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AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cruise


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cruise

Post all RP here.

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Immortality gained and lost

(FADEIN: The First sitting on the steps of Front Street, his face painted white with a spider web pattern going over his face, the body of the spider on his forehead with the legs extending across his eyes down his cheeks. He's wearing a black button up long sleeve shirt, black jeans, black sneakers. Muse sits beside him, wearing a light yellow tank top, and tight yellow short shorts, her blonde hair covering her face as she leans over a guitar, playing the Johnny Cash cover of "Hurt".)

FIRST: We put on our Sunday finest and saluted one of our own, Marcus Westscott, as he was inducted into the EPW Hall of Fame. Second ever World Champion, a list of defenses that is second to none, and in his final match of his career in this company, wrestled the match of the year with Sean Stevens...We looked back with fondness on the path he walked, the glory and the struggle...I've fought the man, had words with him, all that good stuff, it was in the end, meaningless, his greatness was already defined...

And so in that night we could pause and pay respect, celebrate the man, and grant him a piece of Immorality that nobody else can ever have...First man entered into the EPW Hall of Fame...That is his and his alone...And he should cherish it...

That is what nights are like that are about, celebrating the past, giving credit where it is do, a night of reflection and respect...

I look back in history and wonder, is there anyone on the New York Giants who ask themselves what it would have been like to have to have lost to the Patriots, to have a team go 19-0, even at their expense, would it have been worth it? Would they have respected it?

The Arizona Diamondbacks, a bunch of guns for hire, clad in half the colors in a crayon box, purple being foremost of them all, do any of the men on that team that beat back the Yankees wonder what it would have meant to the city of New York after 9/11 if their team had won it all? Do any of them harbor a bit of regret over the victory they claimed in that series?

I think about all this because I remember how I felt in that locker room after it was over, after I'd beaten Shawn Hart...After I'd heard he'd been taken to a hospital for a blood transfusion. I thought about what he suffered and went though, fighting back against a three on one onslaught, rallying with every fiber of his being to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, the will to beat Layne Winters, and then to have the ability to do what I've failed to in-spite of all my efforts...Pin Sean Stevens...All of it, just to get to a one on one fight with me...And as he got up to fight me, as I heard the crowd chanting "ES-JAY-H! ES-JAY-H!" I only thought one thing...

I can't let this son of a bitch beat me...

In the battlefield...There was no Diamondback thinking that losing was OK cause it would be good for New York, there was no Giant thinking that a 19-0 team would be really awesome...

They wanted to win...

I wanted to win...

And I did...There is no reflection in the heat of battle, there is no time for sentiment. I think about it now, and how if Shawn Hart had won that match, bleeding like a stuck pig, fighting three of the best in the world inside a steel cage, and coming out with his arm raised, well that would have been a moment of immortality for him. No matter all the other titles, all the other accolades he ever got, that would have been one of the highlights if not the highlight of his career...

And I took it from him...I denied him that glory, because I wanted glory for myself...A smaller glory assuredly, a victory won on the merits but also because my side had the numbers the whole time, a team that beat Shawn Hart nearly dead even before he had to fight me one on one...But glory all the same, I was the sole survivor, I carried the banner for EPW...

This all being said, and well, it's not a time for reflection even now...No...Now he, and I...And well...Cameron Cruise...We have to fight the Anthology...The reason for HOPE to even exist...And now here we are, two HOPE, one former member of Anthology, at war with our common enemy...

You know what's nice about this? There's no recriminations, no regret for what I will do...I don't care about any of you, about your feelings, your careers, what is coming down the road for you...No, here, it's just me beating the hell out of you...Just knocking Anthology down another rung on the ladder, another night I remind Triple X that his time with the EPW World Heavyweight Championship is coming to an end...

This will be only victory, only glory...Only me taking one more step towards the final defeat of Stevens and the death of Anthology...

One more step...To Immorality....



Jan 1, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland
Same old story. Again.

(Camera opens up to a dim lighted locker room with Jared Wells wearing flip flops, light blue jeans, black cut off tee that reads "DADDY", and one half of the EPW tag titles over his shoulder. Camera zooms slowly out a bit with three guys sitting on the bench with their backs turned to the camera facing Jared Wells. The three guys sitting on the gym bench not moving what so ever. Maybe it is fellow ANTHOLOGY members Sean Edmunds, Sean Stevens, and Copycat? Jared is slowly pacing as if he was giving a pep talk with the half ass light on him)

JARED WELLS: WOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOHO! Can you feel the tension in the air right now? I know I can. I can feel it all the way down in my plums, getting all swollen with a light blue hue to them, fresh and juicy ready for the pickin'. All the school children are lining up to put them in the sack lunches. HEY! THAT PLUM LOOKS GOOD, CAN I TRADE IT FOR MY TWINKE? NOOOOOOOOOOOO THESE ARE MY PLUMS! I want to take a bite into that plum and let the juice spill down my chin. You know what I mean? My plums, beautiful bluish hue, the sun dancin' right off of them getting ready to take them TO THE FARMERS MARRRKET! Special two plums for one. LISTEN TO ME GUYS! I'm gonna be real honest with you right now. This moment came to me in a dream about a month ago when I was making hot dirty sex. This girl Kelly, on top of her, thrustin' away, sultry hot evening, all the windows closed, the heat turned up to about eighty two degrees. SO GET SWEATY AND HOT! My hips thrusting down on Kelly! Her tryin' to get away because she does not like it. When I heard a sound, a knock at the door, Cameron Cruise walks in. I remember Kelly yelling NOOOOOOOO, LEAVE! I said NO! Let the boy watch. L-E-T T-H-E B-O-Y W-A-T-C-H. He needs to learn from DADDY.

(All of the sudden the lights come on somewhat blinding Jared Wells. The lights reveal the three people sitting on the locker room bench. Three mannequins poorly dressed up as Shawn Hart, First, and Cameron Cruise. Camera zooms to the side as mannequin Shawn Hart is dressed up in a dress and lipstick. Mannequin First has an awful paint job all over his face, and mannequin Cruise looks like himself somewhat but wearing a tee shirt that says "I HOPE they hire me". All of the sudden Jared Wells steps up to each mannequin and slaps them in the face as each one falls. He gets his composure, fixes his belt over his shoulder and stares into the camera)

JARED WELLS: Here we go again for another three on three, four or four, who gives a S(BLEEP)T? Shawn Hart still doing the SHE-THANG thing. First is still throwing the idea of HOPE down the peoples throat, at the same time using his guys to get an EPW world title shot. It's all really starting to get boring to me, UNTIL NOW. Interesting view from here First. You have Shawn Hart, who was a defector from Anthology, then joins HOPE. Team player? NOOOOOOOOWWWWWW, you have Cameron Cruise teaming up with HOPE? Let's water this thing down as much as we can boys. The ship of HOPE has sunk. Poor Cameron Cruise is stuck in the middle of it now with really no job. First wants an EPW world title shot, so does Cruise. I almost feel sorry for Cameron Cruise right now. Tough love. Another version of being cruel to be kind. What I did to Cameron Cruise was nothing more than tough love. I had to show him that tough love today will save him heartbreak in the future but may cause a small amount of upset. *******, he is suffering more since I let him go on with his life. Now he has to answer to First who really hasn't done anything for HOPE. First is very half ass when it comes to running a band.


Sean Edmunds, who happens to be my best friend since 1997, the EPW World Champion Sean Stevens, and DADDY will show up to Aggression 51 to do the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over AGAIN. WIN. Aggression 1,234. ANTHOLOGY vs HOPE. ANTHOLOGY wins again. Take off the eyeliner, wash your hair and chin up you whiny B(BLEEP)ES. Daddy is coming AGAIN.

