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AGGRESSION 62: Steven Shane vs. Jermaine "The War Hawk" Dawson


League Member
Jun 9, 2004
We open up to find James Murphy backstage at an Empire Pro house show. He continues to wander until he finds the locker room door with the name “The Sensational One” on it. He then knocks before entering. Once inside, we see Steven Shane sitting on a stool. When he sees James, he rises to his feet to conduct the interview.

James: Steven Shane! Can I get some words from you for the Empire?

Shane: Are you still doing this for free?

James: I’d rather not talk about it.

Shane: I’d be embarrassed too if my salary was the same as Ashy Larry from the back alley.

James: Let’s not make this about me. Let’s start by congratulating you on your victory at Aggression.

Shane: At least you’re willing to do that.

James: What do you mean?

Shane: The Empire thought I did so well that they rewarded me by not giving me a match.

James: So you started this week empty-handed?

Shane: Like Mike Tyson at an autograph signing.

James: Then how did you manage to get your name on the card?

Shane: Begging like a broke fat kid in a bakery.

James: And how did that turn out for you?

Shane: You haven’t seen the card?

James: Well, I have.

Shane: But you still have to ask?

James: I guess I just want to get your reaction to it.

Shane: Good luck with that.

James: You’re not willing to share.

Shane: I just don’t think there’s anything to share.

James: And why’s that?

Shane: I main event one week and get a debut match the next? A debut match? Who am I, Steve Lombardi?

James: Your frustration is evident. What are your plans for the match then?

Shane: To win.

James: It’s that simple?

Shane: Are you paying attention? It’s a debut match.

James: Touche’. So Shane, what can you tell us about your opponent this week?

Shane: Never heard of him.

James: You say that about every opponent.

Shane: Yeah, but I’ve literally never heard of him.

James: You know nothing of him?

Shane: Do you?

James: No.

Shane: Then quit looking at me like I’m the Encyclopedia Britannica.

James: Sorry, Shane. What do you expect out of your opponent then for this match?

Shane: I expect him to fly his eagle ass right back to the locker room after I play him some Sweet Chin Music.

James: Wow. Strong words. Anything else?

Shane: Extreme. Absolute. Tremendous.

James: I didn’t mean any more actual strong words. I meant anything else to say about your opponent.

Shane: Oh God no. I’m done with this newbie.

James: Thank you, Shane.

Suburban Reject

New member
Oct 5, 2011

The video image is gray, and all that is visible is one of the walls, plain and drab. In the center lies a chessboard, the pieces seemingly scattered in a disorganized pattern across the board. The shadow of a man projects against the wall as his hand looms over the chessboard.

“Ignorance is a frightening thing. It is human nature to fear what we don’t know; fear what we can’t understand. Surrounded by the unknown... trapped in the dark... what else can one do but crawl into the fetal position and surrender in despair?

Steve Shane is playing a dangerous game of denial. To the outside world, he wants to have the world view him as confident, comfortable that his veteran savvy and experience will guide him to a victory against the newcomer, a woebegone rookie who is too unimportant to discuss. He doesn’t need to prepare for Jermaine Dawson, because Jermaine Dawson is just like every other pipsqueak he’s pummeled into the canvas.

How comical.”

The camera angle rotates to face away from the wall and to the figure who’s projecting the shadow upon it. His face is still obscured in darkness as he hunches over the chessboard, his hand placed on the black queen positioned on a square within the row closest to him.

“Steve doesn’t want you to see the fright that is consuming him as he tries to prepare for a man whose only battles have been fights to the death. A man who is not only a physical specimen, but a man who operates with military precision and strategy. And a man who is far more prepared to fight than he could ever be.

Because I have done the research on Steve Shane. I’ve studied his fight last Aggression against The First and Eddie Burns; I’ve seen him use his arrogance to position himself to the top of this sport numerous times... and with this knowledge, I have the power to stop him. The power to render him and his bravado impotent on the spot.”

The man, who one could infer is Jermaine Dawson, slides his queen across the board to the opposite end, placing the white king in a position from which it cannot escape. Checkmate.

“It’s a pity that Steve wants to be known for his foolishness, wants to feed his insecurity by puffing out his chest as opposed to studying up on my strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the day, sneaking up on an unsuspecting enemy is so much easier than fighting a pitched battle.”

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