harders if he could wrestle the title away from
Douglas. Which is what he did, in a grueling 20 minute match that saw both men take a
beating outside the ring. Harders came to ringside with one arm in a sling. A rumored
attack by Douglas the cause. As his nickname implies, Randy, fought through what had to be
incredible pain to dethrone Douglas. After nearly 20 minutes in and out of the ring,
Harders cracked Douglas over the head with the hockey stick he brought to ringside. As he
said afterwards, "A high stick for a high stick." CSWA Co-Commissioner
Chad Merritt was seen watching on from the backstage curtain.
Winner and New
Greensboro Champion: "The Hard One" Randy Harders
For the United States
Nemesis vs. "Hard Body" Bobby Jackson |
BB: There's the bell, and Nemesis
wastes no TIME and attacks Jackson in his own corner! He's nailing him with left and right
hands! Now with Reverse KnifeEdges! Nemesis climbs the turnbuckles! He's pounding him with
(with crowd)
SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN! Nemesis comes down, Jackson walks out of the corner, and LANDS
SP: I'd be worried if I was Jackson.
BB: Yeah, well Jackson is big
trouble right now. Nemesis with a SNAP SUPLEX... Nailed it. Nemesis picks up Jackson, and
throws him off the ropes and gives him a BIG BACK BODY DROP!
SP: He was in the LIGHTS on that
one. I don't believe the height on that hold.
BB: An upset Nemesis is a dangerous
one, especially with The UnHoly behind him. Nemesis is taking Jackson up to the TOP ROPE!
He lands a right hand, and now is GOING FOR A TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX! HERE IT COMES......
Jackson is in huge trouble! Nemesis gets up, and WILL NOT PIN HIM! That may be a mistake,
Stan. Nemesis is too angry to be smart.
SP: But I think Jackson is too hurt
to do anything about it....so it really does not matter. Nemesis with an Irish Whip, he
goes for another BACK BODY DROP....NO! Jackson COUNTERS WITH A DDT!
BB: Great move by Jackson. He sets
Nemesis up... KNEEDROP, and goes for the pin, 1...............2.............NO! Nemesis
with a kickout. Jackson goes for a SWINGING NECKBREAKER...!
SP: I think the neck and spine of
Nemesis may have gotten separated on that one.
BB: I doubt that Stan. Jackson is
still holding his back in pain, after that TR Superplex given to him. Jackson is going for
a PILEDRIVER......! Jackson hit that perfectly! He covers,
1................2....................3!NO! Nemesis with a kickout. Jackson with an Irish
Whip, and nails a CLOTHESLINE! Jackson is heading to the TOP ROPE, Stan!
SP: This could make or break the
BB: This could be it folks!
1................2................. NO! NO! The ref said, Nemesis got a shoulder up!
Jackson is up, and arguing with the referee Ben Worthington. He's not paying attention to
Nemesis! Nemesis gets up, and DROPKICKS Jackson INTO THE REFEREE! THE REF FELL OUT OF THE
RING! Jackson up again, AND MET WITH ANOTHER DROPKICK! Nemesis off the ropes, and Jackson
gets up....BIG LARIAT! The fans love it, and Nemesis is going ballistic! Nemesis with an
Irish Whip....! BIG POWERSLAM!
SP: He's going to work on that back
BB: Nemesis with an Irish Whip
again.... BACKBREAKER! Wait... He's getting a chair! He caught Jackson in the back with
it! And again!
SP: I've never seen Nemesis like
this! HE DID IT AGAIN! Now he throws the chair out of the ring, and the ref is getting up.
What is he doing now?
A groggy Worthington is asking for a submission, and HE GOT ONE! Nemesis WINS THE MATCH!
BUT HE'S NOT LETTING GO OF THE HOLD! Officials are trying to get him off, but they can't!
Here comes the VP of Security, Gregg Gethard, and he threatens Nemesis with a suspension!
Nemesis gets off, but Jackson may be seriously hurt. We'll be right back!
BB: No more
commericals, no more forced breaks, fans we are here to stay! We're received word from
U-62 that we're on the air until the Main Event is decided! In theory we could be here for
a month, but some how I doubt that. Besides it's never been a policy for CS to keep their
fans waiting. As I said, we've heard from U-62, but sadly I've heard from my boss as well.
(Buckley gets instructions through his ear piece)
BB: I'm sorry, Commissioner Merritt has signed a
guest color man for tonight's Main Event! We're counting down the days until STAR
WARS: Episode I The Phantom Menace, with that in mind...
(Star Wars theme by John Williams plays over the PA
BB:(Buckley feigns a look of joy for the camera)
I'll be joined tonight by Luke Skywalker himself, MARK HAMILL!