(Jared walks towards the camera stomping the mannequins that are on the floor)

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Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

"Riddle me this...."

FADE: Plain white backdrop, a black stool, professional studio lights, a camera on a tripod with a blinking record light, and the EPW World Heavyweight Champion, SEAN "TRIPLE X" STEVENS, belt draped over his shoulder.

TRIPLE X: Well, actually I don't have any riddles. This, more than anything, is a test. If The First cuts his next promo dressed as The Riddler, it proves mine and the rest of the world's theory that this joker is obsessed with me. Plus, I've always wanted to start a promo saying "Riddle Me This", thus killing two birds with one stone."


TRIPLE X: But, I do have a "State of the Championship" address, and an apology that all two trillion of my fans deserve. See, despite your disdain for me, the things that I do, and the choices that I've made ... I know. I know that it's fun to boo me. That's it helps you sleep better at night to route for the underdog ... I know these things, therefore I don't harbor any ill will or hatred in my heart, because ultimately, all you people are and ever will be are mindless sheep. But, I know the truth. I know that you women stay up late at night, staring at your Triple X posters fantasizing about what a night with the champ would be like. For those lucky ladies that have had one? You're fantasizing about another. And, your boyfriends? They're paying close attention to all the details. My fashion. How I wear my clothes ... cut my hair ... and, what type of sunglasses I have on.

"I have been the standard bearer in this industry for so long, that to be perfectly honest ... I'm exhausted. But, I understand one very important detail ... and, that's that these people pay their hard earned money, essentially paying my hefty salary, allowing me to fuck foreign models, travel the world on my private jet, and live life like the modern day Bruce Wayne ... and for that, at the very least I owe them my A game...

"...and, I haven't given it to them.

"And, I do have my reasons ... and, while it's typically not my style to make a bunch of excuses ... it's all Brian Nadalny's fault. You see, The First bores the shit out of me. Making Rocko's life a living hell, and fucking his wife was fun. Ending Lindsay Troy's reign of dominance, while simultaneously ending Joey Melton's career was fun. Beating the uber-confident Marcus Westcott in a match he claimed he couldn't lose in was fun. Removing JA from the upper echelon of the EPW roster, ultimately forcing him into retirement was fun. Pretending I give a shit about Brian Nadalny's background, or that fact that he's weird, or misunderstood, or both, just to sell a match and keep my streak of one million pay per view buys in tact is NOT.

"And, the people deserve better. But, so do I. In one of Brian's recent promos, where he, as usual, aped a scene from a show, or movie, or my life ... he copied a scene from The Dark Knight, and while I'm sure, you - the viewer - like me, wished he copied the part where Heath Ledger overdosed, he copied the scene where The Joker claimed that Gotham needed a better class of criminal. And, that's exactly how I feel. What happened to the days when Troy Windham were a competitor instead of being rendered to regular lacky duties? Where's Lindsay? Felix? And, for God sakes, will the REAL ROCKO DAYMON please stand up? Where are the people that, while still light years behind me in terms of talent, were a threat to my title?"

Stevens looked down, then back up, staring a hole you, the viewer.

TRIPLE X: Because let me tell you something little girl. Despite what you've made yourself believe, you are not a threat to put any kinks in my armor. You are the beneficiery of me running roughshod over every challenger thrown my way, until Empire Pro Wrestling had no other option but to look to the back of the line. And, while you may have dodged the inevitable bullet, given you and your merry little band of retards "hope", sooner or later, this whole little charade is going to end, right along with your fifteen minutes of fame. Then, hopefully, we can talk about recreating Ledger's death scene.

"With me serving as Executive Producer."


The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

(FADEIN: The First sitting in a chair, his face unpainted, he has on a white shirt, black tie, black pants. The tie loose around his neck and the top buttons of his shirt unbuttoned. In front of him laying on a bed is Muse, head propped up on a couple pillows. She's wearing a shirt reading "I kill everything I fuck." that exposes much of her belly, and jeans cut into daisy dukes.)

FIRST: I'm getting written out of wills today, I do hope you are happy about what you've done.

MUSE: What?! Whatsh the big deal? I thhhought Geeee-sush turned the water into wine so wees could all (high pitched) party! And that'sss...What I'm gonna do...Once this room...Stops spinning so much...

FIRST: You really had to burst in on Rozy and my family's easter celebration. You do know Rozy's parents are deeply religious people, and that this is poor form even by your standards...You really had to stumble in shouting Kesha's "Blah Blah Blah"...Rozy's mother nearly died of a heart attack when you screamed "Just show me where your dick's at!"

MUSE: Hypocrite! She made Rozy by gettin' on a dickkk...So reallyy whas the biiig deal? Buncha prudes and liars...To tell with the Catholics...Buncha boy buggering freaks...(First winces)

FIRST: Let's maybe I dunno, not try to condemn the church today? You've already caused me more than enough problems for one day.

MUSE: Oh so now I'm a disgrace...Mr. Rock Star is to good to...(Muse's eyes bug)

FIRST: Bathroom's right there, let's go...

(First gets Muse off the bed and into a small bathroom, where she begins puking her guts out into a toilet. First holding her hair back.)

FIRST: Yeah, life is a rock star, having to hold the hair of his lush friend while she pukes herself silly...You could try to not spend one Easter drunk off your ass you know.

(Muse washes her face in the sink, suddenly she stars sobbing.)

MUSE: Oh god...It was Elle's first easter...And I've ruined it, I've ruined everything...I'm a monster...I'm so sorry First....(Muse falls into First's chest, he hugs her.) Why do I ruin everything...Why am I the most horrible person in the world?

FIRST: You have remorse, so well, you're not the worst, close to it, but not quite there yet...

MUSE: No, seriously...What's wrong with me?

FIRST: I don't think I'd be able to explain all of that in what short time any of us has as a human on this earth...Maybe if I was one of those trees that lives for hundreds of years, and I could talk...Maybe we'd get to the bottom of it...

(First gets Muse to lay on the bed.)

MUSE: You're an ass...I mean really you...(Croaking...Then snoring)

(First leans back in his chair, buttons his shirt back up a bit...Fixes his tie.)

FIRST: Yeah, I wish you two idiots were all of my problems, seriously, life would be all the better for it. As for you Jared, yeah I wear eye liner, I got pretty eyes, why not draw attention to them, or is that the problem, does seeing me in the make up stir up emotions, emotions that normally only showed up when you and Cruise got a little to drunk...When maybe you thought that perhaps the dangle brothers...Could become more than brothers? The closet is no place for anyone to live Jared...I'm a tolerant man...America's changed, you don't have to hide your true self from anyone anymore...

Second, you say you created anthology...Well really, see, there's two ways to 'create' something really, a guy creates life with a few fun filled thrusts and a squirt, a girl...Well she gets to carry the thing in her belly for 9 months before having horrible agony bringing it to life...

You gave a speech and gave Anthology a name...Cruise was the one dragging Copycat and Edmunds out of the woodwork to join...He was the one giving birth, you were the one handing out cigars and acting like you had some something special...

And as for being the reason why HOPE exists, that's like Japan bragging they are why the US developed the atomic bomb...

As for dear old Trip. A state of the championship address...Who are you, the President? If you are, you're a president with horrible poll numbers...You got an economy in the toilet, and you're fighting a war for the past year that you haven't won. Oh you got on that flight deck with your fighter pilot suit with the 'mission accomplished' banner and told the world that you had defeated Saddam Bin Nadalny and that the insurgency that is HOPE was in it's last throes and all that...But well, it hasn't turned out that way now has it?

