in Kansas City

February 14, 1999
Featuring:  Vizzack/Radder and
Eli Flair/Powers


ANNOUNCER:The following program is a CS Enterprises production, in association with U-62 Television.

(Fade in on the Elvis Lives banner...)

Bill Buckley (V/O) : CSWA pay-per-view events have always made the world talk, and the world was given even more to talk about as ELVIS LIVES XI passed us by mere weeks ago.

(3-second snippets of every match that took place at ELVIS LIVES is shown - from Billy Starr defeating his three opponents, to Steve Radder being thrown around like a ragdoll, to Mark Vizzack falling to his knees after his World Title match win over Eddy Love.)

BB (V/O) : CSWA SHOWTIME has always been the kind of event that is an honor to participate in.

(Footage of Deacon/Eliminator, Radder/Windham, and Flair/Powers vs. Elimination Squad matches at various Showtimes flash on the screen.)

BB (V/O) : Every title the CSWA has has up for grabs has always been steeped in tradition and honor, and tonight, two of these titles are on the line.

(A picture of all World and US Champions flash on the screen, ending with Mark Vizzack and Eli Flair.)

BB (V/O) : The wrestlers are ready, the fans are in their seats. Ladies and Gentlemen, it's SHOWTIME!

(The SHOWTIME logo flies towards the screen, finally shattering it into little pieces, and when they fall, we are greeted with a shot of the arena from high in the rafters. The shot quickly changes to a 'crowd shot', showing people waving their signs. Some notable ones read 'Vizzack may be the champ but he's still a worm/PLR is too cool' and 'Give ME A Hard One'. The camera pans until we reach the announcer's desk where Bill Buckley sits ... with Richard Dawson.)

Bill Buckley : This arena - full of 21,050 screaming fans - has been sold out since before ELVIS LIVES XI even aired! Fans, I'm Bill Buckley, and with me, again, is my .... co-host .... Richard Dawson.


BB : Yes, fans, as my excitable partner reminded you, Steve Radder and Mark Vizzack will meet for the 4th time - once again with the CSWA World Title on the line - though this time in single's competition.

RD : Yeah, finally! These two FINALLY meet in a match that MATTERS for something.

BB : What are you talking about? Their first match was at FISH FUND XIII - in the US Tournament. Their second match was at PT in Seattle - in a Top Contenders match. Their third match was at Remembering Timmy in a Tag Match for the World Title ... how can you say none of them ever mattered?

RD : Well this one matters more ... duhhhhhhhh ....

BB : Er ... uh huh.

(The first notes of "Bulls On Parade" by Rage Against The Machine begin playing out of the sound system. The fans come to their feet with cheers again - surprisingly - as 'Iceman' Steve Radder makes his way out from the backstage area, 'Extreme Title' in hand, along with a microphone.)

Steve Radder : Now what better way to start up the CSWA's premier showcase of it's premier atheletes than with the Coolest of the Cool?

(The fans cheer at this, startling Radder a little, but he manages to regain his composure.)

SR : And finally - I get my World Title shot, and who better to have it against than Marky Mark Vizzack, the man who thinks I abuse his manager. Not only am I going to show you that giving me this title shot will be the dumbest thing you ever did, I'm also gonna put you on the rocks.

And when I get you down for the 1, 2, 3, and take the CSWA World Title - all you'll have left is the question running through your head - 'What happened?'

(Radder tosses the microphone into the crowd as his music begins to play again, and he leaves, once again, to a chorus of cheers from the fans.)

Bill Buckley : Well. I can honestly say hearing Steve Radder being cheered is ... about the last thing I would have expected to happen here in the CSWA.

Richard Dawson : Actually, Buckley, that's number two on the survey ...

BB : (Sigh.) And what's number one?


(Twirls around in chair and comes back beaming at the camera.)

BB : Good Lord ... Rhubarb, help me out man ...

Deacon vs. Blade

BB:  These two giants of men represent complete opposites. Blade, rumored tag team partner of mysteriously-departed Dante Inferno represented the 'dark' side of man's nature, while Deacon represented the 'light.' It showed. Blade did everything in his power to bend the rules to their breaking point, while Deacon withstood all of it and dished out punishment in greater amounts! Eventually, it all came to a head as Blade hit the Guillotine Blade on the fallen Deacon, only to join the thousands of people in attendance in utter surprise, as Deacon kicked out! It appeared to have been a desperation maneuver, however, as Blade continued to go to work!

