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You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

A look from afar.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-02 AT 04:32 PM (EDT)](fadein a mall, Sweetwater, Texas. More specifically an Autograph and Photo session, with the guests being Shane Southern, Lawrence Stanley, Tag team Champions Simply Stunning, Guns, Mark Windham, Steve Radder, Teri Melton, Sammy Benson and for one hour only out of the 4 hour set even Hornet as well as a few others take a seat to devote time to promote the CSWA for their upcoming Pay-per-view, FISH FUND 13 (trademarked and copyrighted by CSEnterprises 2002). What none of them DO know, is that someone is peering through the crowd taking long looks at each of the wrestlers and valets.)

Mystery person: Very soon...(the camera slowly pans over each wrestler and valet)... only one of you, will be in for the shock of your life.


About FWrestling

FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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