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Bruce/Estaban vs. Ryan/Melton


League Member
Oct 31, 2005
(B.G. Bruce and Estaban stand in front of a UCW Banner. Bruce holds a mic in his hand.)

BRUCE: Finally...!

The Fag...!

Has come back to Ultimate Championship Wrestling!!!

(The less homophobic members of the arena crowd pop loudly.)

BRUCE: So Cloverleaf, you finally had sack enough to do it, huh? You finally had the balls to lift my suspension.

Now you only have on thing left to do.


Apologize to me. Apologize to little Estaban here. Apologize to the awesome fans of UCW who you have robbed for so long of their greatest and most progressive role model.


What's that...?

You think you'll force me and Estaban to wrestle in tag action this week instead? Against the likes of two legends of our sport in Dan Ryan and Joey Melton?

Fair enough, Baby Doll. I can do that. Except Estaban here will not be wreatling. You see, Kenny, B.G. Bruce has seen quite enough of the man he loves getting batted around a wrestling ring lke he is your 129 lb. soaking wet, little boy toy.

So let me put you on notice right now that, while Estaban certainly will be accompanying me to the ring this week as he always for, he mosted assuredly will not be setting foot in the ring and putting himself into harms way against you two latest two thuggish mercenaries. And if that means I have to fight a handicap math this week for my re-debut, then that is just what I shall do.

But I actually have a better idea, KC Sunshine. If you really want to have Estaban don the tights once more. Why not put him in there against someone more his strength, speed and abilitiy.

That's right Kenneth Cloverleaf, I am talking about you.

Rumor has it you used to be quite the competitor before hanging up the boots and taking that desk job.

And I want to see it.

Sp why don't you pukk off that business suit {Slowly now - mmmm...that's nice} and drag that old set of tights on out of the mothballs up in the UCW attic. And after you are done trying to squeeze on into them and realize you aren't quite the same slim-waisted lad you once were, you can run on down to Barney's and buy yourself a new set of tights {Might I suggest something in a mauve. That would go great with your eyes} and traipse on down to the ring to do your own dirty work.

Heck, I am sure that either Dan or Jow would gladdy give up their slot as your lackey of the week to see our Perfectly Outstanding Commish back in action against the Scourge of Souyh Beach and his little faggy buddy.

And hey, on the outside chance that you can't get one of them to step aside and give you a shot at straigtening out your own mess, let me offer you this - what do you think of threesomes?

That's right, you can joing your two pals in the ring and I will go out and see who I can find as a third as well.

Who, you ask?

I'll tell you at Midnight.

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