CSWA SHOWTIME in Greensboro
December 18, 1998

(Fade in on the steps of the Merritt Auditorium in Greensboro, North Carolina. Disco Express has just climbed off the Partridge Family bus with people holding picket signs. They all get out and stage a sit in outside of the building.

They are all wearing 70's Preservation Society t-shirts, and chanting "SIGN THE MATCH". Rudy Seitzer is in front of this crowd with one of its participants in tow.)

RS:Hello, CSWA fans, my name is Rudy Seitzer, standing in front of this very unusual scenario. The CSWA Unified Tag Team Champions, Disco Express, has staged a sit-in with their friends in the 70s Preservation Society in an attempt to get the CSWA Front Office to sign them a match against Joey Melton and Peyton Wright, ARROGANCE!. With me now is the head of the Greensboro Chapter, Terence Stanton.

Stanton:What did I tell you, narc?

RS:OH, I'm sorry. (Rolls his eyes) His name is Earth Rock.

Rock:That's better. Man, we're trippin' out here today to get the hippest cats in the CSWA their showdown with the biggest narcs this side of Woodstock! They're gonna get the freakiest trip of their lives when Disco Express gets 'em! Rock on!

RS:Oh..... great. Well, we take you now to M. Harry Smilek, with some information on the CSWA Hotline! Harry, save us! I--I mean, take it away!

(Cut to: M. Harry Smilek is standing outside of the Merritt Auditorium cutting a promo for the CSWA hotline.)

M. HARRY SMILEK: Well fans, thanks for joining us here tonight. I hope you call the CSWA hotline to find out the inside scoop on tonight's action!

(A motorcylce's engine roars and it pulls up to the entrance where Smilek is. The driver has on a black helmet and his face is hidden.)

M. HARRY SMILEK: What on earth!? Who is this masked man?

(The man takes off his helmet revealing a man with face paint on, and the name El Volcano on his shirt.)

M. HARRY SMILEK: Oh my, it's the International sensation, EL VOLCANO! Welcome to the CSWA!

EL VOLCANO: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Where do the participants for the battle royal go?

M. HARRY SMILEK: Hey, wait a minute, your voice sounds really familiar. Have you ever announced before? Perhaps we met somewhere?

EL VOLCANO: No, couldn't be. Well shucks, look at the time. I've got a match to take part in tonight, gotta go.

(He enters the building.)

M. HARRY SMILEK: I know who! He sounded exactly like Aaron Douglas.

(Cut to: Commisioner Merritt's office. He's speaking to CSWA VP of security, Gregg Gethard.)

Gethard:I don't think we can adequately prepare for this guy. He's too much of a wild card, a dangerous wild card.

Merritt:I don't care. Look, we took a financial hit the size of Teri's chest from the FCC for televising Inferno's little outburst. Doesn't it make more sense to have him under contract so we can discipline him ourselves, and avoid paying the FCC any more money? With the fine they hit us after Red, the entire senior staff of that damned agency could've retired.

Gethard:But we saw how these two operate... We can't guarantee the safety of the fans, we can't guarantee the safety of the CSWA employees, and we certainly can't risk that Silky Rose character keeping the morals of the show up.

Merritt:Morals? Gethard, how many morals do we actually enforce? No murder on network TV? No revealing the female form? You're attacking two of the basic necessities of the CSWA to exist! Dante Inferno and Silky Rose get offered a contract and that's the end of it. Call up Stuart Kellington, that guy who represents them, and give them what they want.

(Gethard leaves the office, shaking his head)

Merritt:And with Inferno aboard.... and the league's reaction to him...... merchandising will go through the roof.

(Commisioner Vizzachero is walking down the hall in the back, he stops and knocks on the door that says "El Volcano" on it, in red marker written on a napkin. Aaron Douglas answers the door in his El Volcano gear.)

AARON DOUGLAS: Look, I don't know what you're trying to pull buddyboy, but it seems to me that the CONSPIRACY THEORY continues! Check this out, I am scheduled for a match, a breakthrough for me in the CSWA, and then the next thing I know my opponent DIES! On top of that, i'm stuck in this Greensboro title bullsh*t and for some reason, none of my opponents want to show up! I've had FOUR MATCHES, and actually got to wrestle ONE! And then I hop on the Internet, I go to the CSWA's website, because that's the ONLY WAY I hear about anything, because the people in the front office don't seem to want to call me! And on their website, I find out there's a battle royal, they've got 15 guys in it, even a guy that doesn't even belong in there, the World champ, Dude Love! And yet there's no room for "Hot Stuff"? I can't get a match and EVERYONE is scared to face me, so i've decided to go BACK TO MY ROOTS! Everyone here that has kept up with the International scene KNOWS Aaron Douglas started off in Mexico and abroad...wrestling in the moniker known as El

Volcano. There's no need to list the titles because there's not enough TV time on this program for that! But I promise you, I was a bonafide SUPERSTAR! There's a new era in the CSWA...the era of the VOLCANO! WHOOOO!

VIZZACHERO: I don't know if you've lost your mind or had a mental breakdown, but Douglas, you're freakin' me out! You're right, we haven't given you a chance to show us your skills. You want in, fine...you're in!

DOUGLAS:That's right I'm in..... and you're about to get burned!

(Fade in on Mark Vizzack's dressing room. He is already in his wrestling attire and jacket, and is pacing the floor. Sunshine is once again in a black dress with a nervous, stressed out look on her face that has not been seen since they first came to the CSWA. She is obsessively tieing and untieing the laces on her boots.)

MV:There's a reason for it.... there's GOT to be. I told Merritt and Thomas about Dante and Rose..... they don't have a contract with the CSWA. They CAN'T.

Sunshine:Mark.... Mark, it's not going to happen again, is it? Please tell me it's not going to happen again.......

(He sits next to her and puts his arm around her)

MV:This isn't like last time, Sunshine. In the AWA, everyone was afraid to get in his way. Here, he's gonna have to take a number to beat up on me again. (He stifles a small laugh)

Sunshine:Do you think that'll stop anything? He manhandled you and Eli in Charleston.... and she made me feel completely helpless again. (Her eyes begin to fill with tears) Mark.... I... I don't want to feel like that again. I don't want to be a liability to you.

MV:Liability? Why do you think you're a liability?

Sunshine:You lost to Billy Starr because you got preoccupied with me.... Ever since me and Ivy beat Susan and Gina, and I proved I could take care of myself, you went the distance and nearly BEAT Eddy! You were almost the champion! I can't let myself revert to how I was.... I just can't!

