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Cary Turkington Bio


League Member
Jan 13, 2009

Name: Sam
Email Address: landry.sam@gmail.com
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: Samarai Time (AIM)
Preferred Method of Handling: (FW Promo, Freestyle RP, Angle/Storyline, Hybrid) I like to dabble in all the fields. Is that a good "avoid answering this question" answer?
Best Way to Contact you: (PM/Email/IM) e-mail or PM.


Name: Cary Turkington
Nicknames: The Turk

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 179
Handedness: (Right or Left) Right
Looks: (A general idea of what the guy looks like. Hairstyles, etc.)
Picture a homeless man. Now, picture said homeless man trying to look classy on his funds. Hair greased back (with residue found in alleyway), shirt pressed (and burned through at parts), pants optional. He's a slight man, and when he's sober he is almost presentable.

Hailing From: (This is where the character is introduced as being from)
Boston, MA

Gimmick: (If not a true "gimmick", his in the ring 'persona'.)
Think Ignatius Reilly, except with a major drinking problem that turns him into a bumbling idiot, and not pompous at all. Speaks in the civil manner Reilly does. That is, of courtse, when The Turk is sober. When he's drunk, he'll do anything from fight dogs to piss on fans to watch "The Love Letter"

Ring Attire: (What he wears to the ring.) Whatever clothing he has on. Usually a half-destroyed button up, pants in the same manner, some lame ass hat, and boots with the holes.
Theme Music: The only song he knows is Judie Tzuke's "Stay With Me Till Dawn", so it's that by default
Ring Entrance: (What he DOES on his way to the ring.)
(The arena gets kind of dim as the familiar piano entrance begins...


*singing* "Is this a game that you play...I can't understand what's going on..."

Judie Tzuke's "Stay With Me till Dawn" starts coming on over the speakers as the crowd...stands there. Not a lot of enthusiasm. After a little
more of the song, Cary Turkington stumbles out from behind the curtain, still talking with someone behind stage.

"I REALLY don't want to be doing this!" he visibly mouths before finally succumbing and nervously walking down the ramp, real slow like.

*singing* "Is this a gaaaaame that you play?...playingggg with my heeearrrrrt!..."

Eventually, The Turk makes it to the ring and slides on, doing a hail mary and waiting for his opponent with shakey knees.)

Tactics/Style: (Technical, High-Flyer, etc. But go into a bit of detail. If he's modelled after a certain 'type' of wrestler, please detail. EX: A mix of Shawn Michaels/TAZ/Benoit)
Cary doesn't know how to wrestle. He does not know one move. He doesn't even know how to irish whip. All he can do is punch. His matches usually go in two directions:
1) punch is thrown, opponent is hit by the stiff clap, match is over.
2) punch is thrown, opponent dodges or the punch flat-out misses, Cary falls over, confused, and gets pinned.

Strengths: (3 strength marks see him as possessing)
-Is a beast when he's drunk
-really strong for his size
-really short matches

Weaknessess: (See Above)
-Can't wrestle
-Pretty much useless when he's drunk
-really short matches.


(Complete Moveset, transitions that mark that wrestler - IE: Bret Hart always does his 2nd rope Elbow, Russian Leg Sweep. Finishers, Signatures & Set-Up Moves. Anything else you want to share, or provide the matchwriters of NFW.)
-Kick (rare)


(A background concerning your character, their history, their training and their reason for being in New Frontier Wrestling.)
Cary is the drunk's drunk. He recognizes the vice as a vice, but still loves the **** anyways. This leads him to be broke 99% of the time, which prompts his attempt to become employed at NFW. He's had various stints in other leagues, but they usually ended up with him waking up in one of the fellow NA countries without his pants on.


Divide 120 Points between:

AGILITY: (Leaping, Air-Strike/Defense)
SCIENTIFIC: (Technical/Amateur/Martial Arts Background)
SPEED: (Quickness in/out of the ring, moving around)

(Hint: Numbers ending in 0 and 5 minimizes your potential attack/defense values, try 1's and 6's)

Provide a 20-set movelist as follows:

1-5: Basic Holds/Strikes/Takedowns
6-15: Wear Down/Mid-Late Match Holds
16-18: Signature/Special Holds
19: Set-up
20: Finisher


League Member
Jan 13, 2009

Name: Sam
Email Address: landry.sam@gmail.com
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: Samarai Time (AIM)
Preferred Method of Handling: (FW Promo, Freestyle RP, Angle/Storyline, Hybrid) I like to dabble in all the fields. Is that a good "avoid answering this question" answer?
Best Way to Contact you: (PM/Email/IM) e-mail or PM.


