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"Ego Buster" Dan Ryan vs. Beast


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Nice to meet you

"Here's to the new frontier; to seeing what lies beyond that which is known...."


DAN RYAN sitting in a large leather chair behind a wooden desk, wearing a black tank top, jeans...not that you can see them.

Ryan smirks and steeples his hands.

Ryan: "And so, here we are."

"A new company opens it's doors and a new beginning unfolds. I wish I had something more festive to celebrate the moment with."

"So Beast, I hear nice things about you. At least, I read them. I don't really run with a crowd to speak of, much less one that would give me any inside dirt into what makes you tick."

"But do we even need so deep an introduction at this point? Ah, probably not. The first match in a brand new promotion. I wouldn't expect this encounter to be the epic it might become with a more proper buildup, but as a feeling-out session I suppose it will do nicely."

"Yes, I think our meeting would be a bit wasted except for the buyrate that Freeman is banking on....and will probably get."

"But that doesn't mean we shouldn't make an effort does it? After all, you're a man that comes from the land of entertainment...or so I hear. Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but entertainment is at a premium in the company you ply your trade in most of the time. That's cool."

"I can do that."

"Maybe a gladiator suit is in order."

"Nah, not really my style."

"Maybe I should put on my menacing face....tell you I'm gonna kick your ass and all that."

"That's a little bit contrived and silly though isn't it?"

"Maybe I could go the other way. I could lean back and poke out my stomach....maybe sprinkle some potato chips on my chest."

"I could be that lazy bastard hmm?"


"But enough of that silliness. I'm sure you're not interested in hearing first grade comments about the attire of your a1e workmates. I simply have no opinion on them or on you as of yet."

"So what shall we talk about?"

"Shall we talk about the deep inner working of the human mind? Perhaps discuss the pursuit of answering life's great questions?"

"Or maybe we can talk about your favorite Saturday morning cartoon. That always brings a few laughs."


"I'll tell you what, I'll let you lead this little dance my friend...out of respect for what I hear about you and out of respect for mutual friends."

"So then...the ball drops firmly into your court, my man."

"Take your best shot."



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
It starts here

Scene fades in to London, England, at the foot of Big Ben. People are scurrying about, and a couple bobbies run by, chasing someone suspected of committing some crime or other. The camera then pans over to where Beast is seated on a bench, in town to compete in A1E's Bloody New Year, as well as GXW's Battleground Britain.

Beast: Well, I guess Mr. Freeman isn't wasting any time.

First night in Empire Pro, and already he's tossed me into the main event.

Against Dan Ryan, no less. The "Ego Buster" himself. I guess Mr. Freeman has a knack for knowing talent when he sees it, and picked only the best to headline his inaugural show. I'm honored.

Mr. Ryan, your resume is impressive. You've got a list of titles under your name so long that Ron Jeremy would be stunned. I recognize that. You're a great wrestler. Now while the list of titles I have won may not be quite as long as yours, I too know what it's like to do what it takes to gold around my waist. I've been through the hardcore matches. I've been through the street fights. I've been through the Hell in a Cell matches.

But you know, Dan... all the titles, all the gimmick matches, everything we've done up until now... that doesn't mean squat. We're in Empire Pro now.

The slate is clean. It's a new beginning, a fresh start.

As far as Empire Pro is concerned, we're all on equal footing. And when we come out of Aggression, I plan on having one foot ahead of the rest. You may bill yourself as "The Ego Buster", but I've got news for you. There's nothing about *this* ego you need to bust.

I'm as good as they say I am.

You would do well to get as deep an introduction to me as you possibly can, Danny. You'd better get to know me better than you know the back of your hand, or in your case, the palm... Tune in to A1E. Order a few old PPV's. Do what you can to get a hold of some old tapes and learn every little snippet you can about me, Dan, because I'm going to be doing the same.

Oh, but I forgot.

Dan Ryan doesn't watch A1E. Dan Ryan thinks that A1E is all about "entertainment".

We'll see how entertained you are when I drop you on your head and knock your lights out.

We'll see how entertained you are when you when you wake up and realize you've just been pinned for the three count.

I think it's just great how all the wrestlers from the "other" federations are now all of a sudden taking pot shots at A1E. Oh, I dunno, maybe it's because A1E was just voted the number one federation in 2003? A little jealous, Dan? A little disappointed that all these belts that you've won suddenly come from second rate organizations?