RD:  Blade is furious, Buckley...he thought he had Deacon down for the count.

BB:  But let me guess....survey says wrong.

RD:  You catch on quick, Bill.

BB:  Blade is furious, however, in the ring following the near fall.  Blade pulls Deacon to his feet....what's he doing?  He grabs Deacon by the collar.....he just ripped off Deacon's shirt and slams him into the turnbuckle.

RD:  That one even got a reaction from the Shepherd outside......whoa, what's wrong with his hands?  They're all bandaged up?

BB:  Oh my dear Lord......oh my...in the name of all that is good and.....

RD:  What is that!?  What is wrong with Deacon's back?

BB:  I don't know, Richard...I truly don't know.  Fans, I'm sure you're as shocked as we are....the Deacon appears to have an enormous cross branded on his back.  I never knew.....

RD:  Where is it from?  Has he lost it?  Is he some kind of cultist or somethin...what would make someone do that to themselves?

BB:  You're assuming he did it, Richard.  Fans, this is one that we'll have to follow up on after the show...we'll try and get some answers for you.  In the meantime, I think Blade's ripping off his 'pastoral' shirt has given Deacon a burst of adrenalin.  Deacon fires back with a right hand, but Blade still has time to send Deacon into the ropes.  Blade telegraphs the backdrop though......DDT by Deacon!!!  That one may have put Blade's lights out!  Uh oh, looks like it's time for the ALTAR CALL!!  Deacon hits it....and we've got the one...........two..........three.  The Deacon wins this one, just barely.  But you've got to say that Blade looks to have been Deacon's toughest challenge yet.

WINNER:  Deacon in 18:36

RD: Blade was a bit rusty, wouldn't you say?

BB: Leave the witty comments to me, please?

RD: They haven't been yours for eleven years. SURVEY SAYS.... they still aren't.

BB (To himself): Breathe, Buckley.... he's not Sammy. he's not Sammy. (Louder) Up next, we've got the Greensboro Title Top Contenders Four-Way match between Randy Harders, Rap Man, Nemesis, and Apocalypse.

RD: Apocalypse will win it.

BB: Are you sure?

RD: I'm positive. We gonna get to the match, Vinny?

BB: Who the hell is Vin...

Greensboro Top Contenders Match

Randy Harders vs. Rap Man
vs. Nemesis vs. Apocalypse

BB: This was an unusual match from the start. Apocalypse did not even ENTER the ring. He stood on the ring apron, just watching the carnage erupt. And how! Harders, Rap Man, and Nemesis all had rather rich histories with each other, and tonight it showed! Harders and Nemesis spent a good ten minutes simply pounding on the helpless Rap Man, as neither one of THEM would team up with him. From moonsaults to powerbombs, they put this man through more punishment then anyone could possibly have dreamed possible.

Suddenly, the lights began to flicker, not so those beating on Rap Man would really notice, but when they came back on, Blade was standing in the aisleway. There have been speculations over a possible partnership with Black's Army, but Blade just stood there.

Eventually, when Rap Man couldn't stand anymore, it happened. Harders turned around and DECKED Nemesis with a right hand that sent him sprawling to the mat! Harders kept up the punishment, not giving Nemesis a chance to regroup, until Apocalypse made his move! He entered the ring and DESTROYED Harders, topping things off with a chokeslam, and hitting him with the Seventh Seal - a spike tombstone piledriver! He then went to the slowly rising Rap Man, and delivered a Seventh Seal to him as well, then he tossed the helpless man over the top rope and came off with a POWERFUL legdrop that, well, bent Rap Man's leg in a way that legs don't bend! Tossing him back into the ring, he moved toward Nemesis to see that he was already down. He thought about it... but left it alone and left the ringside area.

So it was a race to see who would get up first, and it was Randy Harders. He saw the prone Rap Man, and covered him for the pin.

