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Champ Speaks


Jan 1, 2000
(CUT TO: TROY WINDHAM, wearing a leather helmet, shoulder pads with spikes and skully, forged chain mail, bear fur, a glowing orb emblem on his chest plate, carrying a broadsword in one hand and the CSWA Unified Title in the other.)

TROY: Sacrifices. That's what it takes to MAKE it in our industry. In our SPORT. That's what it takes to MAKE it as a professional wrestler.

Me? I've made my share of sacrifices. Lateral movement in my neck? Sacrificed. A healthy wrist? Sacrificed. But right now, right now is the greatest sacrifice of them all. In order to wear THIS... (Troy taps his E-P-I-T-O-M-E lite-up belt with his broadswoard) I had to sacrifice a THREE YEAR GUARANTEED ROLE WITH POINTS LEADING THE CREDITS... on the ABC Family Channel's new hit show ElfLord: Solstice Hunt... and instead take a six-episode yearly deal as a special guest. That's a big deal to me and my acting career. I could have won ANOTHER Cable Ace Award. You don't think I could have won another to hang on my West Palm Beach mantle for my role as Drauphin The Slayer, the one who helps entrench his father's father's grip on Thune Prairy? Huh?

(Two dwarves and a woman with hooven hands walk past.)

DWARF ONE: Hey Champ!
TROY: Sup, Lord Cloven? We doin' lunch?
HOOVEN WOMAN: Yeah, after sound check we have a big cheese spread.
TROY: NICE TWICE! Yo, make sure you don't hoarde the bleu, okay Lady StarChylde?

(Troy's cast of characters walk away. Troy again turns to the CSWA camera.)

TROY: Y'see, I've been a busy man. In between my days on the set here, in between my charity work in that other league I wrestle in, NFW... I've been tourin' the globe on my Lear Jet, showin' everyone my prize. The greatest prize of them all. The CSWA Unified Championship. A lot of late nights at the clubs, long days doing media appearances, training, exercize. It takes a LOT. I could be at one of my many homes enjoying some of my many movies on one of my many large flat-screen TV's. But I'm not. Why?

Sacrifice. Because I'm willing to make more of a sacrifice than anyone else in this sport. Because I'm willing to do WHATEVER it takes to get the job done. Throw me through a table. Throw me off the top rope to a floor. Dan Ryan, my man, I sacrificed my body and won what YOU wanted. I sat there and told the world what it was like to be coronated king. CORONATED CHAMPION. And I sacrificed that to have my brother knock my ass out.

No one sacrifices more than I... and that's why I am what I say I am.

(Troy puts his broadsword into his sheath.)


(Troy takes the title and straps it around his waist, underneath his chest plate. CLICK.)


(Troy smirks to the camera.)

OFFSCREEN DIRECTOR: Troy, we need to white balance and do a sound check. Can you give us the money shot?

TROY: Yeah, of course. (Troy unfurls his broadsword and screams to the camera.) SLAYETH THE HYDRAAAAA! THUNE PRAIRIE ISSSSS MIIIIIIIIIIINNNNEEEEEEE!!!!!! (FTB)

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