MV:You won't revert to how you were.... Even if Inferno comes for me, and Rose for you, you need to remember that Eli and I had both wrestled tough matches that night. Inferno can't take both of us if we're fresh. And Rose? You've got Ivy to help keep her off of you.

Sunshine:Maybe... you're right.

(They share a hug that gets interrupted by a loud knock at the door. Mark opens it to see four men in nice suits standing there.)

MAN:I'm looking for a miss Sunshine Del Payne.... is she in here?

MV:What's this about? Who are you?

REDD:I'm Doctor Anthony Redd from the Green Valley Home for the Mentally Deranged. We were informed that Miss Del Payne has recently suffered a panic attack on a televised event, as well as her rather full and fascinating medical history. We were urged by an employee of CSWA Inc. that Miss Del Payne should be institutionalized for the safety of herself and those around her. Please get out of my way.


MV:I can't allow that.

REDD:I'm sorry. As per the agreement you, Mark Vizzack, signed when you petitioned our Board of Directors for her release two years ago, if at any time she is deemed unable to perform society's tasks, she must return. As per her mental instabilties once again manifesting themselves, she must return.

(He opens his bag to reveal a straitjacket)

By force, if need be.

(Mark steps in between Sunshine and Dr. Redd, only to be pulled aside and restrained by three of the four men with Dr. Redd. The last man and the doctor force her, screams and all, into the jacket, and drag her out the door.)


MV:Sunshine! You bastards! By what right do you do this? I demand to speak to your supervisor!

MAN #2:It's all here, buddy boy. Read it and weep.

(He drops an envelope on the ground and leaves the room. Mark scrambles for it and opens it up, not noticing a small slip of paper drop to the ground.)

MV:This can't be right..... legal committment.... sufficient grounds..... This is complete sh*t! Wait a second.....

(Mark picks up the slip of paper.... seems to be in shock for a second, then drops the paper and leaves the room. The papers reads:

"First, I will destroy your life. Then, I will destroy your dreams. Then I will destroy YOU."

and underneath that, in different handwriting,

"Face it, Vizzack. I've won. Too bad you weren't nicer to you pretty little manager's brother, you worm. - A.S.K.")


ANNOUNCER:The following program is presented by CS Enterprises in association with U-62 Television.

BB(V/O):"Good God" Kevin Powers....

(Cut to: Kevin Powers defeating Eliminator at Fish Fund XII for the US Title...)

A man who has been steeped in equal parts controversy and greatness since he arrived to the CSWA.

(Cut to:"Masked Eddy Love" costing Vizzack, amongst others, matches in the US Title Tournament.)

He has proven himself, however, time and time again, to be a fearsome opponent.

(Montagues of several Powers victories criscross the screen.)

"Total Elimination" Eli Flair....

(Cut to:Eli Flair, bloodied from a victorious match, leaving the ring with a look of death in his eyes)

Over and over, he has shown himself to be one of the most battering and taxing opponents in the history, not only of the CSWA, but all of professional wrestling.

(Cut to:Eli Flair dropping Powers onto the glass/tacked table)

Bitter enemies....

(Cut to:The Barbed Wire Match)

But sometimes..... your worst enemy can also be your best friend.

(Cut to:Flair and Powers, back to back, fending off the Elimination Squad)

Eliminator and Mysterious.... A devastating tag team.

(Cut to:ES manhandling Disco Express)

Two men who trust each other.... two men who have gone through a lot together..... Two men who have revenge on their mind.

(Cut to:Powers defeating Eliminator at FFXII, Flair costing ES the Unified Tag Titles.)

These four men have entered this match for their own reasons.... For the continuation of their own paths. Four men whose actions, both in and out of the ring, have devastated the CSWA since its return. Four men who believe that they have the correct point of view in these matters.... who believe that they hold the key to victory. Their battles have left us breathless, awed by their talent, speed, and gift to enthrall. But these four men, these four MONSTERS, have lay waste to themselves, each other, and the CSWA in general. Tonight, the eyes of the CSWA will be on these four men, as they enter the ring to settle their differences.....

(Screen cuts to a montague of all four men at different points in their career....)

The CSWA shudders under the magnitude of this war.


(Fadein on the sold out Merritt Auditorium. The fans are SCREAMING on their feet as they await the action tonight. As the camera pans the crowd, signs such as "Flair and Powers = EXTREME" and "ES will be ELIMINATED" and "All will be judged.... by the Moral Majority" are evident.

Cut to:Bill Buckley, wearing a nice suit, standing next to Teri Melton, in her usual suggestive attire.)

BB:HELLO GREENSBORO!!!!!!!! My name is Bill Buckley, and I'm joined tonight by the lovely Miss Teri Melton for a very special SHOWTIME, RIGHT HERE WHERE IT ALL STARTED!!!! Tonight, we're going to see the ULTIMATE Tag Team Matchup!!!

TM:You mean two, right?


TM:You can't possibly put one over the other. We've got TWO great tag team matches tonight. First, it's Moral Majority against The Black Army in a match that's been a long time in coming, and then there's our main event, ES against Flair and Powers.

BB:You've got a point there, Teri... Who do you like in the ES against Powers and Flair match?

TM:I'd like to say Powers and Flair, but they're handicapped by two things.

BB:What's that?

TM:For Flair, there's Poison Ivy. For Powers, there's the fact that the CORPORATION doesn't forget. EVER. That's ended Powers' chances right there.

BB:Alluding to something? Steve Radder, the only member of PLR to not hold a strap defeated Melton in Charleston, you know...

TM:Do you want to live to SEE the match?

BB:...... Moving on, we're kicking things off tonight with a fifteen man battle royal! Let's go up to Rhubarb for the introductions!

BATTLE ROYAL FEATURING:Mr. X, Mr. Y, Cool Moe D, Mark Vizzack, TJ Knuckles, Jack Brody, Marcus Johnson, Blade, K-9, Steve Radder, Quantum, Guerilla Warfare, Rap Man, Carl Brigsby and Eddy Love. It also features Aaron Douglas.

BB:Here we go! They're off, and we've got a free-for all! OH MY! Brigsby is out of it already!

TM:Rap Man went RIGHT for him... Smart guy, even though Brigsby was the LEAST of the threats to win this Battle Royal, one less man is always a good idea. But look at what's going on now!

BB:Did anyone ever think that the SAME MATCH would include Vizzack and Love trading blows alongside Mr. X and Guerilla Warfare? Blade and Cool Moe D? And over in the corner, Marcus Johnson has just eliminated Jack Brody!

TM:Johnson has got to be a favorite to win this thing. Blade, as well. Speaking of which.... there goes Cool Moe D!

