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Chapter Eighteen: Whereupon Chad returns once again and rambles.


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
I usually reserve these notes for e-mail or in the Member Discussion area, but I thought I’d throw this one out for everyone’s amusement.

Yes, I’m here. Yes, I’ve stated before that my goal is to do better about these ‘breaks.’ Yes, I know I’ve failed at that miserably. ;)

The short story is one you’ve heard before – in January as things were heating up, I was ready to run. Some delays came up in posting PRIMETIME, my travel schedule jumped into high gear, and to be completely frank, some personal issues came up (nothing too serious) that stripped away my zeal for this hobby, along with some other things. I’ve had the annual discussion with Steve focused around “Should I just close the thing?” as well as “How do I make it work when I know I can’t devote hours on end every day?”

Let me diverge from that path slightly for a moment to be real clear about my motivation. I’m 30 years old. Doing this isn’t about proving anything or a power trip or some burning deep-seated desire to lord over the great fantasy wrestling contingent of the work. It’s not about needing to fill up wasted time or recapturing my childhood or trying to make friends online because I’m scared to leave my house or because I need attention that I don’t get elsewhere.

It *is* about staying connected with folks that I enjoy talking to and being creative with, some of whom I’ve now known (staggeringly) for over a decade.

It *is* about finding a way to do it *right*, which doesn’t necessarily mean recapturing 1995 or 1998 or 2001, but means finding a way to do it within the lives we all live now.

It *is* about having fun. As passé as that has apparently become to say, it’s true. It’s about being able to have another creative outlet, being able to share that with folks and allow them to jump in and do the same.

I’m under no illusions that half of you reading this just don’t give a crap. This isn’t for you, even though I’m posting it publicly. But for the others of you who get what I’m talking about, whether you’re old friends or members or not, then I hope you’ll jump back on the slow-moving bandwagon and pitch in.

This won’t work without help. It’s not a one-man show and never has been. From the day in 1992 when the CSWA went from being a game between two guys and a couple of friends who played part-time to being a ‘game’ on a larger stage with people we had never met and lived thousands of miles from. From Jaret Rice to Steve Day to Scott Kennedy to Kevin Schmid to Mark Vizzachero to Pete Russo to Tom Holzerman, (plus many others a la Katz, etc., as well as all the aliases of the aforementioned) there have always been VP-type folks who have jumped in to take an active role in helping power and steer the ship. While I know that we all have lives and we all have other leagues we’re involved in, I need everyone who’s on board to be willing to play a role – I’ll be delineating a part of that 'member’ role in another note in Member Discussion. But in addition to that, I need folks to 1) keep me accountable and 2) look for the gaps and help fill them. More on that as well to members in the “hidden” forum.

To those of you reading this who have filled out the join form, or who were scheduled to be new members, etc., my apologies that things have been inactive and that I haven’t provided you with the information you need. I’ll be working on that as well – all I ask is that you drop a note here or e-mail me at chad@fwrestling.com to remind me of your interest.

There’s probably a lot more I could say, but I’ll save that for another time, since this note is already getting too long. The gist – I’m here, I’m happy, and I’m looking for your help. If you remember my last post like this, consider this strike two. ;)



The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
I post a heartfelt note...and yet again, Katz must ruin all goodness in the known universe. It's his gift.


League Member
Oct 31, 2005
Hey Chad.

What's the dilly on the Protege Program?

If you need it, I am sure that Professor Tremendous would be willing to step in and take it over in Troy Windham's absense if you want to toss the Unified World Title his way as well.;)


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988

Gotta love Professor T. My original thought was to scrap PROTEGE for now and bring in any new guys in a slightly different way. PROTEGE was really geared to 1) intro the new guys in a fun way and 2) push some Troy storyline stuff coming up.

I'll be getting that note up in Member Discussion later today, as well as e-mailing everyone -- members and those who were signed up for PROTEGE. After that's done, along with "Episode 1" of the CRUISE, then I think we'll have a better idea of where things are headed.

Just off the top of my head, I'm thinking about doing a good ol' Rookies Tournament with the winner getting a shot at one of the titles. Serves the same purpose as PROTEGE, just a little more old-school. :)

Whatcha think?


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