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Clapper vs. Hellfighter


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
GXW's Xtreme Champion Clapper takes on former EWI World Champion Hellfighter!

Post all RP here.


Jan 1, 2000
Ten Commandments


(The sound explodes with the roar of thunder. A flash of lightning crosses the screen, giving us a brief glimpse of the outline of a mountain. More thunder... more lightning... a storm from the heavens. Suddenly, a face appears before the mountain. A stern, hardened face, noticably wearing sunglasses, at least with what can be seen with the strobing lightning effects.)

(Then, the storm effects end, and the stage lights come up. The mountain is really a cardboard cut-out on a black backdrop. But that's not what's catching our attention. It's the man before the camera. The man who some call Clapper. The man who ALL must call the GOD of X-Treme. Adorned in flowing black velvet robes, the God of X-Treme smokes a fat cigar and sports the X-Treme Title on his right shoulder.)

(In his hands are two tablets. Gee, wonder what this is leading to?)

The God of X-Treme
People of the world... hail me, your God of X-Treme! I give you, the ten commandments!

1. I am the God of X-Treme, which have brought thee out of the state of X-Treme Boredom, out of the house of jobbers. Thou shalt have no other Gods of X-Treme before me.

2. Thou shalt take the name of the God of X-Treme in pain... X-Treme Pain.

3. Thou shalt not make unto thee any crappy promo, or any likeness of anything that is capable of putting an audience to sleep, or that is really frickin' lame, or that is anything similar to jobbers like David Allen Black. Thou shalt not make thyself appear in them, nor air them.

4. Remember that you suck, and you'll never be better than me.

5. Honor thy girlfriend and thy girlfriend's hot chick friends: that my days in boffing the hell out of them may be long.

6. Thou shalt not job.

7. Thou shalt not commit suicide in attempt to escape my wrath.

8. Thou shalt not run from me.

9. Thou shalt STFU when told to do so.

10. Thou shalt not covet thy God of X-Treme's Title, thou shalt not covet thy God of X-Treme's crown, nor his kick ass black robe, nor his shades, nor his ox, nor his ass (except to ladies), nor anything that is thy God of X-Treme's.

(Big grin appears on his face.)

The God of X-Treme
Now that we got THAT out of the way...

(He tosses the tablets aside. An audible crash can be heard off camera. He pulls the strings around the collar of his robe loose and pulls it off. Underneath is his usual black attire. He tosses the robes aside and hands the belt to someone off camera. He now looks much like his former self... only he's still the God of X-Treme. Don't be mistaken by his appearance!)

The God of X-Treme
Let the people rejoice! Here is your God of X-Treme, and soon to be God of Global X-Treme Wrestling. Ain't it nice? Ain't it fine? I would just like to assure everybody that I'm a just and caring God of X-Treme...

But lest ye raise my temper through mental retardation, you will never suffer my wrath.

(He sports a grin more suitable for a demon than any heavenly body.)

The God of X-Treme
So, the first head on the chopping block of this big ol' tournament happens to be... Hellfighter?

Huh... ain't that something.

Hellfighter... I know you might get asked this a lot, but...

What the HELL does your name mean?

(He shrugs in utter confusion.)

The God of X-Treme
Are you some kind of warrior through the gates of hell, with UNHOLY POWERZ and stuff?

Oh wait, I know you... sorry, it took me a while to remember just who the f*ck you are. You've been quite the overlooked midcarder as of late. Maybe worse than that. You've been flopping through the jobber circuit like a fish out of water... looking for purpose and reason, and just kind of...

You know, not doing anything other than getting stepped on everybody for the past couple months. Great win against V & D though. Must be really impressive to the ladies to know that you can beat those guys...

That is, if you like the kind that are around the 250 pound range and have faces that look like I kicked them in. But hey, whatever floats your boat, right?

(Simple shrug. He moves off camera. We pan to follow him, where he steps off the stage and over to the condiments table. Lines and lines of donuts. Booya. He removes the cigar from his mouth for a moment to breath it in, then turns back to the camera.)

The God of X-Treme
But no, really... I know Hellfighter. I know his preaching. Hey, to every man his own. But the second he appears going, "There's only ONE God, and you are not him," then I guess it would be time for him to meet the mighty fist of the four warriors, Sampson, Titan, Farson, and Uriel. Or, for short...


(When finished laughing, he takes a nice glazed donut and takes a bite.)

The God of X-Treme
It's good to be the God of X-Treme...

But the way I see it, Hellfighter doesn't have a hope in hell in this tournament, and certainly less than that when in a match against me. I mean, has this guy really done anything over the past few months? He doesn't even register as a blip on the radar.

Call me cocky, but Hellfighter just isn't... intimidating.

I scheduled this promo to let the People know my Ten Commandments... not to talk about jobbers.

Hellfighter's going down. Nuff said. Now get outta the Divine Presence of the God of X-Treme.

(He shoos away the camera, and goes back to eating. We fade to black.)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"Believing in myself."

*{Fade In}

*{Wales, England}

*{The camera cuts to the interior of a massage parlor where a few very beautiful female english looking massage theropists tend to their customers. After few moments the camera catches view of a familer face as "HellFighter" Michael Shutt wearing a robe awaiting a his beautiful female theopist is bent over drawing a bath for him and pouring in assorted mineral oils into the hot tub. There is soft music playing in the background, there are candles lit all over the tub to enhance the quiet mood. When she is finally done, she turns off the water and stands up to address HellFighter.}

Theropist: "There you are sir, I have drew you a mineral bath. You can adjust the speed of the hot tub to your liking. I will come back for you in about 20 minutes to begin your massage."

HellFighter: "Thank you mam."