Imagine that. Entertainment *does* sell. Hell, maybe McMahon was actually right.

Just because there's an "E" in the name rather than a "W", that doesn't mean that the rings we wrestle in are any more forgiving. It doesn't mean that the tables, ladders, and chairs we get hit with aren't real. It doesn't mean that the bumps we take hurt any less, and the submissions we get locked into are any less painful.

We wrestle first and foremost, Mr. Ryan. The fact that we have an asshole running around in Roman garb while he does it doesn't take anything away from that fact.

You're going to find that out first hand at Aggression.

You can play any part you want to, Dan. Play the pissed off menace. Play the clown. Play the lazy bastard.

It doesn't really matter to me, because no matter what part you play, all of it ends with your final lines telling the world you can't believe you got beat by a guy from lowly A1E.

A1E is the place where legends are made, Dan Ryan, and this one is going to make Empire Pro legendary.

Scene fades to black.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
"Must have hit it pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, eh kid?"


Somewhere in the world. Does it matter where really?

Wherever it is, DAN RYAN is standing on a balcony. We assume this is a hotel room, but there's no indication as such. What we do see is a panoramic view of the ocean, whether it be the Atlantic or Pacific is for you to decide.

Ryan: "Damn, you're an early bloomer aren't you my little Beastie Boy?"

"Usually it takes at least two or three promos before an opponent gets as defensive as you managed to get in just one."

"So willing to jump to the defense of your company, and yet so naive in the doing of it."

"Tell me, where along the way did I fail to get the point across that I was just casually conversing with you in that first promo? What was the mistake I made?"

"Was it in thinking you could read between the lines and catch my tongue in cheek nature? Was it the daring with which I actually dared to utter the name of your holy grail of wrestling companies...the undisputed king of wrestling federations everywhere according to the voting public....a1e?"

"See, there's just one thing. Those same people voted me wrestler of the year I believe. I hear there will be some sort of awards ceremony in any case. And so we are left in a bit of a quandary aren't we?"

"By your supposition, I must feel threatened by my titles being rendered meaningless. And yet if that logic holds true, you must be feeling a tinge of jealousy over being a little less than worthy of the title 'Wrestler of the Year'."

"Well....let me solve this one for you."

"That award a1e got....and the one I got.....add that up with a couple dead presidents and you've got yourself two quarter pounders for $2.22 at McDonalds this week."

"Don't fool yourself into thinking these little awards make any difference in the long run. The only thing you're proving with your little rant is how utterly ridiculous you sound when saying in one breath that you have no ego to bust....then blow so much hot air up 'your' promotion's ass that the headquarters building itself is halfway back through the air to Oz in the next. Any second now you'll find yourself lying in bed looking up at Gladiator, Dam Skippy, Lindsay Troy and the rest of them...."

"And you were there....and you....and you....."

"But let's put this little point to bed, my man. I have nothing against a1e. In fact, I have nothing but the utmost respect for what some of it's finest have been able to accomplish. So please, if you feel the need to play Johnny Cochrane to a1e's O.J. ....save it for someone else."

"I don't suppose you were serious when suggesting I go find some tape of you. Although, I'm sure you were just trying to be helpful....a big successful wrestler like you trying to impart some wisdom to little ol' me."

"I mean heavens....how does one prepare for a match? I just don't know. Perhaps I'll get lucky again like in every other match I've won. And what's this weird new VCR contraption?"

"Don't insult my intelligence, Beast. I didn't get where I am today by coming to matches unprepared. And unlike half the slackjawed morons in this business, I don't feel the need to broadcast my methods of preparation live on television so that every Tom, Dick and Beast can see exactly what my gameplan is. You'll get your peek at the plan, Beast. Don't worry."

"And if you win?"

"Eh...I've lost before. I know that in certain circles of this business, the utter hell of a loss is justification for committing suicide but I find that with a little grit and... (wink).....determination, one can actually have a productive career after a loss."

"But yeah, I don't really plan on you winning anyway...just so you know."

"Despite the respect I attempted to level in your direction initially, you apparently don't have a hint of the clue you pretend to have in regards to what I'm all about."

"So I guess that deep introduction is in order after all. I'll be ready for you, don't you worry."

"You just damn well better be ready for me."



