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  1. fartknocker

    NPC: Scurvy Jones Match-Writing Aid

    Name: Scurvy Jones Height: 6'1" Weight: 220 lbs. Hometown: Between Port and Starboard Age: 443 (or 40 for real) Alignment: Face Style: Catch/Technical/Comedic Appearance/Short History: "A deceased shiphand from the Mayflower in 1611," Scurvy Jones is a "ghost" who has "risen back from the dead"...
  2. fartknocker

    "Sci-Fi" Russ Spackler

    Wrestler Name: "Sci-Fi "Russ Spackler Nicknames (if applicable): Varies (see gimmick) Height: 6’2” Weight: 245 lbs. Hometown: Urbana, IL Birthdate: 12/9/1993 Physical appearance: Medium-length black hair which is constantly in a mess, but very clean-looking and not greasy, so it's...
  3. fartknocker

    Micro Description Thread

    Name: Jeb Whitewood Height: 5'7" Weight: 160 lbs. Fitness: Lean Skin tone: Fair to medium Eye color: Brown Hair style: Mussed and up in front. Dennis Reynolds from It's Always Sunny is pretty much the look I'm going for in this character. Hair color: Brown Accessories: None Facial...
  4. fartknocker

    Let's try this again. Jed Whitewood.

    HandlerInformation Name: Jake Email Address: jduvall at forgeconsulting dot com Preferred Method ofHandling: Angle/ Hybrid Best Way to Contact You: Forum PM/ Facebook: jakeduvallga eWrestling Experience: PTC (SCCW), UWF, NWC and CAL umbrella feds from back in the day, a few other...
  5. fartknocker


    Handler Information Name: Jake Email Address: jduvall at forgeconsulting dot com Preferred Method of Handling: Angle/Hyrbrid Best Way to Contact You: Forum PM/Facebook: jakeduvallga eWrestling Experience: PTC (SCCW), UWF, NWC and CAL umbrella feds from back in the day, a few other...

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