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Champ Speaks


Jan 1, 2000
(CUT TO: "The Original King of Cool" JJ DeVille, who is standing in front of the gates to Eddy Love's Smokey Mountain compound-- a Playboy Bunny insignia on the iron gate. JJ has his hair permed wildly, wearing his "Avoid the Noid" cut-off T, coochie cutter jeans, blu-blocker sunglasses. Prominently centered around his waist is his CSWA Greensboro Title. He is also holding nunchucks.)

JJ: (JJ starts leaping up and down, pumping his fists in the air.) I DID IT! I DID IT! James Justice Juventud DeVille... The Original King of Cool... The Human Weapon... HAS DONE IT! The underdog kid who grew up in the mean streets of Greensboro... who never had a fighting chance... has proved wrong all his naysayers. That's right... I have done it. I have become the Greensboro Champion! YEAH BABY! (JJ again starts leaping up and down like a madman. He then unhooks the title belt, holding it on his shoulder.)

This title, the World Greensboro Title, has long been sought by many of this sport's greatest legends. It has a glorious tradition, filled with prestige and honor. Yet this title's value was DIMINISHED by its previous holder... a man who is a true coward... a man who more than likely cannot satisfy a woman... a man who more than likely is going to quit the CSWA than face me in the ring. Shane Southern... (JJ points the 'chucks at the camera.) IF THAT IS INDEED YOUR REAL NAME... I told you that I would take this title from you. I told you that you had NO CHANCE at beating me. Just like I told Lance Leizure, who said that he could beat me in the main event at Anniversary yet was proven wrong... Just like I told Machine who made vague poetic sentiments about beating me yet was proven wrong... Just like I told GUNS THE STRONGEST ARMS IN THE WORLD who told me that he would throw me into the third row in San Juan California and was proven wrong... I think you all should learn a VERY IMPORTANT LESSON from all of this, you neo-maxie zoom dweebies. When JJ DeVille *SAYS ANYTHING* it comes true.

I have a lot of work ahead of me in the weeks, months and years forthcoming. If I am going to the honor and glory to this title, to this grand old title, then I surely must defend this title against all challenges, unlike Blaine Southern, who chose to run away from all competitors. JJ DeVille will begin his quest of making this once again the most valued title in all of professional wrestling... his NOIDTOUR '02... by facing Shark Southern in Long Beach, California at Primetime. Southern, I am giving you this title shot out of the goodness of my heart, from the depth of my soul... Most likely, you will not show up at the Rose Bowl, scared out of your wits, afraid that you will meet the Human Weapon in a darkened alley. Or, if you do show up, it will be to offer me a well-deserved apology for every mean thing you have said to me... but, Shane Southern, if you do indeed show up that evening, my friend, you are going to be thrashed and beaten just like Mike Rambles, Gums and Earl Flair will be at the hands of my mentor Eddy Love... and when you retire for the evening in your slummish motel room off some distant Interstate, you will be asking yourself not just how you can Avoid the Noid... but you will also be asking yourself a very important question... WWJJD... What Would JJ Do?(JJ does the crane kick. FTB)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Mayflower, Arkansas
(this is Mike Pettingill)(OORP, too)

Dear lord, we finally built the belt up. JJ... good lord. Oh well, WWJJD made up for it.

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