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2008 Mid year best!


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
Basically there has been other feds that have done this so I figured why not for Empire Pro? I'd love to see a response from every person involved with e-fedding. Hell even the owner himself. :) So here goes.

Match of the mid year.

Feud of the mid year.

Angle of the mid year.

Face of the mid year.

Heel of the mid year.

Best moment you've read so far this year.

Worst moment you've read so far this year. (Be honest people.)

Top three for the half year.

What do you expect for the rest of year.

Who do you feel will be the champs by the end of this year?

1. Empire Pro World Champion -

2. Empire Pro Intercontinental Champion -

3. Empire Pro Television Champion -

4. Empire Pro Hardcore Champion - oops did I let that slip in there.. (hint, hint)

5. Empire Pro Tag Team Champions -

Final Thoughts on what has transpired not only for the past half year but for the last year in general.


League Member
Feb 6, 2007
East Lansing, MI
Match of the mid year.
Rocko vs XXX at Black Dawn for the title.

Feud of the mid year.
Rocko vs Stalker

Angle of the mid year.
XXX/Stalker vs the Daymons

Face of the mid year.
Rocko Daymon

Heel of the mid year.

Best moment you've read so far this year.
I was a sucker for the JA vs Ryan/Beast auto defecation segment.

Worst moment you've read so far this year. (Be honest people.)
Nothing stood out as awful to me. I'll say that I was disappointed that A1E didn't invade EPW or retaliate really in any way yet. I was hoping for a crack at some of the A1E guys.

Top three for the half year.
Rocko Daymon
Troy Douglas
Olvir Arsvinnar

What do you expect for the rest of year.
An influx of storylines leading to a backlash against The Fallen and perhaps a nice reign from JA if Tom has time. I also expect either a break or huge things from Daymon and Troy setting up a foundation for a dominant power hold as owner. The Fallen will be in the middle of this whole thing.

Who do you feel will be the champs by the end of this year?

1. Empire Pro World Champion - JA and XXX Sean Stevens

2. Empire Pro Intercontinental Champion - Troy Douglas, Larry Tact and Fusenshoff?!

3. Empire Pro Television Champion - Fusenshoff and Olvir Arsvinnar

4. Empire Pro Hardcore Champion - oops did I let that slip in there.. (hint, hint) Stalker, you sly dog.

5. Empire Pro Tag Team Champions - The Forsaken, Second Coming

Final Thoughts on what has transpired not only for the past half year but for the last year in general.

Final Thoughts? There's a helluva lot of talent in this fed right now. I wanted to make a brief mention of just about everybody, but there's just too damn many good handlers. It will be interesting to see where everyone fits into the puzzle by the time the KOTR is over.


Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
Match of the mid year.
JA vs. Rocko Daymon vs. Kin Hiroshi

Feud of the mid year.
Stalker vs. Rocko Daymon

Angle of the mid year.
A1E vs. EPW

Face of the mid year.
Rocko Daymon
Heel of the mid year.

Best moment you've read so far this year.
1.) Rocko Daymon hanging on to a ledge, three stories in the air, with the Stalker holding onto his leg, knowing full well that if they fall, they both could potentially die, but doing everything in his power to see to it THAT they fall, because it's a fate he's willing to suffer, if it means Rocko comes with him.

That's psychotic in it's truest form. And, was brilliantly written.

2.) Ice Tre coming to the ring on a horse - the horse has a diamond encrusted grill in his mouth. Pure genious!

Worst moment you've read so far this year. (Be honest people.)
Ummm... I'm really trying to think of a "worse" moment, but I can't. I swear that's not a cop out. I may come back and edit this.

Top three for the half year.
t r e
The Forsaken - two individuals, one team.

What do you expect for the rest of year.
I expect to see a more consistent tag team division
I expect to see Ice Tre return
I expect to see Viking Porn, because... well... Olvir's nasty
I expect to see updates on Rocko Daymon while he is injured
I expect to see Rocko Daymon return and whip my character's ass
I expect to see Lindsay Troy drive the heels crazy
I expect to see more Craig Miles taunts until Sean sticks his foot up his ass-- Did I say that out loud? :eek:

Who do you feel will be the champs by the end of this year?

1. Empire Pro World Champion - Rocko, Craig Miles, Lindsay Troy, or somebody like Felix Red

2. Empire Pro Intercontinental Champion - Whoever survives the Larry Tact/Troy Douglas war will hold down the IC title until they decide to move up.

3. Empire Pro Television Champion - The Stalker or Fusenhoff(I like him quite a bit)

4. Empire Pro Hardcore Champion - oops did I let that slip in there.. (hint, hint) Well damn, scratch Stalker's name off the TV title. This is all him.

5. Empire Pro Tag Team Champions - I'd love to see who can dethrone the Forsaken. The Crimson Calling could do it, but it'll be tough.

Final Thoughts on what has transpired not only for the past half year but for the last year in general.

I think everyone is doing a great job. We hit a bit of a lull, but everything seems to be picking back up.

The MVPs have obviously been all of Ryan Strawsma's characters. He's played a big part in everything, and I can't wait to see what else he has in store.

It's also great to see guys like Justin(The Stalker) come into his own. Ice Tre is great, Paul Brisbin *sneeze* http://www.paulbrisbin.com *cough* the person is even greater. Felix Red in EPW is huge. Felix Red and The First teaming up is gi-normous.

I like the direction of the fed, and can't wait to fill this out again at the end of the year.

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