Look, I get it, you're sad that the good old days are gone, that you're no longer banging Rocko Daymon's wife, you long for the snarky promos of JA, or for the right to fight the most powerful avatar of the fairer sex this world's ever seen...But you know what, you don't get to choose your path buddy, none of us do.

See you might decide to go left instead of right at this fork in the road, but in the end, a lot of the time, you still end up in the same place...You're such a funny guy really, half the time you brag about retiring JA, Westscott, Troy, Melton, and sending Daymon into a career death spiral, the other half of the time you sit around all miserable, sniffling and say "I miss my old opponents." Well guess what? When everyone else is gone, new challengers take up the mantle to seek to unseat you...Put on your big boy pants and get over yourself.

And one final piece of advice Trip...If you're so sick of me...And you're so good...Why don't you just kick my ass and be done with me? Why not just prove how good you are?

Or maybe you're not that good, maybe you can't do it...

Guess we'll find out soon enough...

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The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
State of the Wha??


Le Chateau du Hart in Orlando, Florida - 1 A.M.

After an EPIC bout of binge-drinking Red Bulls, the man who once proclaimed himself Heavyweight Champion of the Universe, SHAWN JESSICA HART, PhD. is perched atop a golden hammock in his Rumpus Room. Sporting silver sequins and an expression most sour, the Prime Minister of Gettin' Sinister is primed for a rant of magnificent proportions...

...and wastes no time in getting into it.

SJH: "Sean Gloria Stevens. ALLEG-ED Heavyweight Champion of Empire Pro, wrestling SUPERSTAR, a veritable WORLD BEATER of sports entertainment."

Hart hisses.

SJH: "Or world-class ASSH(FCC)LE. One of these. Either way, he's hardly the kind of guy with enough credibility to cast stones at you, me, or ANYONE else in this industry! His entire title reign is a product of pure happenstance... and aaaaaaaall of the amazing success that this company has enjoyed over the past 18 months or so has happened IN SPITE of what he's done with the strap 'round his waist."

He nods his head in self-agreement.

SJH: "It's been guys like the FIRST, Layne Winters, Anarky, Fusenshoff, and the ORIGINAL Anthology of Cameron Cruise, Jared Wells, and yours truly, Pro Wrestling's SJH, who have pushed the envelope in EPW, raking in COUNTLESS new viewers and PPV buys with utter, unbridled AWESOMENESS. Meanwhile, Borinator 2.0, the nefarious XXX has pittered and puttered about with the belt, no-selling the world with his hardcore, cold-blooded 1975 tough guy act like a villain from some crappy Die Hard rip-off.... and this guy wants to give us HIS thoughts on the state of the Championship?!"

SJH shakes his head.

SJH: "F(FCC)ck you and your high horse. You want an address? Here it is. Courtesy of the Phenom, for all of the world to enjoy; a l'il thing I like to call the State of the JACKHOLE address. Subtitle - Why SEAN STEVENS is IRRELEVANT! And it goes a l'il something like this..."

In the midst of a dramatic pause, SJH takes a deep breath before continuing his thought.

SJH: "At SIN CITY SHOWDOWN, a night on which the creme de la creme of Empire Pro came to play with the New Era crew, the boys of HOPE took to the squared circle and STOLE the freaking show! In the grand finale, The First won the day... and somewhere in the middle, I PINNED YOUR ASS without breaking a sweat. Years from now, you can saunter up to ANYONE and ask them what they remember about the show, and I'd be willing to bet MY LIFE that your name won't even leave their lips. Cuz on that night, as has been the case on EVERY OTHER NIGHT that you've come out of the curtain with that strap, it was SOMEONE ELSE that set the standard! Call it a mockery, call it an OUTRAGE, I call it the TRUTH!"

More head-nodding action.

SJH: "Like it or not, the sun's about to set on your time at the top... not that it ever shined through your storm clouds of BULLSH(FCC)T to begin with. And the masses will wave the banner of the Shawn Hart Fun Bus! FREE, once and for all, from you and your asininity to enjoy a grappling GOD that's actually worth his weight in salt."

The Bangbino chuckles impishly.

SJH: "What else can I say, Sean? Sometimes... the truth hurts!



Oh, and also... I know we're both Orlandonians, so for the sake of being neighborly, let me just say that you should really do something about that crab grass in your front yard. I'm sure you're well aware that I'm co-chair of the committee for community improvement in our little gated neighborhood, and your lot is REALLY bringing down the aesthetic value of the place.

Jus' sayin.

The PHENOM has left the building!"

FADE OUT... like Sean Stevens' career.
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Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Re: State of the Wha??

(FADEIN: “Simply Sensational” Sean Edmunds stands in front of a mirror looking over his right shoulder. He reaches over with his left hand and rubs, obviously not pleased with the situation.)

EDMUNDS: “It would go perfectly right here. I know it.”

(He switches sides now and looks over his left shoulder.)

EDMUNDS: “Maybe this side would look better.”

(Edmunds looks forward at the mirror and moves his head side to side to gauge each shoulder. Finally, he sighs, and turns to the camera.)

EDMUNDS: “Either way, I suppose it’ll have to wait just a little bit longer.”

(Edmunds walks from the mirror and begins to head to his duffel bag sitting on a bench in an undisclosed lockerroom.)

EDMUNDS: “At Aggression, Shawn Hart managed to walk away with the championship belt that should be resting on (he points to his right shoulder) this shoulder .. (he pauses and then points to his left shoulder) or this one … I haven’t decided which one it’ll rest on, yet.”

(He grabs the handles and hoists the bag off the bench.)

EDMUNDS: “But he’s a sly one, and one who gets damn lucky far too much. Here we are just a show away from the pay per view, and I find myself in a match with two of the greatest wrestlers in the world; Sean Stevens and Jared Wells … as we take some of the world’s most proliferous “almost, but never will be’s.” Because really, First, that’s all that you’ve proven to us so far. No matter how many times you have been shoved to the front of the line by this company, you just can’t get the job done. We have heard for weeks, hell MONTHS, about how you are the Godsend. How you brought HOPE to Empire Pro. And just like that (snaps his fingers) you were exposed as a fraud.”

(Edmunds shakes his head in disappointment.)

EDMUNDS: “I’m sure you’re god damned excited about winning the War Games match against … (winks) another member of HOPE … perhaps because in your mind, Shawn Hart pinned our World Heavyweight champion, therefore since you pinned Hart, you proved yourself able to one day wrestle that belt out of Triple X’s cold, dead hands.”

(While walking and talking to the door of the room, Edmunds stops.)

EDMUNDS: “Because let’s face it, man, the only chance you will ever have at taking the World Heavyweight championship from Anthology requires that Sean Stevens be either six feet under or in a vegetative state…. And come to think about it, with your track record, I’m not even sure that you could do it then.”

(Edmunds opens the lockerroom door and removes the white placard from the front. Placing the “Just Wrestling presents… March Madness: SEAN EDMUNDS” sign into the side of the bag, he closes the door behind him, and begins down the hallway of the Augusta, GA stadium.)

EDMUNDS: “Face it, First. You’re the Paris Hilton of Empire Pro. Famous for nothing. Shawn Hart, he’s won ACW’ End Game. He won the Pier Six Brawl. He’s the New ERA World Heavyweight champion. Sean Stevens, THE Empire Pro World Heavyweight champion. He took Joe the Plumber to heights you could only DREAM about. But you? Why are you relevant? You can’t get the job done when it matters most. Your only victory worth noting is one over your own HOPE stablemate.”