WINNER: Randy Harders

BB: Harders LEGALLY takes his position as the Number One Contender to the Greensboro Title, and it looks like Rap Man might be OUT for a good long while.

RD: Serves him right. His rap was HORRIBLE.

BB: It's certainly an acquired taste, one I don't plan to acquire. Up next, we've got ES taking on Disco Express in what should've been a title match, but now it's simply a warm up for the upcoming Tag Team Tournament.

Richard Dawson : SURVEY SAYS ...

BB : *I* say it's time to head to Rhubarb Jones, who is in the ring ... introduce us, Rhubarb!

Elimination Squad vs. Disco Express

Rhubarb Jones : But of course, Bill. Fans, this next contest is a Tag Team Match, scheduled with a 30-minute time limit. Already in the ring, please welcome the former Unified Tag Champions, DISCO EXPRESS!!!

(Cue Up;"Stayin' Alive" - BeeGees as the members of Disco Express run around the ring a few times, perhaps warming up, or maybe just goofing off.)

RJ : And now, a team who have claimed to be rightful owners of the Unified Tag Straps, and top contenders for the belts since their entry in the CSWA, please welcome ELIMINATOR AND MYSTERIOUS ... THE ELIMINATION SQUAD!

(Cue Up : Elimination Time, as ES make their way to the ring quickly, totally ignoring the fans, seemingly with their minds set on the task at hand.)

Bill Buckley : This match is being billed as a warm-up for both teams, looking forward to the big Tag Team Title Tournament that will be held in coming weeks ... and Commishioner Merritt is scheduled to make an announcement in regards to that after this matchup... any thoughts on that, Richard?

Richard Dawson : I think we should watch the match, because survey says WHILE YOU WERE TALKING, BOOGIE MAN PUT ELIMINATOR IN A SHARPSHOOTER!

BB : You're absolutely right, Richard! What happened? Eliminator is hooked in that sharpshooter in the middle of the ring and what's this?! He's waving to the referee that he submits! This match is over ... in a CSWA-record time of ... 4 seconds! I can't believe it ... they said they'd never submit, but Eliminator sure did in a hurry there ... let's head back for an instant replay while Eliminator and Mysterious head to the back to .. (snicker) lick their wounds ...

(The replay shows Disco Inferno distracting the Eliminator by 'mooning' him, allowing Boogie Man to hook in the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring ..)

BB : Well THAT would distract anyone ..


BB:Apparently so. Folks, we'll be right back with some words from the FORMER "Greatest Amercian Hero."

(Cut to a commercial for the ELVIS LIVES replay)

BB:  Fans, we're back, let's send it down to Rudy Seitzer in the ring.

RS:  Ladies and gentlemen, he demanded it, and the CSWA has given it to him.  At this time, I'd like to introduce the former three-time CSWA World Heavyweight Champion, the former three-time Unified World Champion, the man who helped revolutionize this company and this sport....this is HORNET!

(huge heel pop as Hornet makes his way to the ring)

RS:  (as Hornet climbs through the ropes) And he's also the man who turned his back on Mark Vizzack in the moment of his greatest triumph.  I think the whole world deserves an explanation, champ.

H:  Ah, don't tell me you're going to give me the grief bit too, Rudy.  But no, you're right, I *do* owe these fans an explanation.  Do all of you want to know why I did what I did? (crowd roars)  Why I put the CSWA World Heavyweight Champion on his back and in the most dangerous hold in the sport?  You want to know why?  (he pauses)

You don't DESERVE to know why.  (heel pop)

RS:  Now wait just a second here....

H:  (grabs Rudy's collar)  Now Rudy, can't you see I'm cutting a huge bad-guy promo here.  You wouldn't want to get in the way and make me take the heel's way out and put you over the ropes, now would you?

RS:  What.....do you mean....

H:  Come on, Rudy.  You and I, and everyone in this arena knows how it's supposed to work.  Well, I haven't disappointed you fans yet, have I?   (boos)  No, none of you deserve to know why,but I'll tell you anyway, for the sake of the six-year, one hundred fifty million dollar deal that I still have four years left on.  I did it because *I* deserved it.