Name: Cary Turkington
Nicknames: The Turk, El Turkerino, Le Turke, Mr. Turky Pants, Thanksgiving Dinner, Care Bear

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 179
Handedness: (Right or Left) Right
Looks: (A general idea of what the guy looks like. Hairstyles, etc.)
Picture a homeless man. Now, picture said homeless man trying to look classy on his funds. Hair greased back (with residue found in alleyway), shirt pressed (and burned through at parts), pants optional. He's a slight man, and when he's sober he is almost presentable.

Hailing From: (This is where the character is introduced as being from)
Boston, MA

Gimmick: (If not a true "gimmick", his in the ring 'persona'.)
Think Ignatius Reilly, except with a major drinking problem that turns him into a bumbling idiot, and not pompous at all. Speaks in the civil manner Reilly does. That is, of courtse, when The Turk is sober. When he's drunk, he'll do anything from fight dogs to piss on fans to watch "The Love Letter"

Ring Attire: (What he wears to the ring.) Whatever clothing he has on. Usually a half-destroyed button up, pants in the same manner, some lame ass hat, and boots with the holes.
Theme Music: The only song he knows is Judie Tzuke's "Stay With Me Till Dawn", so it's that by default
Ring Entrance: (What he DOES on his way to the ring.)
(The arena gets kind of dim as the familiar piano entrance begins...


*singing* "Is this a game that you play...I can't understand what's going on..."

Judie Tzuke's "Stay With Me till Dawn" starts coming on over the speakers as the crowd...stands there. Not a lot of enthusiasm. After a little
more of the song, Cary Turkington stumbles out from behind the curtain, still talking with someone behind stage.

"I REALLY don't want to be doing this!" he visibly mouths before finally succumbing and nervously walking down the ramp, real slow like.

*singing* "Is this a gaaaaame that you play?...playingggg with my heeearrrrrt!..."

Eventually, The Turk makes it to the ring and slides on, doing a hail mary and waiting for his opponent with shakey knees.)

Tactics/Style: (Technical, High-Flyer, etc. But go into a bit of detail. If he's modelled after a certain 'type' of wrestler, please detail. EX: A mix of Shawn Michaels/TAZ/Benoit)
Cary doesn't know how to wrestle. He does not know one move. He doesn't even know how to irish whip. All he can do is punch. His matches usually go in two directions:
1) punch is thrown, opponent is hit by the stiff clap, match is over.
2) punch is thrown, opponent dodges or the punch flat-out misses, Cary falls over, confused, and gets pinned.

Strengths: (3 strength marks see him as possessing)
-Is a beast when he's drunk
-really strong for his size
-really short matches

Weaknessess: (See Above)
-Can't wrestle
-Pretty much useless when he's drunk
-really short matches.


(Complete Moveset, transitions that mark that wrestler - IE: Bret Hart always does his 2nd rope Elbow, Russian Leg Sweep. Finishers, Signatures & Set-Up Moves. Anything else you want to share, or provide the matchwriters of NFW.)
-Kick (rare)


(A background concerning your character, their history, their training and their reason for being in New Frontier Wrestling.)
Cary is the drunk's drunk. He recognizes the vice as a vice, but still loves the **** anyways. This leads him to be broke 99% of the time, which prompts his attempt to become employed at NFW. He's had various stints in other leagues, but they usually ended up with him waking up in one of the fellow NA countries without his pants on.

At this point, NFW have hired him...but aren't paying him for a year. How he'll eat is in Cary's hands.


Divide 120 Points between:

AGILITY: (Leaping, Air-Strike/Defense)
SCIENTIFIC: (Technical/Amateur/Martial Arts Background)
SPEED: (Quickness in/out of the ring, moving around)

(Hint: Numbers ending in 0 and 5 minimizes your potential attack/defense values, try 1's and 6's)

Provide a 20-set movelist as follows:

1-5: Basic Holds/Strikes/Takedowns
6-15: Wear Down/Mid-Late Match Holds
16-18: Signature/Special Holds
19: Set-up
20: Finisher

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