(Edmunds reaches back with his free hand and pats himself on the back.)

EDMUNDS: “Great job, there, First. You deserve it!”

(Edmunds stops at a bubbler and takes a few sips. Wiping his lips dry, he continues on.)

EDMUNDS: “And who the fu let Cruise in on this slaughter? I mean, yea, I like knocking around a bum just as much as the next guy … but honestly, this is like piling all the cows into the back of the pickup for a trip to the meat grinder.”

(Edmunds reaches the doors of the arena and pushes them open. He steps foot into the parking garage and rummages in his pocket for his car keys. After finding them, he presses the button and we see a car a few rows down blink its lights.)

EDMUNDS: “Let’s face it, guys. The hype was incredible, I’ll give you that. HOPE showered down on the fans in the arena lifting their spirits, but, at the moment of need, that HOPE evaporated into thin air. Somehow though, the powers that be in the front office have a raging hard-on for you. After the complete failure at Aggression 50 to end Anthology’s reign over Empire Pro, they continue to press on. Bring them your weak, your powerless, your rejected, and Empire Pro will put you at the forefront of their resistance.”

(Edmunds reaches his car and pops the trunk open. He tosses the duffel bag inside and stands there looking down.)

EDMUNDS: “It’s getting old.”

(He slams the trunk down. The sound echoes off the walls of the nearly empty garage filling the silence. Edmunds walks to the driver’s side door, opens it, and gets inside. He sits there looking back at the camera, his hand ready to pull the door shut.)

EDMUNDS: “I think it’s high time Empire Pro splurges and brings some big guns into the fold; the has-beens and the never-will be’s aren’t cutting it.”

(He shuts the car door and starts the car. The camera pans back a bit and fades to black as Edmunds pulls out of view.)


Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

A disinterested sigh.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
FADE: EPW World Heavyweight Champion, "TRIPLE X" Sean Stevens sat on the steps of his palatial Orlando, Florida palace, seemingly in a trance, as he gazed into the clear night's sky, noticing more stars than he could ever remember. <o:p></o:p>
It was a beautiful night.<o:p></o:p>
"So let me see if I’ve got this straight, Bubbles…"<o:p></o:p>
EPW's Emperor cracked his knuckles, then his neck, as he continued.<o:p></o:p>

TRIPLE X: Damn near a year-and-a-half ago to this day, I took a lost, slightly talented, undeserving, nameless, faceless, weak link on a humdrum tag team and turned that ungrateful son-of-a-bitch into a star ... gave him an OPPORTUNITY, single-handedly putting him on the path towards success, stardom, fortune and fame – a feat that the mighty Felix Red couldn't accomplish in over a year – yet, I'm irrelevant(?). ...I took a man - who two years ago - could've walked in any arena on the planet, and I guaran-fucking-tee atleast sixty percent of the audience wouldn't have known or cared who he was, and gave him a name ... a face ... and, a brand. Yet, because I'm unwilling to roll around in the dirt, and do little bullshit publicity stunt segments to fill up the Aggression run sheet, and create a buzz for the big upcoming pay-per-views, it somehow makes me less of "the King" around here because all of a sudden, some talentless, superfluous idiots in his stable seem to think it's my job to elevate their mate(?)...<o:p></o:p>

"...and, then you had the nerve to say that my THREE YEAR off and (mostly) on reign of professional wrestling dominance as the number one champion in the world was due to happenstance? Isn't that a contradiction? ...an oxymoron? No, I get it ... I'll tell you what it is. This is a JOKE. And, this bullshit is exactly why I'm bored with professional wrestling. It's a slap in the face-- No, it's absolute, grade A horseshit for ANYONE to insinuate or imply that – in the last four years – I've been anything but Empire Pro Wrestling's savior.<o:p></o:p>
"There are few challengers that can match up physically ... and, the few thatcan, lack common sense, which usually leads to them making a bunch of retarded statements that literally serve as nothing more than a waste of some poor camera man's time that could've been spent with his fat ass wife, and inbred children.<o:p></o:p>
"I'm boring, Hart? ME? The 2007, eight, and nine "Wrestler of the Year"?! The 2008, and nine "Match of the Year" winner?! The guy that took a bunch of average upper-to-middle of the pack midcarders like Marcus Westcott and JA and, in one night, made them immortal, simultaneously ending their careers on high notes, as I carried them to their first and last Five Star matches EVER? <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
The champion awaited a response. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
TRIPLE X: Newsflash, bitch … just because you think something should be a certain way, doesn't mean it's any less important when it goes the other way. The simple fact that you could somehow convince yourself that the one man that has consistently been mentioned in every major wrestling publications "Top 5 Dead or Alive" list is somehow irrelevant tells me two things about you. One, you're stupid. Two, you're quite possibly more stupid than The First, which means you should probably consider jumping head first out of a three-to-five story window, before I get really irritated and push you, like I did Rocko Daymon.
<o:p> </o:p>
"…and, with all of that being said, I'm still bored with your group.

"I'm not no selling your pathetic cries for my acknowledgment, with intentions of burying you. From the bottom of my heart, I mean it when I say, I am honestly, genuinely unimpressed, uninspired, and uninterested in participating in ANYTHING that you jabronis are apart of. None of you are a threat to me. None of you are in my league. None of you give me any reasons to even go so far as to study footage in preparation for our matches, because none of you give me a reason to CARE! And, because I refuse to lie to the world, and sell you all as anything other than another check in my win column, I guess that makes me the bad guy.
<o:p> </o:p>
"Well, fine ... I'll be the bad guy. It's okay, because the ends always seem to justify the means, and all will be rectified very soon. You little HOPE-less assholes have had your fun, you've got the masses drinking your watered down kool-aid, and you've done a bang up job of swindling your way into wrestling conversations and main events, when the truth of the matter is you shouldn't even be a topic. But, that stops. If I can be the spokesman for Anthology for a moment, I think the entire group will agree with me when I say, we're tired of you. We're tired of allowing you to breathe our air. Of resuscitating your careers, because you're dangling off of the cliff of career suicide, holding on via deathgrip. And, at Aggression, we're going to do what should've been done. We're going to show you exactly why we are the premier athletes in the world, and why the name Anthology has been synonymous with Empire Pro Wrestling excellence, and then we'll move on to the pay-per-view, where I will finally close this boring chapter and get Cameron Cruise, and Brian Nadalny out of my life for good.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
"Enjoy these next couple of days boys … because your fifteen minutes are almost up."
<o:p> </o:p>


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

"Boy...ya know after skipping out on an episode of Aggression in San Diego, you can't really realize where you stand and where things NEED TO BE until you've been superkicked by a man who just TAKES your spot in the one group that was put together one-by-one like a house of cards."

(Fadein, Cameron Cruise in front of a white Empire Pro Cursive Aggression backdrop, dressed in a pair of black jeans and a Blue Empire Pro shirt with Anarchy-style shades. With his hair slicked back, he carefully runs a hand through it as he shrugs his shoulders as he jams his hands in his pockets.)

CRUISE: Some people like to think that I owe a debt of gratitude towards Trips, especially since we go "way back". Others think I oughta beat some sense into him, Exhibit A being what I had done in Las Vegas.

Now...call me hard-headed, I really could care less...but personally...I prefer the latter. But I'll get to Sean in a minute.

First...allow me to address the OTHER Sean....and I'll make this fairly cut and dry.