BB:But you can't forget the veterans that are in there as well, Rap Man, Steve Radder, Eddy Love, for God Sake! He's the World Champion! And he's TAKING IT to Mark Vizzack! Teri, is it me, or does Vizzack not seem in his right mind tonight?

TM:I noticed that. He seems distracted. And why didn't Sunshine accompany him to ringside like the other managers?

BB:True, very true. Well, Mr. X and Mr. Y are teaming up on Blade, much like we expected, and Love and Radder are teaming up on Vizzack.... They send him off the ropes.... DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE on Vizzack! He goes down!

TM:He's looked better. K-9 and TJ Knuckles have also looked better, as they're TEARING into each other! These rookies have some fire in 'em!

BB:There goes Quantum, however, as Rap Man eliminates his second opponent of the night! Wait... Love and Radder have stopped beating on Vizzack, what are they doing?

TM:They're talking to him... Why are they talking to the Worm?

BB:Vizzack off the ropes.... Radder and Love duck down, Vizzack uses them as a stepping stool... HIGH FLYING DROPKICK! Rap Man has been eliminated! He can't believe it! Four men down, ten to go for a winner here!

TM:There they go, the LR of PLR go right back to beating down Vizzack! On the other side of the ring, Mr. X and Mr. Y have got Blade and are taking turns holding him and beating him down! Uh-oh, here comes his last recruit!

BB:Indeed, here comes Guerilla from behind! He picks up Mr. Y and TOSSES him effortlessly over the top rope! Mr. X drops Blade and takes a swing at Guerilla, but HE gets tossed! NO! He hooked Guerilla's leg and pulls HIM over the top! Mr. X lands on the apron and crawls back into the ring! And he's trading blows with TJ Knuckles! BLADE JUST ATTACKED VIZZACK! VIZZACK IS BEING TRIPLE TEAMED!

TM:There's Marcus Johnson, asserting himself one more time! He's got TJ Knuckles by the hair, but Cool Moe D clotheslines BOTH of 'em! Johnson landed on the apron but Knuckles is out of there! Almost half the men have been eliminated here, Buckley! And Radder, Love, and Vizzack are still in there, along with Blade, Mr. X, Aaron Douglas, Marcus Johnson, and K-9! Ooops, I spoke too soon.

BB:K-9 is blindsided by Eddy Love and tossed outside! Now it's Love and Blade trading punches while Mr. X and Douglas team up to try and eliminate Marcus Johnson! There are no friends or enemies in a battle royal, Teri, just opponents! If Love could team up with Vizzack to eliminate someone they couldn't on their own, they'd do it!

TM:No ref, no rules. Exactly how I like it.

BB:X and Moe almost have Johnson out.... NO! He hooked Douglas by the leg, there's no way he can't go out if Johnson does.

TM:No friends, remember?

BB:OH MY! Mr. X pushed BOTH men over! On the other side of the ring, Vizzack kicks Radder in the gut and takes a swing at Love! Love is off balance.... BLADE TOSSES EDDY LOVE OVER THE TOP! EDDY LOVE IS ELIMINATED!

TM:Look at this....

BB:We're down to FOUR MEN HERE, Mark Vizzack, Steve Radder, Blade, and Mr. X! And each of them are taking a breather in a different corner.

TM:Who's gonna make the first move?

BB:BLADE does! He takes a running start and knocks Mr. X's head into the ringpost! Wait a second.... what's this?

TM:Here comes someone who doesn't want to see Vizzack win this match, that's a definite.

BB:Fans, Dante Inferno has come to ringside, accompanied by Silky Rose.... WHAT is she wearing?

TM:Well, Buckley, it appears to be saran wrap over a topless bathing suit and thigh-high boots. And what a keen observer of the obvious you are.

BB:Vizzack hasn't seen him yet.... INFERNO IS CLIMBING INTO THE RING!

TM:No rules means no DQ, Buckley, remember that!

BB:I am.... Inferno tosses Radder off of Vizzack, and he's picked Mark up by the throat! Radder up in his face!

TM:Bad move. Remember Radder telling Inferno "Hands off, Vizzack is mine?" I think he's about to regret that decision. And there's Inferno grabbing Radder by the throat as well! Buckley, he's choking the life out of 'em!

BB:Speaking of powers of observation.

TM:What was that?

BB:Nothing. Wait a second.... Inferno's just set BOTH of them down on the ring apron, VERY gently, I might add.

TM:Something's up, Buckley... something's on his mind.


TM:Not just that, but there goes Mr. X! Blade's got the win!

BB:Now he and Inferno face each other! Silky Rose gets in there and.... she's peeling that saran wrap off her body! The two men leave the ring together! Teri, this was a setup!

TM:It definitely was.... I've heard a lot of people in the CSWA openly object to Inferno's presence here, I think it was just fear that THEY were next.... Blade just proved himself smarter then ANYONE who isn't in the Corporation by siding with the big man.

BB:Regardless, Blade has won the Battle Royal and is now at least allied with Dante Inferno! We'll be right back!

(Cut to:A commercial for ELVIS LIVES CELEBRATION XI:LOVE like Fire, HATE like ICE)

BB:We're back, and we're ready to go for our next match! Teri, what about it?

TM:We're gonna see The Moral Majority, Deacon and Preacher, face off against The Black Army of Pat Black and Apocalypse. This is going to be a holy war. Rhubarb, let's get it on!

Moral Majority vs. Black's Army

RJ:The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall! Coming down the aisle, accompanied by Lady Death..... Pat Black and Apocalypse..... The BLACK ARMY!

BB:Well, here comes..... Pat Black and Lady Death. No Apocalypse.

TM:They don't appear to look concerned that they're short a wrestler. They don;t look like there's much ON their mind now, is there?

BB:Wait... I'm told we're going to Stan Parsons, who is in the backstage area at Apocalypse's dressing room door.

(Cut to Stan Parsons, wouldn't ya know it, in front of Apocalypse's dressing room door.)

SP:I'm here, Bill, Teri, and it's strange.... Apocalypse has apparently not arrived yet! I don't know what this means as far as the match is concerned, I would assume the match would continue with Pat Black in a 2-on-1 situation, I don't know. But we'll get word to you as soon as--

(Parsons is cut off by Apocalypse, looking haggard and dirty, stumbling into view of the camera and heads into his dressing room.)

Well, um.... back to you, Bill.

BB:There's Stan Parsons, ladies and gentlemen. Apocalypse IS in the building, but to what end?

TM:In any case, here comes The Mute Freak.

(back to the ring)

RJ:And the opposing team...... led to the ring by The Shepherd..... Preacher and Deacon..... The MORAL MAJORITY!!!!