Don't get me wrong....it was all about business.  I've got nothing personal against Mark Vizzack, except that he now has the World Title around his waist.  He trumped Eddy Love and took the gold.  Good for him.  And now he's gonna have to fight for it.

For those of you watching for the sordid details about how Ivy and I reunited romantically and cooked all this up, go ahead and flip over to the "Bald and the Beautiful" on your local station's WWF programming, cause this isn't a soap opera.   You see, that's *my* business, not yours.

For those of you looking for me to rant and carry on about how much I hate Vizzack or Love or Radder or Windham....turn elsewhere.

But what I *will* give you, both for the sake of entertainment, sport, and just because I wanna get it off my chest, is a little history lesson.

About ten years ago, I beat a man known as Degadeth for the CSWA World Championship.  I lost it to a man named Wall, and then in a ninety-minute bout, won it back.  I held it longer than any athlete has ever held it in this promotion, and longer than ANY World Champion in ANY promotion in recent memory.  And that's when it started....promoters, others athletes started talking about how I wasn't truly good enough for it, but that I was being held there by the CSWA's owners and promoters.  

Even went I went around the world, taking other promotions 'World' Titles and merging them into what became the Unified World Championship, these rumor-mongers kept spouting their venom.  Twice the title was taken from me not in the ring, but in the boardroom, and each time I won it back, until I figured, what's the use?

You see, I've beaten Mark Windham.  I've beaten GUNS.   I've beaten the so-called greats like Tom Adler, Joey Melton, Steven Flair, Troy Windham.  In fact, I've beaten them all on more than one occasion.

You see, it got old.  Until one day, GUNS decided to make it personal.  Stupid little old me put his career on the line and got screwjobbed.   And then I found my way back....for the sake of the fans, for the sake of the CSWA, for the sake of my best friend, Mark Windham, I came back.

And I got screwed again, ultimately.  This time not by any wrestler, but by circumstance.  And as I laid their, struggling to hang on to consciousness untder a mountain of rubble, sure that a friend was dead, and that I might be next in the parking lot of FISH FUND Park Arena, I had what you might term 'an awakening.'

You've said it, Mark.  "The Awakening Has Begun."   Well, rise and shine, cause I'm up and at 'em.

I'd laid under that pile of rock and thought about what I had to show for it.  A pile of money, a list of accomplishments, a long list of friends.   But was any of it worth it?

NO, this isn't your made-for-TV movie.  You see, in that hospital room, as I closed myself off from the world to focus on walking again, it was made apparent to me.  I watched as a new crop of 'heroes' took center stage in the CSWA and I applauded them.  And what did I get for it?  Steve Radder calling me Father Time, Eddy Love saying I was washed up, and Mark Windham not even calling the room to see if I was alright.  Sunshine and Vizzack came by, to try and entice me into their 'plans.'  But only one person came by for *me*, on a truly personal visit.

And that's when I realized what my mistake had been all along...and that was allowing this *business* to rule my life, to become personal.  Well, folks, no more.  You want to boo me?  That's up to you.  But the fact remains that the employee, the wrestler who has held every major title in this sport, from the CSWA's US Title to the AAWC's Unified, to the CSWA's World strap to the Unified World Title, is back in the saddle....and boy do I have a surprise for you.  It's amazing what modern medicine can do these days, isn't it GUNS?

RS:  But what about Ivy, what about Mark....Eli?

H:  Patience, my friend.  Patience.  (Hornet leaves the ring)

BB:  I can't say that we got all of...or really *any* of the answers we were looking for tonight....folks, we'll be back after this.

BB:We're back, and we're ready for the first of our two title matches tonight!

United States Heavyweight Championship

"Total Elimination" Eli Flair
"Good God" Kevin Powers

RJ:The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CSWA United States Heavyweight Championship!

(Cue Up:"(Can't You) Trip Like I Do" - Filter and Crystal Method)

Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 327 pounds...

GINA: Do we have to tell you again, Jonesey? This is OUR JOB!

SUSAN: No jokes about some kind of 'former' either, you got it?

G: AS WE WERE SAYING.... Weighing in at 327 pounds and standing tall at SIX foot TEN inches of US Steel and Sex Appeal, This is THE MAN... "GOOD GOD" KEVIN POWERS!!!