Edmunds....they allowed me in this "Slaughter", because unlike you...I can ACTUALLY finish something that I start. See, I brought you into Anthology for the reason that you had potential to push yourself to better heights...

However everything you've done on your own since...miniscule success.

You tried to win the Tag Team titles with Wells, but couldn't get the job done without an assist from 'The Centerpiece'.

So you failed, all things considered, you dropped the ball.

Sure...you "won" a shot at the Intercontinental Title.


You had a shot at putting down Anarky.


So essentially I recruited a man that's done nothing but FAIL upwards. You're lucky as it stands being in the Main Event PERIOD, let-a-lone in Empire Pro. Therefore I'll tell you this, Sean; you took some needed time off from a full-time schedule before I brought you into Anthology and that's fine with me. But just like Cosby said in standup...

I brought you into this world, I can take you out and make another one just like you.

You just refuse to realize that, just like Wells refuses to see that he's no better than the rest of you.

Tough Love?? You call what you did to me, TOUGH LOVE??

I got your Tough Love, Jared, and believe me when I can get a free shot....you'll see it. But in the meantime...think about this for just alittle while:

I was plenty successful before you came along, and evidently even more without you or when I had a title. Just like I told Edmunds...were it not for ME, you DIRTY B*TCH...you'd still be back in Maryland reaping the services for what you did elsewhere YEARS AGO.

Which brings me to good ol' Trips.

See...you can say what you will about Lindsay Troy, lord knows I've been more than courteous to "the Queen", but the fact is that while you've done what you had to with her....I can't really see you "ending" Melton's career, when I had already put him in his place already.

Or have you forgotten what he did the first time I won the Empire Pro Intercontinental title??

I put him in his place via a Steel Cage before you even had the NERVE to step up.

The funny thing is...if I'm lumped into what you call so eloquently...."Mindless Sheep"...

Then that makes you even worse because you not only got punked once...but TWICE..by a Mindless...Sheep.

However that's just fine with me Sean...that's okay.

Because beating you whether it's straight up or at Firsts' expense and taking the World Heavyweight Championship title from you would not only be the current highlight of my career, but also THE BIGGEST REALITY CHECK that you just...won't like.

You over-egotistical ****.



Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

(this is Edmunds' repsonse RP.)

(Slamming the car door shut, the neon motel sign reflecting off the recently polished hood, Sean Edmunds fumbles with his keys trying to find the button to open the trunk.)

EDMUNDS: “I know we’re all tired. We put our bodies on the line show after show. And maybe I’m overreaching here, because hell, it’s me we’e talking about, but Cameron, unless I knocked myself out recently, or maybe it was the binge drinking that’s causing the blackouts … but I don’t see a World Tag Team Championship belt around my waist. Now maybe this is because you’ve spent more time on your back in the middle of the ring than the First, but I think you’re confusing me with Copycat.”

(Edmunds finds the button and opens the trunk.)

EDMUNDS: “And you wonder why you were dropped off at the curb courtesy of our World Heavyweight champion and the rest of us; for someone who claimed to be our leader, you sure as hell can’t seem to keep track of who does what.”

(He shoots a quick look to the camera and smirks.)

EDMUNDS: “And Fusenshoff, I don’t want to hear it, mmkay?”

(He opens the trunk and grabs his duffel bag out. Plopping it on the ground, he shuts the trunk before turning and leaning against the back of the car.)

EDMUNDS: “So, Cameron, let’s forget about the fact that I have victories of Anarky, over Fusenshoff, over Copycat. I’m failing upwards? Fantastic. At least, unlike you, I’m not just failing period.”

(He rolls his eyes.)

EDMUNDS: “So we go from delusional to complete nutjob within mere hours. The First comes out and has the gall to say that Sean Stevens has been less than outstanding lately?”

(He brings his hands to his cheeks in a faux Macauly Culkin “Home Alone” shock.)

EDMUNDS: “Honestly, if you weren’t so predictable, First, it might have actually made some impact. If you had actually accomplished something during any of those times you were put in a position to make a splash, it might have made an impact. But you’re always second-best.”

(He holds up a finger.)

EDMUNDS: “You’ve failed to take the championship belt away from Trips on multiple occasions.”

(He holds up a second finger.)

EDMUNDS: “You failed to win the A1E Pier Six Brawl.”

(He holds up a third finger.)

EDMUNDS: “You created HOPE… a poor man’s Anthology.”

(Edmunds brings the three fingers to his temple, turns them sideways and “pulls the trigger.”)

EDMUNDS: “Shoot me now, please.”

(He lifts the duffel bag off the ground and heads to the stairs leading to the second floor.)

EDMUNDS: “Empire Pro is supposedly THE wrestling promotion. I think it’s high time that the powers that be start treating it that way. How fitting that Marcus Westcott is inducted into the Hall of Fame as a reminder of better days gone by. Anthology can only keep this place going for so long before the money dries up. At what point will the crowds begin to empty out after seeing the First disappoint them once again? Maybe after Aggression 51 their eyes will finally open. I doubt it.”

(Edmunds reaches the top of the stairs and looks down both walkways. He looks down at the room key and then up at the sign; after a few seconds he determines that his room his on the far end of the right path, and so he starts walking again.)

EDMUNDS: “Cameron Cruise, Shawn Hart and the First… could Empire not care any less about the people of Albuquerque?”

(Reaching the door, Edmunds slides the keycard in. The green light signals the go ahead and Edmunds proceeds into the room. Flicking on the lights he tosses the bag on the bed before walking the camera back out of the room. He stands there, one hand gripping the side of the door, the other resting comfortably on the wall.)

EDMUNDS: “I .. HOPE … you boys don’t mind if I cut this short. There’s not much I can say that hasn’t been said before. If anything, I feel bad for Triple X … because after Aggression 51, he’s the one who has to deal with two of the densest individuals I have ever met once more.”

(He stops and smiles as he steps back.)

EDMUNDS: “The sad part about this entire circus? (shrugs) In the long run it is just a small blip on the radar. Triple X has stood in the ring with far better men and come out with the World Heavyweight championship strapped around his waist, and now that Anthology has become a more efficient machine … well …”

(He puts the “DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the outside of the door.)

EDMUNDS: “Ain’t nothin’ stopping us now.”

(Edmunds shuts the door as the scene fades.)
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The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

(Reserving this spot to post a late Rp, yeah, I'm a rebel, breaking the rules and all, don't care if this doesn't count, just giving Edmunds more ammo!)

(FADEIN: The First, in the locker room area. He's in his ring gear, face painted white with a black spiderweb on his face, a black spider, body on his forehead, legs extending past his eyes, towards his cheekbones. He's taping his right hand up. In the background we see Layne Winters, in his dark green trunks, TV Title strapped around his waist. "Novocaine For The Soul" by The Eels plays in the background.)

WINTERS: You bore him, freak! He harkens back to the days when him and Karl The Dragon Brown were headlining tours together!

FIRST: And I long for the days of the arena, when you ran a sword through somebody and it was over...When you won a match it was done deal, no need to worry about having an easy to incapacitate official having to register the verdict when it is in your favor...You bitch about me hanging around for this past year? Well then I get to bitch about you holding my belt for the past year...Oh and by the way Layne, I didn't hit EPW Developmental until I was 23.

WINTERS: F*cking forum people giving me incorrect info and sh*t...Your name IS Brian...Isn't it?

FIRST: Maybe you should check my Wiki page...Maybe I should check your page and figure out who the hell you are (sarcastically) Layne...