(Shepherd leads the way to the ring for Deacon and Preacher.... His face is covered by his robes, and he carries his shepherd's crook. Behind him, Deacon is covered in his robes, and he is taking his slow walk to the ring... his eyes never leaving Pat Black. Next to him, Preacher is looking slightly agitated, but focused on the match.)

BB:Here comes Moral Majority, and it looks like we're gonna see Pat Black and Deacon starting things off. They circle each other, and lock up. The larger Deacon pushes Black into the ropes... and Young calls for the break. OH MY! Slap to the face by Pat Black!

TM:That's a mistake, you don't want to anger the big man.

BB:Deacon just standing there, Black circles..... DEACON GRABS HIM BY THE THROAT! CHOKESLAM! The cover...

(The lights flicker.... flicker.... and go out.)

TM(Into her headset):MARVIN! I thought this was fixed?

Marvin Parsons(Headset):It's not my systems!

BB:What's going on?

(The lights return, and when they do, Apocalypse has joined Pat Black in the ring, and the Moral Majority looks perplexed. The match continues....)

TM:Well, there's Apocalypse. I guess we're gonna have ourselves a tag team match.

BB:He looks a little ragged..... maybe that botched interview in the graveyard cleared his head a little. Who knows? In any case, Deacon and Pat Black circle one more time..... they tie up, and this time Black holds his ground! A knee to the midsection, and he's got Deacon stunned!

TM:Black knows what he's doing in there, he's not wasting any time! Deacon's head to the turnbuckle! And again! He whips the Mute Freak to the other side of the ring.... I don't believe it, REVERSAL!

BB:Deacon reverses the whip, and follows up with a clothesline! NO! Apocalypse takes a shot at Deacon as he comes in and stops his momentum! Preacher is angry! He's demanding the tag!

TM:Bad move. Preacher gets in there and Young will get distracted by him. More time for Black and Apocalypse to do some damage.

BB:He seems to have heard you, because he gets back onto the apron and Deacon makes the tag. Black and Preacher lock up, and Preacher gets a handful of hair! Young doesn't see it and Black is in the corner! HARD right hand by Preacher!

TM:THERE'S the smarts.

BB:Cheating is smart?

TM:Whatever you can get away with.

BB:Young calls for the break, he must've seen the handful of hair. And.... we've got a clean break!

TM:Bad move. But here's a good one, as Apocalypse comes in for a few.

BB:Are you sure? He's looking all around the arena, I don't think he's really into this match.

TM:What tipped you off?

BB:He's not in his wrestling clothes, he's not paying attention to Lady Death, and he's staring at US. What about you?


BB:Apocalypse and Preacher lock up again.... hipcheck by Apocalypse! Preacher back to his feet, he's scooped and SLAMMED to the canvas! One more time.... CHOKESLAM! The cover, 1..................2..................NO! Preacher kicks out!

TM:What's going on down there?

(The camera picks up the crowd getting distracted by something..... the view heads down the aisle to the entranceway.....)

BB:What's Silky Rose doing out here?

TM:What's Silky Rose doing dressed like a nun?

BB:I have no idea. Fans, Silky Rose has begun to walk to the ring, and she is dressed.... well, she's dressed in a nun's habit. In the ring, Deacon has turned to face her... and he's walking toward her! Shepherd tells him to return to the match!

TM:He'd BETTER return to the match! Preacher is getting double teamed!

BB:There it is! Young turns around to see Apocalypse holding Preacher up while Black pounds on him! Deacon sees this, and he RUNS back to the ring!

TM:Has he ever run before?

BB:I don't think so, but he's in there and he's TAKING it to Black! Apocalypse drops Preacher and goes to help his partner.. NO! Preacher grabs his ankle and Apocalypse hits the mat! Young is telling these two teams to get a member each out of the ring!

TM:Just let 'em go, Bill.... it's what everyone wants. Oh, what's this?

BB:Preacher just cleaned house is what 'this' is. He and Apocalypse are on the outside as Deacon hoists up Black... ALTAR CALL! The cover, 1....................2..........................3! NO! NO! Black draped his foot across the bottom rope! What is going on outside the ring?

TM:I think Shepherd just told Rose to leave the area. She's..... she's actually turning around to leave!

BB:Good.... means we can get back to the match. Deacon picks up Black again... Bodyslam... NO! Black reverses it into a small package! He hooks the tights, 1........................2...........................NO! Deacon's not out of it! He gets up.... whips Black into the ropes.... FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Black is attempting a comeback in this one!

TM:Speaking of which.... here she comes again!

BB:Deacon tags out to Preacher, who immediately goes to work on Black! And as Teri pointed out, Silky Rose has returned to ringside! And she's carrying a.... a cat-o-nine-tails, I think it's called! STILL in that nun's outfit!

TM:And she's got Shepherd's attention again.... he looks in shock!

BB:Deacon off the apron again, and she's.... She's pulling it down! We can't show that on television! Deacon's had enough!

TM:The Mute Freak goes off the deep end!

BB:Deacon has grabbed Rose by the wrist! WHO IS THAT????

TM:Looks to me like someone takes exception to the Mute Freak.

BB:Dante Inferno has begun to come to ringside... Deacon drops Rose, and we've got a staredown in the middle of the aisle! Preacher continues to work over Black! NO! Black reverses a backdrop attempt! TAG to Apocalypse! Deacon doesn't see any of this!

TM:Something's brewing here, Buckley.... We've actually got a match going on amongst Deacon and Dante Inferno staring each other down.... and Rose gives Shepherd a slap to the face! Uh-oh!

BB:Rose slaps Shepherd, and Deacon's head turns! Inferno takes the opportunity... CHOKESLAM! The 7-Foot Deacon has actually been chokeslammed by the equally tall Inferno! Preacher turns his head.... ROLL UP BY APOCALYPSE! He hooks the tights, 1.............2.....................3! Black's Army wins it!

TM:And they may have REALLY won it if Dante can keep Deacon out of the ring!

BB:Inferno picks Deacon up for what looks like another chokeslam.... NO! Deacon reverses it and delivers a choke of his own! Now they're trading rights and lefts! HERE COMES MARK VIZZACK!

TM:This is a mistake on Vizzack's part..... did he forget Charleston?

BB:He's staring up at Inferno, as if to dare him to take a shot! Wait... Rose has the microphone...

SILKY ROSE(On the ring mike):Daredevil.... It is not time for you to meet your end.... My Champion has not finished with you yet.

BB:OH MY GOD! Inferno grabs Vizzack and TOSSES him into the crowd!

TM:He's got to stop that. The CSWA can't deal with any more lawsuits.

