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[CD] Intro


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
* Damian Stone character development RP.

The scene slowly faded in and we see that we are in a locker room. We see a rather tall and muscular man sitting on a bench in the center of the room. Over his head we see a black towel. He is dressed in a pair of black sweats and a pair of MMA gloves.

"I am...29 years old...."

Instantly, we are sent into a gym where we watch as this man begins a regiment of leg presses at over 300 pounds. We watch as he pumps out the weight with ease as the sled goes up and down with precision. Just as we are used to watching this man go to town on this, we are sent back to the locker room.

"I have been wrestling for eleven years...off and on. I say off and on because...well...I have found it difficult at times to keep my head in the game."

We cut back into the gym again where we watch the man begin to pound on a heavy bag with force.

"Difficult, and rather annoying to say the least. It's not that I don't expect people to like me and understand what it is like to only have one eye now. It more like I find it more disturbing that everything that I stand for in some way I trash before the year is through. Being constant is something that I have tried to strive for...it's something that everyone strives for. But I should have learned that, like in the military, you can never be constant. You must be like water..."

It cuts back to the locker room where we see the big man's back. Across it, we see a cross with a set of angel wings on it.

"Water...free flowing and ever shifting to meet the enviorment that it is in contact with. And then hit it with the constant force of nature until what your obstacle is is moved out of the way."

Cut to the ring where we watch Damian hoist a man up into an Argentine Rack. He holds him there until he sits down, pulling his foe down in-between his legs and driving him down onto his skull and his spine.

"Why am I here? Some say to start over. Some say to see just how well I have progressed. But at the end, everyone will know what I am after.

I am after respect....

I am after honor...."

Cut to a shot of the New ERA Championship.

"I am after the title."

Cut to the face of the man, looking at the camera with intensity.

"My name is Damian Stone. No nicknames...no smart responses. Just call me Damian Stone. Reality...has set in."


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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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