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[DEFIANCE] The AngusBlog 09.01.11


Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
The AngusBlog
September 1, 2011

Well, ****.

It’s Labor Day, and as is tradition at the DEFIANCE offices, I’m at work.

“BUT ANGUS!” You might be screaming, “YOU SAID DEFIANCE WAS DEAD~!”

Yes, I did, and yes, it was. Or so I thought. You know how I can get, all emotional and ****. As it turns out, Defiance was on “hiatus,” whatever-the-**** that means, while da Baws got a few things under control.

Things like the onoing “Amy Estracado Incident,” which if my sources have any credibility whatsoever that little bump in the road should be clearing itself up sooner than later.

But there’s still the issue of our complete and utter lack of a television contract. Dane’s had me back in the complex for a week now, pouring over the fine print from our previous contract with ESEN, like all of a sudden I’m a friggin’ lawyer, looking for any and every loophole possible. I’ll be honest with you, so far as I can tell they’ve got us by the balls. Case in point, we can’t even look for a new deal with anyone who broadcasts nationally or internationally until some time in 2012.

Like I said, they’ve got us by the sack.

But, whatever. Eric Dane says “Jump,” Angus Skaaland asks “Over how many people?” So I’ve been in the office. I’ve been looking over talent contracts, too, and I can tell you this much, should we be so inclined we could sue Bronson Box and Tom Sawyer and the rest of the guys who prematurely jumped ship to the WWA for everything down to their jockstraps. Tom shouldn’t be too worried about it, that guy earned a lot of money for the boss, and he busted his ass to get the DEFIANCE name out there, and I know for a fact that Eric Dane would back that kid to the end of the universe if he had to.

Bronson Box, on the other hand, is a beast of another color. NEWSFLASH: That was me who filed the injunction to get him pulled from the one WWA TV show he was booked to appear on, and it was me who made sure that he was shown the door and unceremoniously wished well in his future endeavors.

Hi Bronson! ;-)

I have it on good authority that Eric Dane wants his head on a pike, too.

So, what does all of this jibber-jabber mean to you, the DEFIANCE faithful? Well, as of right now I don’t have a ****in’ clue. I know that I’m working, which means I get to eat regular again, but I can’t get eight seconds alone with Dane, he’s been holed up in his inner-cloister of offices for a week now...

What I do know, however, is that something is happening.

Happy Labor Day, ****-asses, keep your eyes peeled.

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