BB:Deacon just stares him down! Shepherd tries to keep him from moving! NO! Inferno and Rose have left the ringside area, with Deacon and Shepherd in close pursuit! We'll be back with a very special interview!




(Before Hornet can finish his sentence, 'Iceman' Steve Radder comes out from the backstage area, microphone in hand.  The fans come to their feet and give a good heel pop.)

SR : Now I know as well as the camera boys know that all the people watching this all over the world don't want to see this old washed up fool talk.   They want to see the wrestlers talk, old man, not the cripples.  (Boos from the crowd.)  Speaking of old men, it seems I put down that poor old mutt Joey Melton down in good ol' Charleston, and to tell you all the truth, I liked it.  It's about time that I start getting the recognition I deserve as being one of the finest men in this sport today.  You know what I liked MOST though, Stanley?

SP : (Groan.)  What's that?

SR : I liked how much I moved up in the rankings, and being the smart guy that I am, I figure if I move up every time I give a beat down to some old fogey wrestler, then I may as well do it some more.  So I figure, who's been around longer than anyone ... besides Joey Melton, 'cause I already game HIM the ol' one-two-three, so then I thought ... (Reaches out and straightens the lapels on Hornet's jacket.) then I thought maybe I'll take on the oldest fogey here in the CSWA, but that wouldn't be very sporting, seeing as he's hobbled.  (Radder points absentmindedly at Hornet's crutch.)   So, I'll let what you said pass, old man.  This time.  So who does that leave me with?  Well I say it's the Living Idiot Mark Windham.  Windham, just like my pal Eddy Love, I'm going to start showing everyone that ALL of the new blood ... even That Worm ... are better than the old diaper wearing crew Merritt keeps around for old times sake.  Whattya say, old man?  Feel like having a reality check tonight?

(The fans let out a loud roar anticipating an incredible bonus matchup for this event, figuring they will be getting MORE than their money's worth this time.  However, much to their - and Radder's - chagrin, there is no sign of Windham.)

SR : Well, thats not surprising ... I guess I'll just have to do without my little warmup tonight ...

(The fans let out a loud boo as Commishioner Merritt comes down and joins Hornet, Radder, and Parsons.)

CM : Radder, I don't know if Windham's even in the building tonight - we all know he hasn't been around lately - but I know personally, I'm getting tired of paying him for doing no work whatsoever.  So here's the deal.  Windham, I'm ORDERING you to come down and fight Steve Radder in the second part of a double Main Event.  If you don't show, I'll sue you for contract violation, and we both know that I'd win THAT one.

(Merritt leaves, this time to a huge roar from the fans, and as the shot fades to go to commercial, Radder walks back up to the locker room area, and tosses his microphone against Hornet's chest.)

BB:We're back! I can't believe what we just saw! And we've got an impromptu match later tonight, as Steve Radder will take on "The Living Legend" Mark Windham! Teri, this will be the first time since Fish Fund XII that Windham has been in the ring, how do you think he'll move around?

TM:Truthfully? I think he'll be okay. You've got to think about his state of mind as a weak point, but the Windhams will surprise you. No, I can see Windham taking it.

BB:We'll have to see about that. Right now, however, we've got a newcomer who has been making a LOT of waves so far in Randy Harders taking on one of the brightest up-and-comers in the CSWA, Nemesis.

Randy Harders vs. Nemesis

TM:There was a lot of talk when this match was signed over WHY these men were going up against each other. I think it's just gonna be a great match.

BB:Nemesis, of course, is one of the favorites to win the Greensboro Title, and Randy Harders has made quite a splash, with two solid outings against Rap Man. This one is going to be good. Take it away for us, Rhubarb!

RJ:The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a twenty-minute time limit! Coming to the ring, weighing in at 233 pounds.... This........Is.........NEMESIS!!!!!

(Nemesis comes to the ring to a good amount of applause, but a small amount of "boos" can be heard as well. He looks determined, but also distracted by the people around him.)

RJ:HIS OPPONENT...... Accompanied to the ring by Mrs. Beyer, weighing in at 315 pounds.... "The HARD One" RANDY HARDERS!!!!

(Harders emerges from the curtain with Mrs. Beyer on his arm, looking determined to give Nemesis a fight. He slaps hands with the fans as he approaches the ring, never taking his eyes off Nemesis.)

BB:We're ready to go.... Teri, this young man Harders has been very impressive, some people say he could take the Greensboro Title from whoever ends up winning it... what about it?

TM:He's got a lot of potential, but he's also unfocused so far. He needs to get a definite goal and follow it.

BB:Rap Man may know what he's looking for. He may have it, actually. Okay, the bell sounds, and we're ready to go! They lock up, and a side headlock is applied by Harders! He's really grinding it in there!

TM:Harders isn't a giant like Deacon or Inferno... but he's really powerful! It could be a basic hold like this that wins it for him!

BB:Nemesis trying to get out of it.... no success! A shot to the midsection doesn't break it.... he sends Harders into the ropes... SHOULDERBLOCK knocks Nemesis to the mat!

TM:Like I said, don't try to match power with Harders. Nemesis has to go for the legs.

BB:I think he heard you, because he throws himself at Harders' knees and takes him down! Harders to his feet... DROPKICK by Nemesis! Back up, armdrag takedown! Nemesis off the ropes.... FLYING BODYP...NO! Harders caught him in midair!

TM:That was stupid... Rap Man did that TWICE against Harders and came up empty both times. Nemesis didn't study hard enough, and he gets a reverse fallaway slam for his omission.

BB:Harders not wasting any time, he gets Nemesis to his feet.... WHIRLWIND! Teri, this hold has never been successfully broken!

TM:Depends on who you ask, but it is a good hold.

BB:He's up... Harders locks it in! Nemesis is in pain! Wait... what's he DOING?

TM:Convulsing, I believe.

BB:No.... Nemesis is moving around on Harders' shoulders.... not enough to make Harders drop him... but... I see his strategy... Harders wobbles a little.... THERE IT IS! Nemesis was able to get a grip on the ropes! Harders has no choice but to drop him!

TM:I'm impressed. That was an ingenious move, and that may shake Harders' confidence!

BB:He certainly can't like it, that's for sure. He picks Nemesis up.... Eurpoean uppercut. And another! Harders is getting frustrated now!

TM:He's got to calm down or he's gonna get distracted and lose this one! Nemesis ducks under a third uppercut and hits Harders with a headbutt to the stomach! Harders goes down!

BB:Nemesis going for the cover, 1...........................2......NO! Harders isn't finished yet. Nemesis picks him up..... Irish whip, CLOTHESLINE! Harders is dropped again!

