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BG Bruce vs. Dan Ryan


League Member
Oct 31, 2005
(B.G. Bruce and Estaban stand before a UCW banner. They do not look happy.)

ESTABAN: Ken Cloverleaf. We are not happy.

In fact, Bruce here is so angry about what went down at Night of Legends II that if he were to open his mouth and try to speak about it only a stream of profanities would emerge. And since - for some reason - we still care about this stations FCC license, I shal do the speaking this week.

You robbed us again, Cloverleaf. You robbed us of the justice we have earned. By all rights you should be little more than a squashed stain on the arena floor, but somehow you managed to snake slither out of the way and save your skin oce more.

It won't happen again.

Cloverleaf, the next time you set foot in the same room as my Sweetie- if you should ever dare to do so again - shall be the last time you set foot anywhere.

And we don't care how many members of the "I own a Federation too" OLd Boys Network you find to place between us, B.G. will charge his way right through them on his way to you.

Isn't that right, Doll?

BRUCE: Grrrrrrrrr.

ESTABAN: Darn (not so) straight.

And Dan Ryan...

I'd think you'd know better than to let yourself be used like this again.

And perhaps you do. Or at least you should after the last time Ken Cloverleaf tried to hide his weaselish carcass behind your big, sexy bod.

And let me tell you that last time you got off easy. This time, if you choose to get in our way again you will not be so lucky - although my Big Bruce just "get lucky" at your expense. So, unless you just palin decide not to show up this week, you had better be prepared to face the full Bareback Mountin'. Ain't that right, cutie?

BRUCE: Mmmmmmmm....

ESTABAN: Okay then, Brucie. Do have any fianl words for either Sexy Dan or Mr Cloverleaf.

(Buce nods yes and Estaban hands him the mic.)

BRUCE: @$%^&^ !&*#@! %&&^%$#@@$%%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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