(Powers comes through the curtain, motioning to his waist about the title belt that... isn't there. He doesn't care to kiss Susan and Gina this time out, as he's focused on the ring.)

RD: He looks determined. Survey Says, he's full of US Steel and Sex Appeal.

BB: But there's no US Gold there, is there?

RD: If he comes up here, he's all yours.

BB: I miss Sammy...


(Cue up:"The Dope Show" - Marilyn Manson)

Accompanied to the ring by his manager, Poison Ivy, weighing in at 302 pounds... The CSWA United States Heavyweight Champion, "Total Elimination" Eli Flair!!!!!

(Ivy walks out first, to a mixed reaction due to her ELVIS LIVES actions. Still, she has plenty of fans giving her a cheer, and she works the crowd the way she always did. Flair follows, walking VERY slowly... though he is badly limping and trying hard not to show it. The US Title belt is around his waist.)

BB: There's the bell, and we're ready to go. Flair looks a little worse for the wear after ELVIS LIVES and the spills he took. That left knee is wrapped pretty well in a white bandage that seems like it's inhibiting his movement just a little. They lock up, and Powers easily shoves Flair into the ropes!

RD: He's having trouble walking on that leg, and it doesn't look like he can use it to brace himself! SURVEY SAYS.... Powers gets the belt back!

BB: I don't know about that, as they lock up again, and Flair drops that bad leg and sends Powers to the mat with a hiptoss! Now he's got him in an armbar! This is good strategy on his part.

RD: How is that?

BB: By holding Powers on the mat , he's able to keep the weight off that leg. That could be important later in this match.

RD: Sounds like the number one answer there... NOPE!

BB: OH MY! Powers just headbutted Flair in that bad knee, and he goes down! Wait a minute.... on the outside, Susan and Gina are moving toward Poison Ivy! What's Gina have in her hand?

RD: It looks like pepper spray! HEY! Susan grabbed her from behind!

BB: In the ring, Powers continues to work on that leg! He's driving his knee into it, over and over! NO! Flair kicks him in the stomach with the other leg! He's pulling himself to his feet!

RD: I think Team Flair made a mistake in coming to this one. NOPE! Gina gets a kick herself, and Susan is thrown over Ivy's shoulders! It looks like she's gotten the better of Susan and Gina once again!

BB: Powers is up on his feet again.... European Uppercut! And another! Flair is backed into the corner! Powers climbs the ropes, and he's punching Flair in the head! 1......2.........3.........4.........5.........6.......NO!

RD: Why did the fans count to ten anyways?

BB: Flair locks his legs.... INVERTED ATOMIC DROP! But that may have damaged Flair even more then Powers, as he is unable to follow up!

RD: I think he made himself a mistake in this match. He shouldn't have shown up.

BB: Susan and Gina appear to have regrouped, what are they plotting now? Powers over in the corner with them, and they're having a conference as Flair pulls himself to his feet! Powers is up... and he takes a swing at Eli... NO! Eli dodged it, and hits Powers with a T-Bone suplex! He follows up with a legdrop, and he pays the price for it!

(Fans begin to boo loudly)

RD: Who are they booing? Oh... -I- get it.

BB: Fans, it appears Hornet is on his way down to the ringside area. In the ring, it doesn't look like Flair OR Powers has noticed it yet! Ivy, however.... approaches him, and they, well, they share a rather nice kiss!  I never thought I'd hear Hornet get booed on his way down to ringside.

RD: Wish I was Hornet right now.

BB: Flair is up... he sets up Powers into the ropes... NO! Powers hits Flair with a low blow! Now a kneebreaker! He puts Eli into a half Boston on that injured leg!

RD: Survey Says..... SNAP!

BB: Eli has GOT to be in tremendous pain... but he's not giving in! He's inching toward the ropes, can he make it before the pain becomes too great? He's almost there....

RD: Looks like he won't get the chance. Here comes Hornet!

BB: HORNET IS IN THE RING! HE GRABS POWERS BY THE HAIR AND PULLS HIM OFF! Powers into the corner.... HORNET SPLASH! There's the bell, and I believe Eli Flair has been disqualified!