TM:Nemesis sends him off the ropes again... and he hits Harders with a powerslam! Randy Harders needs to get outta there and rethink his strategy.

BB:Harders does indeed roll to the outside, and it's conference time with Mrs. Beyer.

TM:I'm impressed by her, she's shown a lot of smarts as a manager. I just don't like the company she keeps.

BB:Who is that?

TM:The psychobitch feminazi. Who else?

BB(under his breath):Just like Benson....


BB:Nothing. Harders rolls back in there, and Nemesis puts the boots to him! And an elbowdrop puts Harders back to the mat!

TM:Nemesis smells victory.

BB:It could very well be! Nemesis sends Harders into the ropes again... we could see another powerslam here!

TM:What? Nemesis is gonna have to use more then a powerslam to beat Harders!

BB:Harders into the ropes.... coming back at Nemesis.... FOOTBALL TACKLE! Nemesis goes down and Harders is going to town on him with a series of punches!

TM:Uh-oh.... Look who's coming to dinner!

BB:Hot Scott and Rap Man are coming to ringside.... though I can't imagine why!

TM:What about Pliladelphia? Or Charleston?

BB:Never mind. Ben Worthington is out there, telling them to return to the locker rooms! Inside the ring, it looks like Harders is setting Nemesis up for the Whirlwind again! HE'S GOT IT ON HIM!

TM:Getting it on him and getting Nemesis to tap out are two totally different things. I don't think he's gonna do it.

BB:True.... He did escape the hold earlier in the match, he's no doubt looking to do it again!

TM:Does it matter? Worthington is still on the outside with Scott and Rap Man! Nobody'd be there to HEAR the submission anyway!

BB:OUT OF THE CROWD! IT'S ENFORCER! And he's got a steel chair!

TM:That's the only thing I like about ES.


TM:Well..... that too. I like their numbers. While one distracts, the other does the damage.

BB:Enforcer swings the chair... HE HIT NEMESIS! ENFORCER HIT NEMESIS WITH THAT CHAIR! Harders drops him, and goes to work on Enforcer! Worthington finally returns to the match, and he's tellign Enforcer to get out of there!

TM:He did, in a sense, though Harders helped a little.

BB:But what now? Nemesis is out, I think.

TM:Harders just looks at him.... There's the cover, 1...................2.......................3. Harders gets the pinfall, but this one is NOT gonna be without some controversy.

BB:Controversy seems to have followed Harders since he entered the league... I hope we can find resolution to this situation with Rap Man soon. Especially since Rap Man is still WELL in the running for the Greensboro Title. Fans, we've got to take a break, but we'll be back with Eli Flair and Kevin Powers against The Elimination Squad!

(Cut to:Commercial for the new "Elvis LOVES Eddy" shirt)

Kevin Powers and Eli Flair vs. Elimination Squad

BB:We're back, and we're set for the first half of our DOUBLE Main Event! Teri, this is a match that many people voted for on the CSWA Hotline, and I think the reason is, they want to see if Flair and Powers can "play nice," so to speak, long enough to do what they both WANT to do, that being, defeat ES.

TM:I think they can. Remember what happened in Philadelphia? It may have ended on a sour note with Powers taking the Barbed Wire match, but they worked VERY well together. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see these two men wearing the tag team gold down the line somewhere. Of course, that's based on their ability to work as a team, not their ability to keep from killing each other.

BB:Without further adieu, let's head to the ring.

RJ:The following is a tag team contest scheduled for one fall!

(Cue up:ES' music)

Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 726 pounds, accompanied by their manager, Hot Scott..... ELIMINATOR.... MYSTERIOUS...... THE ELIMINATION SQUAD!!!!!!!

(ES comes to the ring, flanking Hot Scott. They're all business, and they look like they could take on the entire league. There's a mixed reaction from the crowd, but in its midst is a solid positive reaction. They hit the ring, awaiting their opponents.)

BB:ES, Teri, always looks in top shape. Also, I spoke with Eliminator and Hot Scott briefly before the card began, and he is REALLY looking forward to removing these thorns from the side of ES.

TM:I can understand that completely, but I have to wonder if Eliminator really knows what he's talking about.

BB:What do you mean?

TM:No matter what I may think about his manager, Flair has been a part of the CSWA for four years now. He's PROVED he's got staying power, and from what I've heard in the backstage, he's obsessing over getting Troy Windham back to the CSWA and back into the ring. I don't think Eliminator realizes that it will NEVER be over. And Powers? He's the US Champion. Enough said.

BB:Good points there, Teri.

(Cue up:"(Can't You)Trip Like I Do" - Filter & Crystal Method)

RJ:THEIR OPPONENTS..... Introducing first ---

GINA:Can it, Rhubarb, we'll take it from here!!!

(Susan and Gina emerge from the curtain)

SUSAN:As Rhubarb was saying...

G:Coming in at SIX feet and TEN inches of US Steel and Sex Appeal,

S:From Chicago, Illinois,

G:The CSWA United States Heavyweight Champion, "Good GOD" Kevin Powers!!

(A HUGE Heel Pop starts as Powers emerges from the curtain. He's wearing a T-Shirt that states simply, "PLR" on the front, as well as his US Title belt around his waist. He gives Susan a kiss, Gina a kiss, and heads to the ring.)

BB:Here he is, the US Champion. You know, I've heard rumors about Elvis Lives, and what the US Title match will be. Eliminator gets his shot at Powers in Baltimore, so you'd think Flair gets his shot at Elvis Lives, hmm?

TM:But there's a problem there. We have yet to have a match involving two of these three that hasn't ended in interference. Well, it's a job for the front office.

(Cue up:"Vow" - Garbage)

RJ:AND HIS PARTNER..... from Bronx, New York, accompanied to the ring by Poison Ivy..... "TOTAL ELIMINATION" ELI FLAIR!!!!

(The music abruptly cuts out)

BB:What's going on? Where's the music?

(The lights flicker, and Flair and Ivy emerge from the curtain. Flair has dyed his hair pink, purple, green and blue, and has also cut it. Ivy's knee is wrapped up in an Ace bangafeIvy has a microphone in her hand)

IVY:God damn it, Marvin, hit it!

(CUE UP:"The Dope Show" - Marilyn Manson. Ivy and Flair walk to the ring, the capacity crowd on their feet either to cheer, get a high-five, or to get a glimpse of Flair's new look. On the back of his leather jacket, he has added studded sequins spelling out "We're All Stars Now" in script.)

TM:Wow.... someone's gone nuts with the peroxide and kool-aid, hmm? But it's gotta work in Flair's advantage. Throughout the course of his career he's always been a constant presence, but the look is good. It could really put ES on the defensive.