WINTERS: By the way Sean, if we're so boring and unimpressive, feel free to retire from pro wrestling and go back to making billion dollar f*cking movies. How'd you gross a billion, anyway? Are we talking Chinese yuan here? Even with all your accomplishments over a vast and successful wrestling career, I find it hard to believe your earning power puts Tom Cruise to shame. Between you and Copycat, I can't figure out who's $7.99 CVS bargain bin movies are worse. Hell, the other day I read a rumor on IMDB that you lost an audition for the lead in "XXX 4: No, Seriously, He Lives for this Sh*t!" Vin Diesel passed, Ice Cube passed, they even tried getting Billy Blanks but he passed too. Then you came along, but they would've had to rename it "Triple X 4: Copyright Infringement" and the whole thing was off. Tough break, man.

WINTERS: Losing in other people's main events must have you going mental, 'cause I always thought beating somebody DEFINITIVELY was the best way to be rid of them. Best champ in EPW history, and they're still questioning whether you really beat this 190 pound clown in facepaint (Looking at First) yeah First, I said it, you ain't 210 soaking wet. (First shakes his head.) At least I could blame the 15 minute TV time limit for my draw, what's your excuse? DQing your way out of sh*t...sounds like something straight out the Copycat "p*ssy out" playbook. I know from experience- he pulled that crap on me too. Glad to see the Anthology Rules of Engagement are enhancing your title reign.

FIRST: Trip, all you ever do is bring up the fact that at Aggression 42 I was a nobody...Is that when time ended for you, did you pin me at Aggression 42, and every day since then has just been the same day over and over again, have you taken up ice sculpting, piano playing, CPR, and various and sundry other talents just for the hopes that finally this will be the day you win Nakita Dahaka's heart? Do you wake up every morning to "I got you babe"?

FIRST: You're no-selling us? Really? When did you decide that was going to be your ticket to success? After you ran from the ring after Aggression 42 having escaped the fight of your life...Having escaped Aggression 50 by getting yourself DQ'ed to save your title? After getting your ass kicked in the War Games? Layne brought up your other gag-job in distant lands...Seriously, you've looked like sh*t as of late...So keep up the 'bored, aloof, better than everyone' act...The results have been nothing short of outstanding...

FIRST: It's simple, tonight, (Rolling eyes) my dear friend Layne here is gonna roll through a minefield of opponents to prove he belongs in the big time...And tonight...I'm gonna kick your ass...AGAIN...and it won't matter, Black Dawn will roll around, and you'll yawn and roll your eyes and pine for the good old days when you fought your bestest friends in the world JA, and Rocko, and Westscott...

WINTERS: Don't forget Joey Melton and his twin brother...

FIRST: I thought we were not supposed to bring up the twin, thought he got written out of the history of EPW.

WINTERS: Beats me, if I get a call from the front office I'll tell 'em I didn't get that memo.

FIRST: Well guess what, time's moved on..Things have changed...You have to change with them...After tonight, you'll have another loss...After Black Dawn, you won't have your belt...



Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

FADE: Trip, backdrop, stool.

TRIPLE X: And, this is why retarded people shouldn't EVER talk. First of all Lance(?) ... Larry ... whatever the fuck your name is, I'm going to give you some free advice. I know that you think you're this tough guy. That you're this force to be reckoned with. ...and, the next in line. I'm going to tell you something that I sincerely hope you take to heart, and it's really pretty simple. You're not. Whether we're scoring this thing verbally, physically, mentally, or emotionally, you canNOT fuck with me, and whenever you're ready to jump out of the kiddie pool, into to tank with the killer whale, I'd be MORE than ecstatic to show you the difference in our respective divisions. THAT would be fun for me. But that aside, you'd have to improve drastically. You don't know anything about me, your jokes are corny, and if you're supposed to be a badass(?), playing off of The First, co-signing his trite persona, like you're his sidekick makes you appear desperate and weak. Your latest diatribe did nothing but prove to the world how hypocritical your team is.

"I don't need to retire, because I'm not bored with wrestling. I'm bored with wrestling generic ass Brian Nadalny, and having to insult the fans intelligence, by pretending his scrawny, nonsensical ass is anything other than a guaranteed victory. Roy Jones and Bernard Hopkins got away with suckering fans into shelving out fifty bucks to watch a one sided snoozefest last week, and I never want to be mentioned in the same breath as those geezers, and that corrupt sport.

"But, I know what your beef is. I know how Brian mapped this thing out, and sold it to you. I know the fact that I don't play along, is ruining his big moment, but YOU need to know that I didn't get as far as I have in my career by giving a shit about every circus freak with a dream.

"If beating Brian Nadalny was all I needed to make him disappear, he should've been out of my life a year ago. I gave that bitch an opportunity that he wouldn't have gotten elsewhere, and he pulled out every trick in his arsenal to defeat me, whether it be poison mist, or steel chairs ... and, guess what? I overcame it, like I always do. I beat him. I outclassed him, and all it took was a schoolboy. So, I ask you, why should I feel threatened again? Did someone teach him all of the intricate escape details needed to know in order to kick out of the schoolboy this go 'round? Well, there's always the small package.

"In Las Vegas, I dominated Brian, more impressively than he claimed to have gotten the better of me in our first match, and ended it the way it did, because I'm the champion and I can do whatever I want. I transformed your punk ass partner from a jobber to a superstar overnight, but you ungrateful bastards wanted more, so I'll give you more. Watch what happens the next time Brian and I are in the ring, with my strap on the line. I promise you, I will leave nothing open for debate."


TRIPLE X: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait ... turn the camera back on.

"I just remembered something else you touched on that I'm going to address only once. How can HOPE justify The First being better than me, because he executed a couple of unexpected maneuvers in an unimportant match, yet ... when I walk into a promotion where I instantly have a target on my back as the enemy, wrestle in THIS YEAR'S match of the year, beat the unbeatable Joe The Plumber within an inch of his life, damn near cripple Hornet, only losing because the plumber took advantage of the work that *I* put in, making the defeated old man pass out, I don't get the same treatment?

"I never claimed to be undefeated, Lonnie. I never said I'd have a bad night. But, to use what I did in New Frontier, as ammunition is complete and utter idiocy, because *I* went into enemy territory and clearly outclassed the best that it had to offer.

"My coming there, was a ratings ploy. I made the decision to come, to prove a point. To end the debate, on the mystical pound-for-pound list. You didn't REALLY think Mayfield would let the EPW champion walk out of that arena with the NFW title, did you?

"If so, you fall into the same stupid category as your girlfriend, Nadalny, which means it'll be that much easier to break you down, when you finally get the balls to step up.

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The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

(FADEIN: The First, right hand and arm tapped up half way up to his elbow...He reaches into a bag and pulls out a black sharpie. Winters stalks in the background.)

FIRST: It really is that simple Trip, that all you have to do is beat me to make me go away...I know you like to spin our matches, but as John Adams said..."Facts are stubborn things"...Look I'm not going to go into the matches, there's no reason to, you know the truth as well as I do...My problem is that you sit there and whine and complain about EPW...If I wasn't worthy of all I've gotten well you know what, you had 2 ways to go about fixing your problem. Number one would be to dominate me and beat me in the ring, which you can't do...And number 2 would be to go to management and tell them to quit ruining their company...But we all remember the last time you and management crossed swords...

