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  1. N

    Nighthawk challenges

    since this board is arguably ooc the following challenges are puut in simplist terms Jula Easter Vs Lori wilson Reason both have fallen out of the spotlight and so it seems only fitting to work them back in alternate match Easter vs Mary Jane Ashcroft Angel Garza Vs jen ifer...
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    and now the time check

    yes being from colorado i must see how the time on the board sits agiant the time here fore deadlines sake
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    sorry for the oversized pic

    but from what i could see there was no code for changing the image sizes any help here will be welcome
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    damn job

    granted it beats the obvious alternative but i swear its about to force me into efed retirement basically i appologize for the no show ata ppv and wiollingly take the loss hoping it isnt to much of a one sided affair expect to do better in the future
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    back already

    yep already set for tyhe hjawks to come back and looking around nothing changed almost like they never left all the better well just wanted to let you all know im back and ready for more
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    leave of absence

    hate to do this but i just got a new job so all the time i used to have for multi fedding is gone i cant poromise that ill come back but i will try
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    post to test board time versus time where i am

    yep just a random test
  8. N

    Just to cover my ass

    I havent rped yet cause basically i stink at debut rps and am waiting to be booked Just thought you should know

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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