What's this? A POST? Well the subforum still exists for NBW so why not.
The return is coming. https://thenbw.com/22/
In the meanwhile there will be a series of small posts on the website. Nothing in-character either. It can be confusing but actually NBW originally launched like that too. I'm...
As much as everyone knows me... I've kinda filtered out of being so heavy with playing video games. :)
I'm currently working on developing my own. Got three different games, including a Wrestling one, that I'm focusing on.
That said,
Outriders (lost my gear so on hold.)
Yakuza series
Building off of the debut episode of IMPULSE, more athletes look to make a name for themselves on Episode 2.
The headline attraction will see the Russian Wrecker Laszlo face newcomer The Scar!
Also you won't want to miss the return of NBWTalk, with guest: Richie Keal!
Check it out today...
Introducing the DEBUT episode of IMPULSE.
Brought to you by the talent of NBW and PULSE.
The headline attraction will see The Great Wall face one of the top stars out of PULSE - Tuinei Ahona!
Check it out today!
DENVER, CO ? As they say, judgement has come! The champions of NBW face some of their toughest challenges to date! Keystone Champion Jake Tockwell will be defending his championship against Blitzkrieg champion ?Big Damn Hero? Ricky Strongbern to kick everything off! We will also have the Dynasty...
Fans we are just a few weeks away from Eternal Judgement out of Denver! We stopped in UTAH for our latest and last installment of SLAM. If you missed it live on the CW, you can catch the replay on thenbw.com stream at any time. Seriously, like now? or two minutes from now.
If you tune on in...
You know the old saying. We don't need to repeat it. We also won't say it is true! SLAM 124 is coming to you from the home of Sin & Retribution II where we crowned the winner of the SIX, Pat Gordon JR, who would then go on to face the NBW World Heavyweight Champion - and win - in the Main Event...
Two weeks ago NBW saw Clan Strongbern obtain the Dynasty Tag Team Championships, and in doing so injuring Adam Roebuck of The House. Tonight by order of interim GM Richie Keal the Clan are all in action. Including our Main Event which will see the Blitzkrieg title on the line when the current...
Two weeks ago we watched the shocking return of a CURED Omega. And even more shocking than that, Dr. Ayas unmasked himself to reveal the former multi-time Champion, Brock Newbludd! As stunned as the crowd was, the brawl that ensued caught everyone by surprise. Including Interim-GM, Richie Keal...
We?re two weeks gone from SCORCHED IV and Saturday Night saw the return of NBW to television courtesy of a new partnership with the CW! Interim General Manager Richie Keal kicked off the show with the right momentum green-lighting a Blitzkrieg Championship defense by Jonny Bedlam vs a relatively...
Last night NBW's talent from all around the globe gathered for the fourth iteration of SCORCHED. It was a wild night!
Champions met their challengers. Opportunists took their opportunity. Luchadores showed the world what they were made of, and old faces made their triumphant return...
The scene opened with the Interim General Manager of nBW, Richie Keal at his desk as he fiddled away with his Nintendo Switch. This time around there wasn’t any mysterious figures whispering in his ear, he was currently involved in a serious boss fight as the audible sounds indicated...
The scene opened with the Interim General Manager of No Brand Wrestling Richie Keal at his desk with the NBW Keystone championship placed front and center. Richie himself … well he was facing with his back to the camera.
“Hey guys! I’m Richie Keal and I’ve got some sad news that I need to...
They say that all it takes is one spark to ignite a blaze. If that?s true, several fires are building! In the go home show for NBW before we head to Mexico City for SCORCHED IV, it?s all about the finishing touches.
On SLAM the Dynasty Tag Team Champions, The House, will determine their number...
Note: Sorry this is quite a bit late. Had a bad 4 days and going to ER this past weekend so got behind.
Scorched is just a few weeks away and we?re already setting up to have quite the matchup?s, but first another episode of SLAM! On tonight?s you can expect to see the Dynasty Tag Team...
Another night, another dollar. Or peso. NBW SLAM is coming to you from the El Domo and what a show that turned out to be! As always you can catch us live on our new nights, Saturday evening at 9PM Eastern, or catch the stream anytime you want through thenbw.com!
This week it?s about answers...
Good evening sports fans! What an odd two weeks it has been since Lucha De Mayo. NBW underwent a change in management. Xander Napoli was ousted and things were looking up. Times change. Tonight brings forward a new era and regime. One under the leadership of Richie Keal. Yeah, that Richie.
The night is finally here folks! With so much action set to take place in Monterrey, Mexico ? it is going to be one heck of a night. Each of the Champions of NBW will be putting their prized possessions on the line. Careers will be made and careers will end. The Cartel are going in with the...
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