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Deadlocked vote

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
After immunity wins by Rabesque and Michaels, tribal counsel produces the first tie of the season, as 5 votes have been cast against Greenie and 5 votes have been cast against Borden.

Now we must take a re-vote. Everyone except Greenie and Borden votes, and they can only vote for either Greenie or Borden. If this vote ends in a tie, the infamous purple rock of doom will be used to settle the tie. I.E. Miller and Lindsay will watch on yahoo cam as I pull a card out of a deck, and whoever's card I pull will be eliminated from the game by the cruel hand of fate. Rabesque and Michaels will not be at risk if we go to the rock, as they are immune.

So for the non-Greenie/Borden crowd. I need your final vote.

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