BB:That's true, Teri. Nothing gives you a bigger advantage then if your opponent thinks you're nuts. We're ready to start this one off, and it looks like it'll be Mysterious and Powers starting off in this one! Teri, I must say, it's been a refreshing change to call the action with someone who knows what they're talking about.

TM:This is very true. Sammy, I know you're watching. Take your time! Have a wonderful vacation! Don't hurry back!

BB:Powers and Mysterious circle each other.... they lock up, and Powers is caught in a side headlock! He tries to send Mysterious into the ropes.... NO! Mysterious grabs a handful of hair and holds onto the headlock. Gina and Susan are telling Young.... but he didn't see it!

TM:The two of them need to learn a few things, but they'll get it.

BB:Powers tries it again.... and Mysterious holds onto the hair! Now Young sees it. He gives Mysterious a warning, but I think he just wants to see these four go at it.

TM:Powers has been in this headlock for almost two minutes.... He needs to get out of it.

BB:Indeed he does. Powers to the ropes again, but he's just holding on this time, and Young will call for the break. NO! Poison Ivy clocked Mysterious in the leg with that Singapore Cane! Mysterious goes down, and Eliminator and Hot Scott are furious!

TM:They've got a right to be, but Ivy got the job done! NOW what?

BB:Referee Patrick Young is saying something to Ivy... Now he's over to Jones!

(Young talks to Rhubarb Jones for a minute... and Mysterious is helped to his corner and tags out.)

RJ:Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. The referee has EJECTED Poison Ivy from the ringside area, and has levied a fine of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS to be paid to the CSWA Front Office TONIGHT.

BB:WHAT? Poison Ivy is beside herself! She's angry, and I think Gina and Susan are actually pleading her case!

TM:Well, it took BOTH of them to take Ivy down in Philly, I think they're just not looking forward to the possibility of going on the defensive here.

BB:Be that as it may, Eli Flair is talking Ivy down, and I think he's convinced her to let Young live. For that matter, Eli is asking Powers for the tag!

TM:Here we go, both Eliminators are gonna go at it one more time.

BB:Flair circles Eliminator..... and they lock up! Knee to the midsection by Flair, followed by an elbow to the face! He doesn't let up, and hits Eliminator with a DDT! Eliminator to the outside, and I think he's claiming Flair had a handful of hair!

TM:Young didn't see it, and I certainly didn't see it, but Flair is told to back off as Young begins his count. Eliminator slides back into the ring. He has a little chat with Mysterious, and locks up with Flair again!

BB:These two men are about the same height, but Eliminator has a good sixty pounds on Flair. It's showing, as Flair is backed into the ropes! Elbow to the face, and Eliminator whips him to the other side! Shoulderblock by Eliminator, and nobody moves!

TM:If looks could kill, Buckley.....

BB:Eli says something to Eliminator.... OH MY! Eliminator just stomped on Flair's foot! Thumb to the eyes! Young telling Eliminator to back off! OH MY GOD! Flair with a headbutt to the lower abdomen!

TM:EXTREMELY Lower Abdomen. You can say it, Bill.

BB:Just trying to give Flair the benefit of the doubt.

TM:I wasn't. Neither of these men will follow the rules if they limit how much they can hurt each other.

BB:Eliminator makes a dive at his corner and tags out to Mysterious! He's got a noticeable limp there, Teri!

TM:That's what happens. Ivy's given me a few shots throughout the years with that Singapore Cane, and it leaves a mark. TRUST me.

BB:Mysterious picks Flair up.... Snap Suplex sends Flair to the canvas! The cover, 1...............2...............NO! Flair kicks out! Mysterious picks him up, BACKBREAKER! He picks Flair up again.... Irish whip.... WAIT A MINUTE! Mysterious drops his head for a backdrop, but Flair holds onto the ropes and tags out to Powers! POWERS WITH A KICK TO THE FACE! KISS THE CANVAS!!!!! The cover, 1....................2......................3! NO! NO! Eliminator breaks up the pinfall attempt, and we've got a free-for-all starting! Flair jumps back in there, and is met by a right hand! And he fires one back! On the other side of the ring, Powers sends Mysterious through the ropes and follows him to the outside!

TM:Young's given up. No way he can keep order anymore.

BB:Eliminator throws another punch! NO! Flair catches him by the throat, CHOKESLAM! Young trying to get Powers and Mysterious back into the ring, HERE COMES HOT SCOTT!

TM:That guy has a lot to learn, but he's also got a chair in his hands.


TM:She caught him off guard with that Cane, and now she, Susan and Gina are stomping away at him! Powers is on the floor going to work on Mysterious with a chair, and Eliminator is wrapping Flair up in the Elimination LegLock!

BB:Eliminator catches Young's attention and he turns to find Flair motionless! This is a travesty, if it happens! He raises Flair's arms, they fall limp! 1! Again......2! If his arm falls, it's over!

(Young drops Flair's arm the third time, but Flair gets up with a start)

TM:I don't believe it!

BB:Flair may not be out, but he's still in the LegLock! Let's turn on the ring mike and get the conversation!


Ref:Flair, you want to give it up?


Eliminator:C'mon, Eli. You know you can't get out. You know you can't beat me. Give it up!

Ref:You want to give?

(ELI reaches up and grabs Young by the sleeve)


Eliminator:There's no way out, give up!

ELI:No way out? Now, c'mon.... you don't expect me to believe THAT, do you?

BB:What is he DOING?

TM:Flair looks like he's..... I have no idea!

BB:Flair has reached backwards and GRABBED Eliminator by the knee! He's pulling!

TM:Eliminator is trying to keep his balance, but he can't! The hold is broken!

BB:Eliminator looks beside himself! He can't believe it!

TM:Well, this Elimination LegLock is VERY similar to Eli's old finisher, you'd think he'd have a way out, y'know?

BB:Flair is up! Eliminator runs at him, BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX! Flair shakes it off! Another attempt, Flair sidesteps, and catches Eliminator with an armdrag takedown! Eliminator to his feet, DDT sends him back down! Teri, I think he's going for it!

TM:Powers sends Mysterious into the guardrail.... Here comes the cavalry!

BB:Rap Man and Enforcer are coming down to the ringside area.... HERE COMES THE REST OF PLR BEHIND 'EM! Inside the ring, Eli has Eliminator locked in the Total Elimination! Young is trying to get everyone out of the ringside area, but it's no good!

TM:Young's given up.

BB:We've got the head of the Elimination Squad in the middle of the ring locked in a submission hold, and the rest of ES on the outside brawling with PLR! Hot Scott climbing into the ring.... ELBOW on Flair's head! Flair turns around... HE'S GOT HOT SCOTT BY THE THROAT! CHOKESLAM!