You got fired by Lindsay Troy...You got thrown out of this company...Then you had to BEG Dan Ryan for your job back, and to be honestly, I'm not sure he's so happy with that decision, seeing as how all you've done since Aggression 50 was try to suck all the entertainment out of our little feud...You can't get it done in the ring against me...You know how I know that? Dan Ryan signs me for matches against you...You know who's the ONLY man to get a EPW World Title Match who hasn't held the belt since you and JA fought for it? Me! I'm the only person in this whole company who's broken that glass ceiling, and for some reason, I keep getting bites at the apple, if I was a sure loss, if I was non-competitive against you, wouldn't Dan Ryan be throwing Shawn Hart at you, or Fusenshoff, or this guy right here

WINTERS: I'd only need one damn shot at him, don't ever forget that clown...

FIRST: No fact is, I'm supposed to be in that ring against you...I'm supposed to be EPW World Champion...I'm the one guy you can't get rid of, and it's not because of some conspiracy or plot or scam, it's because come the day of reckoning...I'm better than you Trip...

WINTERS: You know, that's a good question, freak. ARE YOU better than Stevens? (First mutters "Yeah.") I sure hope he is, Stevens. See, I could give two sh*ts whether you know my name, or whether I have to brand it on your f*cking forehead like I damn near did at War Games. I realized a LONG time ago, I don't have the starpower or the name recognition to share a marquee with the GREAT Sean Stevens of legend. But this guy... (points thumb at First) he's just crazy enough to hand me that marquee on a silver platter, provided he beats you. You wanna give me a shot? You wanna share the marquee? Please, do me the F*CKING FAVOR, and let me know, so I can duff this motherf*cker in the mouth and call it a night. But until and unless, you can save the hotshotting and the posturing, because it's that BELT I'm after, not the "glory" of beating Sean Stevens. And SPEAKING of glory, next time you go chasing it in other companies, don't come back whining about "it was all a sham!" when you lose. Did I think Mayfield was gonna let you walk out of NFW as the champion? Well gee, I don't know, wasn't that the F*CKING POINT? Didn't he go out LOOKING for someone to beat that idiot plumber, whom he claims to hate with every fiber of his being? Believe it or not, Sean, there's a such a thing as cable TV, Satellite too. And this technology allows me to view other wrestling programs, can you believe it? So I can watch you one night carrying the EPW banner, flip the channel the next night, and see you suckin' on the NFW sack. The miracle of television, eh?

WINTERS: Hey, congratulations, you gave the Plumber hell, WAY TO GO! And if you wanna make the case to Mayfield, I'll head over there to NFW right now and we can form HOPE 2. Then I can follow you around, holding off goons while you f*ck other people's wives, and devise new ways to yell PLEEAAAASE B*TCH! at JTP, and when you it's all over you can promise me a title shot too.

WINTERS: Now don't get me wrong, I've made it CLEAR I give f*ck all about the business end of this stuff, but being the self-made billionaire that you are, flying around in leer jets like you're f*cking Lex Luthor or something...does it really matter who your opponent is? Old man Hopkins and a past his prime Roy Jones can sell their sh*tty match at fifty bucks a pop, and you're b*tching about having to defend your title against the number one contender, in the prime of both your careers? Christ, what a business model! "Sean Stevens: bored, disinterested, and UNIMPRESSED!" Kids across the globe are watching your promos, clamoring "Boy I hope someday I can grow up and face Sean Stevens, so we can argue about who gives LESS OF A SH*T too!" (spits on the ground) Suck on that, champ. I found my road to the belt, and it runs right the f*ck over you. And then I can postcard you my name in print when you're eating sh*t in somebody else's midcard.

FIRST: Look Trip, there's been two shows where you carried the EPW banner into the ring, this company you supposedly bleed for, that you supposedly live for...And the only difference between those two shows was that I was only around for one of them to clean up the mess you made and finish the job for EPW...EPW is my company now...Your time has passed...Go fight your windmills elsewhere, chase the fleeting glory you'll never obtain...Tell other people how little you care about them...Cause you don't impress, intimidate or worry me Trip...I'm going to beat you tonight...And I'm going to beat you at Black Dawn.

FIRST: I said it before Aggression 42 that I'd be the next EPW World Champion...It was true then, it's true now...You can't stop me Trip...Nothing can stop me...



Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

FADE: The EPW "King of the Cage" SEAN "TRIPLE X" STEVENS, seated on a bench inside of his personal dressing room, in a wife beater, and cargo shorts.

TRIPLE X: Blahblahblah. YaddaYaddaYadda. WashRinseRepeat. YawnSnoozeSnore.

"Facts are very stubborn things, and the fact of the matter is ... for someone so confident in his ability to beat me ... you still have yet to really, oh, I don't know ... BEAT. ME. I know, I know, spare us the melodrama. Spare us the revisionist history. We don't need anymore examples of your convenient amnesia. As much as I hate recounting our past, I do it because therein lies the truth. And, it's no secret that you're delusional. It's no secret that -- in your mind -- you're a trillion years old, even though reality tells us you're nothing more than a loser slash nerd slash LIAR with a vivid imagination, that allowed you to convince yourself that somehow, creating your current persona was a good idea, that would get you laid.

"And, maybe it was, Brian. You have yet to pay for a any of your lies thus far, have you? I mean, I beat you. And, despite the fact that nobody expected you to successfully execute any maneuvers, and you managed to land a punch or two, I guess I can understand why you've ridden this moral victory into the ground, but it still doesn't make my victory over you any harder than it actually was.

"Brian, listen to me ... Beating you was easy. You may remember that night for birthing your career, but it's not even in my top ten.

"Beg for my job back? Let's not forget that Lindsay Troy was never my boss, and I've said as much. I've never begged anyone for anything, and if Dan Ryan decided to fire me tomorrow, I'd leave Empire Pro Wrestling, with my head held high, because my legacy here is secure. But, he won't ... and, you know why? Because without the head, the body will fall, and I've been running the EPW for so long, I'm exhausted.

"You? You're nothing special and there is nothing entertaining about watching you and that coked out whore ramble endlessly about shit that nobody with a functioning brain cell would ever care about. You're not the number one contender because Ryan believes in you. You're the challenger for my belt because I've destroyed all of the real competition, and until Ryan can build someone else up, or bring someone in, you're the warm body he chose to keep me occupied.

"But that's neither here nor there ... you're going to think what you want anyway, and there's no real reason for me to continue to go back and forth with you, when -- at the end of the day -- I have this..."

Underneath the bench was the EPW World Heavyweight Championship. Stevens grabbed it and draped it over his shoulder. It shined ever so brightly.

TRIPLE X: ...and, I will go on record and say that I'm not perfect, I'm not undefeated, nor have I been for a very long time ... and, at some point in time, I will lose my championship. But, it will never EVER under ANY circumstances be to you, Brian Nadalny. That's a promise, and a guarantee, and I'm so sure of my ability to beat you that I'm willing to put my career on the line. ...are YOU?"


The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

(FADEIN: Kenny Lombardo, in a brown dress coat, with a green polo shirt under it, motoring down a hallway, a camera trying to keep up with him. After a few moments Lombardo has found his way over to The First, who's stretching in a hallway.)

LOMBARDO: First...Have you heard the latest statement from Sean Stevens?

FIRST: Can't say as I have...What's the good word from our esteemed World Heavyweight Champion?

LOMBARDO: He's declared that you'll never beat him for the EPW World Title...

FIRST: That's...Not so new Kenny...

LOMBARDO: And he's so confident he'll defeat you, he's said he'll risk his career in the match at Black Dawn...And he wants to know if you have the nerve to risk your career as well...

(First appears lost in thought for a moment.)

FIRST: Well...I'm sure Dan Ryan will be thrilled to hear this news...So Kenny, what would you think about me risking my career in a match with Sean Stevens?