RD: He's still the Champ, right?

BB: That's not the point... What was Hornet doing? Flair is given the belt, but Powers' hand is raised in victory! Wait... Flair has a microphone...

ELI: What the hell do you think you're doing?

IVY: He was giving you a hand. MOST people would be grateful.

ELI (Pacing the ring, title belt on shoulder): Ivy.... I've tried to understand where you're coming from. I've tried to accept what position you're in right now. You never got over your feelings for Hornet, and that's fine. You and he have the chance to see what might have been, and that's great. But you're starting to (bleep) with my career. Not only that, but you screwed with two very good friends of mine at ELVIS LIVES. Now, we've been a team for four years... FOUR YEARS. And I know you've got a temper... and I know you've got some issues.... and I really hate to put this on you, but I have no choice.

IVY: What are you talking about?

ELI: Don't make me say it... You tell me. I don't want to tell you that you've got to take me, you've got to take Hornet, and make a choice. Because if you two screw with one more of my matches, that's what it'll come down to. So let's end the rift here, and let's get back to work.

BB:Well... it seems Eli Flair has issued an ultimatum to Poison Ivy... what's she going to do?


BB: KEVIN POWERS HAS RETURNED TO THE RING! He's got a steel-plated baseball bat in hand, and he's laying into Eli with it! He's doing more damage to that leg! LOOK! Ivy and Hornet are leaving the ring area! Susan and Gina are also pounding on Flair! Here comes security to break this up.... we'll be right back, folks.

(Cut to commercial)

RD: It was his own fault, you know. He should've just accepted the help and let it go. But he had to go self-righteous and it got him in the (bleep).

BB: Richard! This is family entertainment. Fans, during the commercial break, the US Champion had to be helped backstage. We have no information currently on the condition of his leg, but we will of course bring that information to you when we have it. Now, Richard, we've got the main event. A match that was signed five months ago, when Mark Vizzack promised Steve Radder that if he was ever to capture the CSWA World Title, Radder would be given the first shot at it.

RD: And PLR could take back the World Title tonight. I can't wait! Let's get to the ring!

BB: I think that's my line.


CSWA World Heavyweight Title

"Daredevil" Mark Vizzack
"The Iceman" Steve Radder

RJ: This contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CSWA World Heavyweight Championship!

(Cue up:"Bulls on Parade" -Rage Against The Machine)

Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by his manager Kelly... weighing in at 244 pounds, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, "The Iceman" STEVE RADDER!!!!!

(Radder and Kelly enter the arena to a surprisingly warm welcome. They look a little uncomfortable at the cheers, but quickly right themselves. Radder is in his usual icy blue tights with "Iceman" running the length of the legs, and a T-Shirt that reads, simply... "PLR" on it. )

BB: Steve Radder isn't used to getting so many cheers. However, with his last few skirmishes with the vanished Dante Inferno, they've warmed up to him. Also, his manager's relationship with Sunshine Del Payne has left them more then a little endeared toward the fans.


(Cue Up:"Northern Star" - Hole)

Accompanied to the ring by Sunshine Del Payne.... from Baltimore, Maryland, weighing in at 227 pounds... The CSWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, 'Daredevil' MARK VIZZACK!

(A standing ovation greets the CSWA World Champ as he and his manager emerge from the curtain and stand at the foot of the aisleway. Sunshine is dressed in a short-sleeved, SHORT black dress with her combats and black stockings. Since her arms are bare, the outline of more scars then can be counted are in plain sight. Vizzack wears dark red tights with "DAREDEVIL" emblazoned on the legs, and a T-Shirt that reads "Legend Killa" on it. The CSWA World Title belt is slung over his shoulder as he approaches the ring. Ben Worthington gives a spin with the belt and calls for the bell!)

BB: We're ready to go here! On the outside, Sunshine and Kelly take seats next to each other and get ready to watch the match. There's gonna be no managers interfering on THIS one.

RD: Are you sure of that? The Number One Answer, based on Vizzack's last few matches, says otherwise.

BB: Radder and Vizzack stand toe to toe in the middle of the ring.... and Radder extends his hand as if to shake!

RD: Don't do it!