Theropist: Now for the focus of your pain is in your knee correct?"

HellFighter: "In my right knee. Everything else just give a good rub down."

Theropist: "Of course sir, as you were, I will be back in about 20 minute."

{The theropist turns around, before she leaves, she gives HellFighter a subtle before walking off. HellFighter pulls of his bag and sets up a laptop beside the tub turning it on. After that he turns toward the tub, he takes off his robe, and slides slowly into the tub where the jets are still flowing. He dives down inside the tub to get his whole body wet and then comes back up. He turns toward the laptop which is already on. It's hooked to the internet where HellFighter searches on the net with the finger mouse, finally he finds something that catches his eye.}

{HellFighter clicks on a link to a media player of to Clapper "The God Of X-Treme". The link is the latest promo from the current GXW X-Treme champion, and HellFighter's oponant at Battlefield Brittain in the first round of the World Title tournament. After a few long moments of loading, the media player replays Clapper's promo for HellFighter, he watches with silent anger as the promo plays before his eyes.}

{Finally, after a few moments of listening to Clapper's promo, just before the very end, HellFighter slams the laptop shut with his wet hand. He pauses for a moment to recollect his thoughts and gather his emotions to put them in check, thinking of the right words to say before he speaks. After a few moments, he finally finds the first words to speak.}

HellFighter: "Normally I don't tolorate blasphemy, so I will take this as a poor pitiful attempt at humor. So Clapper, you must really think that your a funny guy. First you call yourself by that lame name, and then you insult me. So you won a title. Big deal. All of a sudden you think that your all that and hardcore too. You have no room to talk."

"You know, I was gonna give you props before you are the X-Treme champion, but hearing that promo, I see you as nothing more than a man on a ego trip. "

"I mean so you beat up some people at Global Warfare, so you captured a title. So you had your chance to shine as the breakout star of the Pay Per View, but now I think that your letting your ego get the best of you. Which that could very well be your undoing. Well where to begin Clapper?"

"I guess I will start by answer your question Clap...

{Immitating Clapper}

"What the HELL does your name mean?"

"I answer. No I'm not some warrior for the gates of hell. Nor do I have UnHoly powers....No I'm not going there again. Why do I have the feeling that I'm never gonna hear the end of that. Great, you have one little slip of the tongue and everybody rubs it in your face."

"That came during a time I didn't know what I wanted. I listened to all of the wrong people and turned my back on the only thing that would never leave me nor forsake me. It cost me, but now I know what I want. To cut this little history lession short, It's been a real rollar coaster for me, but now I am over now and I have a chance to prove myself once and for all through this tournament.

"You ask what my name is. There are many different meaning to it. I guess it all depends on the interpretation really, but HellFighter means anything you throw at me, I can take and dish it right back out at you."

"Simply put Clapper, you are man who can go to any lengths to inflict pain your oponants. You don't stop until end, and go by any lengths to get that win. In someways your just like me. Although you are not like me in other aspects."

"You thrive in any enviroment. You attack by weapons, you are extreme by choice. I on the other hand don't try to be extreme. I don't use weapons, but still in my career I have faught in some pretty brutal gimmick matches in my own right, which means I you are the way you are by choice, I am X-treme because I have to be. Like my faith and my belief in God, being X-treme is the essense of my soul. It's encoded into my DNA. It is who I am. I do not deny that."

"But something that you better recognize, anything that you do to me, I can take it. Nobody has bled in this business more than I have. I have bled and felt more pain than you could ever imagine."

"You wanna rub it in my face about how great you are. Then prove it. Beat me. Give me everything you can ever do to anybody in your career, and I'll take it. I bleed and I'll keep coming. Despite my fairly old age, or my bum knee. I'll still fight. I will run the race, and I run the race....TO WIN!"


"That is the word that was given to me, and I know that it will come to pass. It is the Word of my Lord that was given to me while I laid on an operating table while my right knee was being repaired. That word kept repeating itself in my spirit over and over again. During my rehibilitation that same word kept stirring inside me, and it still burns inside me even now. Even during your insults I hear that word over your words."

"I want you to come at me with everything you've got, and when I am standing over you and your laying your back, you will know that your best wasn't good enough to beat this....

(He pauses for a moment while he rethinks his words, he lets loose a subtle chuckle from his lips.}

"That a mere midcarder...er I mean jobber...like me just defeated the God Of X-Treme. There would be NO EXCUSE or denying that I beat you, and that through your defeat I came one step closer to the GXW Unified World Heavyweight title. "

"You are right about one thing. So I beat V&D. That was an acheivement, that was a victory, but I will not stop there. I won't even stop with you. I will not rest until I am World Champion. When I run, I run the race to win. You will not decide my fate. If I lose, it won't be because of you."

"I don't wanna be intimidating. I'm just being truthful. As for not having a hope in the world of winning this tournament. You're right my hopes of winning this tournament are not in this world. Catch my drift DEMI-god. That's what you are, you are no god, at best you are a demigod nothing more."

{He turns his attention back to his mineral bath, dips his head in the water but enough to where his face is still exposed to speak to the camera.}

"Who said anything about jobbing...especially to someone like YOU?!?"

{Yelling in from behind the curtain, HellFighter's theropists returns.}

Theropist: "Times up, are you ready for your massage."

HellFighter: {Sticking his head out of the water slowly} "Yeah just give me a couple of minute."

Theropist: "Yes Sir."

HellFighter: {Looking at the camera} "HellFighter, regardless of his ups and downs in his life, refuses to lay down to anybody...anymore. Take me to hell Clapper, and I always come back. That's all I gotta say and you can quote me on that...all of it."

{Fade Out}
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