...for one of us to step forth and give Mr. Holzertom and assist.
So without further ado, here they are:
The TEAM TOC 2008 RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Professor Tremendous won. Then he scalped some dude.
Name: Dan West
Email Address: mrdanwest@aol.com
AIM: mrdanwest
Preferred Method of Handling: whatever
Best Way to Contact you: PM
Name: Professor Tremendous (given name: Charles "Chazz" Tremendous)
Nicknames: Prof T aka The Good Professor aka The...
(CUT TO: Professor Tremendous standing before what looks to be a circa 1998 CSWA banner. He wears his CSWA UNIFIED* World Title Belt proudly.)
PROF: Greetings to all of you CSWA Maniacs and Maniacitas out there in TV-Land. I am Professor Tremendous and it is my regretful duty to inform you...
(CUT TO: CondoTremendous where ProfessorT sits in his easy chair polishing his CSWA UNIFIED World Title* Belt. He seems oblivious to the camera's presence.)
Okay. You got it. Now what?
PROF: Huh?
You got your own thread. Now what?
PROF: I dunno. I was thinking of just chilling...
Wrestler Name: B.G. Bruce (Big Gay Bruce)
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 420
Hometown: South Padre Island, TX
Face/Heel: Face
Appearance: The Midnight Rider is a mysterious Super-Heavyweight. He wears white leather Biker Gear with chaps. Long dark hair is pulled back in a pony tail and just peaks...
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