BB: Vizzack accepts... they shake hands.... AND BOTH FIRE A RIGHT HAND! Radder dodges it, and Vizzack staggers backwards! Another punch, but Vizzack ducks under it, bounds off the ropes, and hits a dropkick!

RD: That's gotta hurt!

BB: Radder is left sprawled on the mat with a surprised look on his face. He gets to his feet and charges at Vizzak, who sidesteps and nails a standing dropkick to the side of the head. Again, Radder goes to the mat and Vizzak follows up with a pair of lightning quick legdrops. He then climbs to the top rope and goes for a moonsault, but NOOO!!! Radder rolls out of the way just in time.

RD: One too many risks, I think. The Number One Answer here is Vizzack staying on the mat.

BB: Radder gets to his feet and grabs Vizzak by the hair, ramming his head into the mat. He then picks Vizzak up and whips him, viciously into the corner, following him in with a running elbow shot for good measure. A couple of knees to Vizzak's mid section follows that. Then, Radder runs to the opposite corner and goes for a shoulder block, but wait!! Vizzak sidesteps, causing Radder to ram himself into the ring post!!

RD: Radder comes right back, though, with a superkick to the chin! SURVEY SAYS... Advantage, Radder!

BB: Radder picks Vizzack back up, and he hits a gut-wrench suplex! There's the cover, 1.........2.......NO! Vizzack isn't out of it yet. Radder picks him up, and sends him into the corner! Another attempt at a shoulderblock, but Vizzack gets the boot up! Radder falls back to the mat, clutching at his aching shoulder and Vizzak takes advantage. He begins pummeling Radder's injured shoulder with kicks. Vizzak goes to the corner, and jumps to the top rope, nailing a beautiful elbow drop from almost half way across the ring!

RD: Was it really beautiful?

BB: Oh now don't YOU start.

RD: Any action from the managers?

BB: No... it looks as if Sunshine and Kelly are indeed staying out of it... Oh, now, wait a second. What's this?

RD: Looks like Hornet to me.

BB: Fans, Hornet and Poison Ivy are coming down to ringside, much to the dismay of this capacity crowd. Sunshine and Kelly have seen them coming as well, and are backing away. Fans, you'll all remember what happened between Sunshine and Poison Ivy at ELVIS LIVES, and Sunshine, by the look she has on her face, remembers, as well.

RD: Bill, I'll keep an eye on the women. You take control of this match. So far nothing is happening on the outside... except for Sunshine's dress a little tight in the chest area....

BB: Why me? Worthington is telling Hornet to leave the ringside area, and behind him, Vizzack picks Radder up... NO! Headbutt by Radder, and a belly-to-belly suplex turns the tide once again!

RD: Turn around, Worthington!

BB: Vizzack is sent into the ropes.... BACKDROP by Radder sends the Champ to the outside! Worthington didn't see what happened or he'd have to disqualify Radder! Instead, he begins the count.

RD: Air PLR!

BB: RADDER IS SETTING UP FOR A SLINGSHOT! NO! NO! Hornet shoved Vizzack into the ringpost! Radder hits the floor! Both men are down!

RD: Great start Vizzack's title reign is off to, isn't it?

BB: This is a travesty. Radder and Vizzack are robbed of a mostly completely legal match that the fans were enjoying! Worthington berates Hornet, but all he can do is count the two participants out!

RD: That's it, this match ends on a double countout.

BB: Hornet and Ivy are leaving the ringside area.... WAIT A SECOND! ELI FLAIR IS IN THE AISLE! HE Brings that Singapore Cane down on Hornet's head! Scoop, and a slam on the concrete! Flair lays into Hornet with that cane! Poison Ivy is yelling at him!

RD: Not anymore.... oh lord, she's coming this way...

BB: Ivy has a microphone in hand, and Flair has hit the ringside area to check on Vizzack's condition...

IVY: Alright, Eli, you made your point. But since we go so far back, I'll give you another shot at joining up with the number one wrestler in the world and the number one manager in the world. What do you say?

(Eli grabs a mic of his own)

ELI: Ivy, you remember what you told Vizzack at Elvis Lives? That it was just business? Well, this ain't business... it's FRIENDSHIP! Friendship that I can't leave to fend for himself right now. And as for business... Ivy, friend, sister, manager.... You, are (bleep) FIRED!