(Mark Hamill takes a long walk down the aisle. He's
met by wild cheers from the crowd)
For the CSWA
World Championship
"Daredevil" Mark Vizzack
Former Champion "Hurricane" Eddy Love
BB: Mark, great to have you here tonight!
MH: Who loves ya Bill? JOKER...THAT'S WHO!
BB: Uh, as our viewing audience may or may not know
Mark is also the voice for the animated Batman series..
MH: This town needs an enma!
BB: (Bill's frustated by yet another insane Merritt
ratings ploy) Mark, I'm a huge fan of the trilogy myself. Do you mind if we take a few
minutes of air time and talk about your experience filming the movies?
MH: I'd love to!
BB: I'm just kidding, let's head down to Rhubarb
Jones for tonight's Main Event Introductions!
MH: Putz.
(ya ya introductions)
BB: Vizzack's world title run has been perhaps the
most emotionally charged reign in CSWA history. From Sunshine's ongoing personal demons,
to being the subect of HORNET's mid-career crisis...Vizzack has had a ton of baggage to
work through.
MH: Did you just call that sweet girl, Sunshine, a
BB: No I didn't, Mark.
MH: By the way, what's her status. She does date,
BB: That's good, hit on the workers in your only
MH: Only? Sorry, Yoda I signed a 3 show deal.
BB: Oh lord.
MH: Now give up the goods on her..
BB: She's single, Mark..but what makes you think..
MH: I was in Star Wars!!
BB: Yeah, but what else!!
MH: That was uncalled for....
BB: I guess the old saying is true. By putting down
someone else you really can make yourself feel better.
MH: I hate this job.
BB: The bell sounds, as Vizzack and Eddy Love square
off! Love trying to become one of the few mult-CSWA World Heavyweight champions! Eddy
throws a knee into Vizzack's gut!
MH: Remember your failure in the cave!
BB: You have a serious problem, you know this right?
(mumbles...and I'm not just talking about your face...) Love catches Mark off the
ropes, nice powerslam by the former champion! 2 count from Worthington.
:::Love picks Vizzack up and drops him with a
BB: Eddy off the ropes with an elbow, but Vizzack
moves out of the way! Vizz rolls outside and pulls Love feet first into the turnbuckle!
Mark, if does what I think he will..
MH: Eddy won't be lovin for a while..
:::Vizzack grabs hold of both of Eddy's legs and
racks him through the iron post::
MH: His bio says he doesn't want kids, and I'm glad
for that...because it ain't happin' now.
BB: Vizzack to the delight of the crowd isn't done
yet! Mark with a figure four on the iron post! What a move!
MH: If I'm not mistaken it was that same move that
robbed Jabba of the use of his legs.
BB: Stop. Vizzack finally breaks and head back into
the ring.
::Vizz clips Eddy's right knee::
BB: Smarty now, Vizzack working over the knee of
Love. Vizz dropkicks the knee, and Eddy is in serious pain! Not that he wasn't before, but
now...the knee may be hurt!
MH: Gee, Buckley...you'd think. Kicking a man in the
knee isn't GOOD for one's health!
BB: Thanks, Sammy.
::Vizzack climbs to the top rope::
BB: The World Heavyweight Champion is going up top.
He may finish Love here and now!
::The crowd screams, as HORNET springs down from the
rafters with the use of a harness. As he passes Vizzack, HORNET cracks him over the head
with a plate of glass::
BB: What's going on here??!! Hornet has just come
out of nowhere and taken out Vizzack!
MH: Did I see that in.....
::As Hornet begins getting out of the harness, Love
with the help of Sweet Melissa head for the hills leaving Vizzack and Hornet to do
BB: Hornet enters the ring, and there's Sunshine
pleading with him not to hurt Vizzack further!
::Hornet picks Sunshine up and places her ontop of a
turnbuckle. As he turns around, Vizzack flying through the air clotheslines him over the
top rope::
MH: That was cute.
BB: Vizzack somehow, is up! He's bleeding like a
pig, but the World Heavyweight Champion is alive and kicking! Hornet tries to make his way
back in the ring, but there's Vizzack daring him in with a broken off piece of glass.
::Vizzack calls for his belt, and the house mic::
VIZZACK:(on mic) "Hornet! You want this belt so
bad? Huh? If this is all your life is worth at this point, take it!
::the crowd is stunned as Vizzack tosses Hornet the
World belt::
VIZZACK: Keep it polished, old man...because at
Battle of the Belts I'm reclaiming the greatest prize in sports!
::crowd cheers, as Hornet hoists the belt up in the
BB: Fans, we have to go... for Stan Parsons,
and........Mark Hamill, this is Bill Buckley saying see you next time on CSWA
PRIMETIME! What a night!
Thanks to Pete Russo for his
help on the card!
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