LOMBARDO: No offense, but I think it would be suicide to risk so much...I mean--

FIRST: (Cutting him off) Suicide...You know what suicide is? It's the easy way out...You take some pills, pull a trigger, do whatever you need to do to stop this body from working, and it's over...You're gone...Go back to the Spiral to hang out with everyone over there...That's it...And isn't that what this would be for me, or for Stevens?

What have I done this past year and change Kenny? I've made myself one of the biggest stars in this sport, I've main evented from coast to coast, I tore the house down in Las Vegas...I did it all...And I go into Black Dawn and I risk my career against Sean Stevens...I lose, what happens Kenny? Really...Aggression 52 rolls around, I hit the ring, I stand there holding back tears as the crowd, many of whom are in fact crying, chanting "Thank you, First, Thank you, First!" and holding signs showing how much they care for me, how much they love me...Odds are I start crying after a while telling them all what a great crazy trip it was we had together, and well, I'll see them all on the other side, and maybe again back here, just different bodies...

That's what happens if I lose my career at Black Dawn...That's the easy way out...Hell I'd rather that be what happens Kenny...What happens if my career isn't on the line and I lose?

I get to carry Layne Winters bags...I get to watch HOPE implode from in-fighting as they all go at each other for the right to get to Stevens...I get to watch the number of fans in the crowd with their faces painted up shrink down to a few dozen or so hardcores...I get to hear those super-sonic pops I'm so used to getting, now being given to Shawn Hart, to Fusenshoff, to whatever new break out star hits the big stage that is EPW...I get to open some Pay-Per-View where somebody else knocks off Sean Stevens and gets to live out the dream of becoming EPW World Champion...I get to become just another guy in the EPW locker room...A cautionary tale to the rest of the up and comers that sometimes you just don't make it, sometimes, you fail...

By the same token, Stevens wants the easy way out, he's done it all here, so he tells us every chance he gets...He's on top...What's one loss to me do to this standing here in EPW? Nothing, hell, I beat him and it costs him his career, he's not only out there at Aggression 52 to give his farewell speech, he's out there to give his speech accepting his induction into the EPW Hall of Fame...

Sean Stevens knows how high he's risen...And because of that, he knows how far he could fall...

He doesn't to be laying in a pool of his own blood when Anthology beats the piss out of him and leaves him laying...Jared Wells sneering over his motionless body saying "You said you had The First handled, you said this was going to be a cakewalk...Well you were wrong, and DADDY thinks it's about time some changes were made around here!"

He doesn't want to fail to regain his title in a re-match or series of re-matches, and have it proven beyond a shadow of a doubt he can't beat me straight up...He doesn't want to have to live in a world where he's not the foundation of EPW...He doesn't want to suffer every day he pulls into an arena knowing he's going to see me holding the EPW World Title, seeing me defending it against people who are not him...Because his time passed long ago...

Because when you're the King, you can't even comprehend the idea of living like a peasant. He doesn't want to fall and have to live with having fallen, he wants to go out on top...

Well, if he wants that...Fine by me...I'd love to be known as the man who ran Triple X out of EPW...Sean, you want a career Vs career match? I'm your huckleberry.

Last edited:


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

(FADEIN: An old-time clock sits on a nightstand. The last two number placards slowly rotate upwards. The "5-9" flip over and the time changes to "6:00." Suddenly the radio on the clock turns on. The ending of "I Got You Babe" by Sonny and Cher. The camera slowly moves to the bed. Lying there, covered up to his neck in the blankets, is "Simply Sensational" Sean Edmunds. His eyes open.)

VOICE 1: "Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today!!!"

(Edmunds eyes widen.)

VOICE 2: "It's coooold out there every day. What is this, Miami Beach?"

(Edmunds tosses the sheets off his body and jumps out of bed.)

VOICE 1: "Not hardly. And you know, you can expect hazardous travel later today with that, you know, that, uh, that blizzard thing."

VOICE 2: (mockingly) "That blizzard - thing. That blizzard - thing. Oh, well, here's the report! The National Weather Service is calling for a 'big blizzard thing!'"

(Edmunds runs over to the window and stares out. A small-town street. There's a little bit of snow here and there. People are walking, looking cheery, towards the town park.)

EDMUNDS: "No, no, no..."

VOICE 1: "Yessss, they are. But you know, there's another reason why today is especially exciting."

VOICE 2: "Especially cold!"

(Edmunds runs to the bathroom and turns on the sink.)

VOICE 1: "Especially cold, okay, but the big question on everybody's lips..."

VOICE 2: "On their chapped lips..."

(Edmunds hurriedly splashes water on his face trying to wake himself up.)

VOICE 1: "On their chapped lips, right: Do ya think Phil is gonna come out and see his shadow?"

VOICE 2: "Punxsutawney Phil!"

(Edmunds grabs the sides of his face trying to shake himself awake now.)

VOICE 1: "Thats right, woodchuck-chuckers .... it's..."


(Edmunds turns to the camera and screams.)


(CUTTO: Edmunds jumps up out of bed.)


(He reaches over onto the nightstand and grabs the bottle of water. Taking off the cap he downs the rest and tosses the empty container over his shoulder. He grabs the remote and turns on the television.)

VOICE: "He doesn't want to fail to regain his title in a re-match or series of re-matches, and have it proven beyond a shadow of a doubt he can't beat me straight up...He doesn't want to have to live in a world where he's not the foundation of EPW...He doesn't want to suffer every day he pulls into an arena knowing he's going to see me holding the EPW World Title, seeing me defending it against people who are not him...Because his time passed long ago..."

(Edmunds' mouth drops open. He stares blankly at the television screen, the First's face taking up the entire shot. Edmunds' lip begins to quiver...)

FIRST: "Because when you're the King, you can't even comprehend the idea of living like a peasant. He doesn't want to fall and have to live with having fallen, he wants to go out on top..."

(Edmunds looks as if he's about to cry..)


(The First's eyes shine on the television screen, mockingly.)

FIRST: "Well, if he wants that...Fine by me...I'd love to be known as the man who ran Triple X out of EPW...Sean, you want a career Vs career match? I'm your huckleberry."

(Edmunds screams.)


(CUTTO: Edmunds shoots up, the blankets flying over the camera's shot. Slowly they fall and reveal Edmunds sitting up, his hand over his heart, sweat falling from his forehead.)

EDMUNDS: "Horrible!! HORRIBLE! What a nightmare!"

(Edmunds' heavy breathing begins to slow down.)

EDMUNDS: "It's like I was stuck ... the same shit .. every day."

(Edmunds wipes his palms dry on the sheets and lays his head back on the pillow. He turns to his side as the camera cuts to that shot.)

EDMUNDS: "Same shit.. every day."

(The camera fades as Edmunds' eyes slowly drift shut.)


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr

LOL, I'm marking out for that one


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Re: AGGRESSION 51: MAIN EVENT: Anthology (Stevens/Wells/Edmunds) vs. First, Hart & Cr


While it is certainly noble of our World Champion, Sean Stevens to put his career on the line and likewise, for his opponent at Black Dawn to respond in kind - it is not the job of either of these men to sign matches for Empire Pro Wrestling.

Keeping this in mind, let me be clear in stating that I alone make the matches for this company. The World Championship match at Black Dawn will not be a career match unless stated so by me. As of now, that match will not be for anyone's career, whether it be Stevens' or The First's.

It is my suggestion that our World Champion stick to defending his title and leave the running of this company to me.

- Dan Ryan, Owner

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