BB: CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!! Eli Flair has just FIRED Poison Ivy!   But he forgot about HORNET, who comes up behind him and CLIPS THE KNEE!!!!    He's got the SCORPION Deathlock hooked in on that bad knee of Eli's!!!   He could ruin his career right here!

RD:  It's not like he hasn't done it to others, Buckley.   You know, it really amazes me that you people have bought into this nice-guy act Hornet has put on.  Ask GUNS about it, ask WASP, ask Avery Lincoln.

BB:  On the outside, Vizzack and Radder are both back to their feet, and seem to have forgotten their match and are charging into the ring after Hornet!   Hornet lets up on the scorpion and takes a powder through the ropes!  Vizzack and Sunshine are now in the ring tending to Eli Flair.

RD:  Somebody better get the paramedics.

BB:Fans, we've got a lot to sort out before PRIMETIME in Lincoln, Nebraska, and we will, of course, keep you updated as we get more information on both Poison Ivy's career choices and Eli Flair's injury. For Richard Dawson, although reluctantly, my name is Bill Buckley. Goodnight, fans!  WAIT A MINUTE!  Don't cut away!  Wait a second!!!!  Fans, the lights are flickering in the arena, and we've just spotted Lady Death on the aisleway....just what is going on NOW!

RD:  As if we hadn't had enough.

Lady Death: (on the mic as she walks toward the ring)  There is only one thing left to say....one thing that has any significance.....IT IS TIME!

BB:  What?  What does she mean?

RD:  Look up above the ring!!!!!

BB:  Get the camera on them!!!!  There are four men coming down on zipwires, folks!!!  And they have surrounded Vizzack, Radder, and the prone Eli Flair!  It's Apocalypse, Pat Black, Blade....and Nemesis????  What is going on here?  They're attacking Vizzack and Radder!  Apocalypse grabs Vizzack and throws him over the top rope as Sunshine and Kelly try to pull Eli Flair out of harm's way!  And it is Steve Radder taking the brunt of the attack here, as all four men start hammering away on him!!!  They are doing a number on the Iceman here folks, and it is obviously premeditated!

Lday Death:  You want to know what's going on?  It's very simple.  The time has come...and The Unholy are here to make their presence felt.   And that presence starts on the Iceman.

BB: They have left the self-proclaimed "Hardcore" Champion laying, folks.  Mark Vizzack keeps trying to get in the ring, only to be pushed off the apron by one of the Unholy.  We've run completely out of time...we'll see you in Lincoln!

(Fade to black)

(Backstage, after the Main Event... Mark Windham is roaming the halls, looking as disheveled as ever, and more distraught then usual...)

WINDHAM:They don't understand... NOBODY can understand. But they will. The Awakening has begin, and soon, Mark Windham will be a complete man again... and he will be at peace with himself.

(He sinks to the floor... and on the other side of the hall, two equally distraught Lost Souls are rapidly walking...)

VIZZACK:That was the last straw. I'm tired of being stepped on, by everyone from Tough Guy, to Inferno, to Love, to Poison Ivy, to Hornet.... Sunshine, it ends today. It HAS to.

SUNSHINE:Maybe it's not as bad as you think.... you and Mr. Radder had a good match, and Mr. Flair is going to stay with us and not attack you. Who knows what's in front of us?

VIZZACK:Maybe you're right, but stil--

(He stops short, nearly tripping over Windham.)

WINDHAM:You. This is no place for you. Leave me here.

(Vizzack looks like he's just about had it with, well, EVERYONE, but Sunshine stops him...)

SUNSHINE:Why? Why is this no place for us?

WINDHAM:I'm trying to find myself... trying to find why I'm simply a shell of the man I once was. Nobody understands. Nobody CAN.

(Sunshine, though shaking from anxiety, sits down next to him)

SUNSHINE:Yes. I can.

WINDHAM:  How can you?

SUNSHINE:You'd be surprised. But I'm doing alright now, so the ball is in your court. I'll listen, but only if you want me to.

(Windham looks at her.... and begins to talk.....)


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