TM:Turn around, you idiot!

BB:Eliminator stalking Flair from behind, NO! Powers made the save! He throws Eliminator into the corner, and Flair is backing off from Hot Scott!

TM:Turn around, again!


TM:I knew it wouldn't last.... too much negative energy there.

BB:Poison Ivy, and Susan and Gina are surprisingly not fighting, but are trying to pull Powers and Flair apart! Here's VP Gethard with a security team to escort everyone to their appropriate locker room area. Rhubarb, can we get the official word, no matter how obvious it is?

RJ(On the house mike):Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. Due to outside interference, the referee has ruled this matchup a NO CONTEST!

BB:Something's got to be done, Teri, or these men are going to tear the CSWA apart! We'll be right back with Radder/Windham!

(Cut to commercial)

BB : Fans, I hope you're ready to see an incredible bonus match!  Steve Radder claims that he deserves more respect, and a higher ranking in the CSWA, and truthfully, I can say that after his victory over Joey Melton in Charleston, he may be right.

TM : Buckley, I ask you again, do you want to live to see this match?

BB : How about we head down to Rhubarb Jones and get this one underway?

Steve Radder vs. Mark Windham

RJ : Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one-fall, with TV time remaining!  (The fans come to their feet in anticipation.)

(Cue Up : Bulls On Parade by Rage Against The Machine.)

RJ : Now approaching the ring, a member of PLR, and a man determined to make his mark on the CSWA, hailing from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, please welcome ... the Iceman ... STEVE RADDER!

(The fans give a heel pop as Radder comes out from the backstage area with twin fountains of blue and white pyrotechnics exploding around him.   Kelly is on his arm, and he is walking very confidently down to the ring.)

BB : Will Windham show, though?  I'm kind-of wondering ...

TM : Of COURSE he'll show.  He'll want to show the world that this punk doesn't know what he's talking about.  He wasn't good enough to be in the Corporation and he won't be good enough to beat Windham.

BB : At any rate ...

RJ : And now, his opponent, a member of the CSWA's Old Guard, the Living Legend ... MARK WINDHAM!!

(The fans come to their feet hoping that Windham will show.   No flashing lights, no fireworks and no music come from the PA system or the set.   And Windham doesn't show from the backstage area.)

BB : As you were saying?

TM : I'm not warning you again Buckley - shut it.

BB : The referee has no choice but to start the 10-count, and Radder is shaking his head inside the ring.  It seems he was expecting this all along, so he leans against the ropes and looks out to the crowd, laughing it up.

(The ref counts ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ...)

BB : There he is!  Mark Windham has come in from the crowd, and he's looking pretty bad, fans!  His jacket's dirty, boots unlaced, and his hair .. oh God there's grease dripping off of it.  Anyway, he climbs in the ring, and clobbers Radder over the back with a double ax-handle and this one is on!

(A roar from the crowd.)




BB : But wait!!  What's this?  Hornet is here!

(The fans let out an absolutely huge pop as their hero comes down to ringside, limping with his crutch and managing to make his way to ringside.)

TM : That's right!  Hornet will show this punk what's going on ...

BB : And both Radder AND Windham seem a little distracted by what is going on, but Radder finally smiles and just goes back to work on Mark Wimdham.

(Another huge HEEL pop this time as Eddy Love and Kevin Powers come charging out of the backstage area, and knock Hornet to the floor.)

BB : PLR is all here!  They're all down at the ring!   Love and Powers have laid out Hornet ... and Love takes Hornet's crutch and smacks him over the back with it!  Did you hear that?  That was a terrible sound!

TM : Here comes the calvary ...

(An even louder roar greets Mark Vizzack, Eli Flair, and Ivy as they run down to ringside.)

BB : Mark Vizzack grabs Eddy Love off of Hornet and they're going at it!  Vizzack and Love are trading lefts and rights back and forth!   This is amazing!  What a mess, folks!

TM : And Flair and Ivy and creeping closer to Powers and eyeing him warily ... finally Flair charges and they're going at it!  Get him!    Kill Powers!  That's right!

BB : But wait!  Back in the ring, Radder boots Windham in the gut, leaps around him, hooks in the full nelson and hits him with the Absolute Zero!  That's his finisher!  He's covering Windham, but the ref is distracted!   Radder jumps up to see what is going on, and notices the rumble going on outside!   Radder leaps over the ropes and throws the announcer from his chair ... Radder takes the chair and slams Eli Flair over the back with it, but Flair just turns and advances on Radder!  What a mess!

TM : Finally ... FINALLY!  Get him, Eli!  You too, Windham, what are you doing just standing there watching?

BB : I can't answer that one, but Ivy and Sunshine have managed to drag Hornet away from this mess, and are making sure he is OK ... they are holding him up, because dear Lord his crutch has been absolutely bent out of shape from when Love hit him ... Hornet's regaining his breath, but he starts moving back to the ring slowly, and on his own, yelling at Windham all the time!

HORNET : What are you doing?  HELP US!

(Windham looks blankly towards Hornet, who has made his way into the ring, but then turns his head sharply to the aisle, where a man stands halfway down.  Windham leaves the ring and ignores everyone around it, and heads after the man.)

BB : What is this?  What a mess!

TM : It's about to get alot messier, Buckley!

BB : Oh God, fans, Dante Inferno has made his way down the rampway, and Vizzack just stops what he's doing.  Sunshine has made her way into the ring, and Hornet is hiding her behind him in the corner, using the ropes to hold him up!

(Vizzack just stare at Dante with wide eyes, but finally charges at him, leaping, but Dante catches him in midair, and slams him down through a table set up at ringside.)

BB : Vizzack is out cold!  Everyone else is too busy fighting to notice Dante is even here!

TM : Everyone but Hornet and Sunshine!

BB : This is true, and Dante has made his way into the ring ... he is advancing on Hornet and Sunshine .. Hornet's injured, fans, this could be trouble.

(Dante makes his way deliberately to Hornet, locking eyes with him with a small smile on his face.  He is about to reach Hornet until ...)


TM : He's insane!  I knew it!

BB : That may well be, as Radder charges at a stunned Dante Inferno, sending both men over the ropes and falling near Mark Vizzack who is just waking up now!  He looks in the ring at Hornet and they both shake their heads!  What's going on?  STEVE RADDER JUST SAVED HORNET AND SUNSHINE!  Fans, we are out of time!  See you in Baltimore!

(The camera fades with Radder and Dante fighting their way up the ramp and everyone else by ringside looking on with a shocked look on their faces.)