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[DEFIANCE] The Angus Blog 07.14.11


Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
editor's note: The Defiance website has been down in the weeks since the events of the last two episodes of DEFTV, however, this was the very next scheduled post before the site went down. It is unknown at this time the reason for the website's disappearing.

The AngusBlog
July 14, 2011

You know what, it’s been a long *******ed time since I’ve really been able to speak my mind. Sure, I’m a mouthy mother****er, but there’s always been a company line to tow. Well, right about now I don’t even know if there’s a ****in’ company anymore.

So, **** it, here goes.

Bronson Box: **** you, boy-o. I don’t even give a **** if this gets me an ass-kicking from your big stupid badly-mustachioed ass, either, because somebody needs to say it!

The Death of Defiance is on your hands you schmuck, and it’s not even by anything that you planned or went out and did, it’s your recklessness and rank stupidity, your silly little temper, that got the company that made you kicked off of TV and effectively killed.


I hope you have fun over there in the WWA not mattering in that pool of over-sized assholes who all make a living being just as big and bad and bald as you, you stupid ****.

As it stands right now the people at ESEN won’t even answer our phone calls. All anyone in the office knows is that they rightfully have distanced themselves from us, pulled our funding, our advertising, our time-slot, and everything else they could pull, they aren’t even playing our re-runs anymore. I don’t even hold a grudge, I mean, they could sack up and stand behind the hottest show they’ve got going and help us out a little bit, but in the end that’d make them just as liable as we are for what happened to that poor technician that Box maimed a couple of weeks ago.

Speaking of Amy Estracado, that’s her name, she’s been conscious just long enough to lawyer up and name everybody in the damned office as a defendant in the lawsuit(s) that she’s filing. She’s getting us for everything from “unsafe work environment” to “gross incompetence” and everything in between. I don’t know who in the hell her lawyer is, but I do know that between them they’re banking on owning Defiance themselves before it’s all said and done...

**** it...

I guess this is it.

The DEFIAverse comes to a quiet, whimpering end.

All because Bronson Box lost a match to a fat kid named Eugene.

I hope he dies of cancer.

Me, I’m gonna go get drunk.

And then, I’m gonna get drunker.

**** wrestling...

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