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
You haven't seen riled up yet.

Fade in to Beast's hotel room, somewhere in London. He's seated up against the head of the bed, just finished watching Dan Ryan's promo. He turns off his tv and tosses the remote aside.

Beast: What's the matter, Danny-boy? Was I not what you expected? Did you think that Beast was going to be just another pushover, someone to just sit there and let you slag on the company he's damn near died for?

Not me, pal. You'll have to excuse me for not being the laid back, timid, and shy guy that second guesses everything he does, and fights for hours trying to decide whether to wear the blue sweater or the red one. Nope, not at all.

Maybe in your vaunted "preparation" for this match, you'll discover a little bit about what makes the man standing across the ring from you tick.

And whatever it is, Danny, it sure as hell isn't timidness. You'll soon find out that I'm loud, brass, crass, and very passionate about what I do. And when some jack-off like you decides to take it upon himself to put down what I do, decides to put down my company, and the fans that watch and enjoy what I do, you'll perhaps understand why I get a little wired about these sort of things.

I can hear your little brain going now, trying to find any reason to use that against me. "But wait a minute, Beast, you idiot, I didn't say anything about the fans." Not in so many words, no, but if what I do, where I do it is so bad, Dan, then you'd have to infer that the people who support it are just as bad, right?

Wrong. Those people out there that watch what we do every week on TV, who come down to the arenas and buy tickets and merchandise, who get into what we do - they are why we do it. And all those people... A1E fans, and now new Empire Pro fans, well, they're going to enjoy watching me smack that ****-eating grin off your face.

Casual conversation? Not interested. At least with the likes of you. Whether you realize it not, and no matter how much anyone thinks of those belts you won or where you got it from, the marguee reads "Dan Ryan - Bazillion time Champion", and that makes you the number one target. Perhaps if you were of different character, I'd be more inclined to sit down and have a beer with you, but considering you're one of the bonafide asses in this industry, you'll have to forgive me for declining afternoon tea. I'm not here to socialize with the asses of the wrestling world, Dan, I'm here it to kick them from ring post to ring post, arena to arena, wherever we go.

Beast smiles a bit before continuing.

Beast: Surprisingly enough, the master of the ego, the "Ego Buster", misplaces ego for pride. Defend my company against idiotic and unfounded statements? Damn right. Feel pride that the company you work for, that the show you put on, is the most watched wrestling show on the planet, and voted the best there is in wrestling? That's not ego, Dan, that's a sense of pride from gaining recognition from your peers. It's a sense of satisfaction from knowing that the millions of people that watch each and every week think that what you do is better than every other company out there. Give me enough time here, and if Mr. Freeman treats me right, I'll be just as vocal and protective of Empire Pro as I am of A1E.

***** and moan about not being voted wrestler of the year? Not my style. I'm only human, and while I'm loud and passionate, I'm also humble enough to realize that just because I'm me, it doesn't mean I'm the best. I plan on getting there and being the best, but it just hasn't happened yet. Did I have a good 2003? Damn right I did. I held the tag belts for half the year, even though I was forced to tag with my most hated enemy. I was in a lot of high profile matches. Was it a good year? Yes. Great? No. Wrestler of the year? When you have two guys that held the World Title for pretty much the entire year, it wasn't my year, it was theirs. If you think I'm so high on myself that I'm in Oz, you must be having a nice time mind-melding with Spock on Vulcan.

You should be proud and honored that you were voted Wrestler of the Year. You should be thrilled that the people have voted you the best - but maybe you take that for granted. Maybe it only carries as much value as a quarter pounder - maybe even with cheese - in your world. That's fine with me.

Take it for granted, and it's that much easier to take away.

The "Wrestler of the Year" is going to have a rough start to the New Year.

No matter what plan you have.

I don't need to see your "plan", Dan - notes scribbled in lipstick on paper napkins really don't do it for me. I don't care what you think you've got going on in your head - I don't play those games. I just show up and do the one thing that I'm damn good at - wrestle. I'm at my best when I'm spoiling other people's plans, and if yours includes winning, well, you'd better come up with a new plan, Danny-boy, because that one's destined to fail.

I've taken my share of losses too - don't get me wrong. I've lost some big ones before, and while it hurts, while it pisses you off... you're right. It's not the end of the world. If you're of strong enough character, you can make it back to the top.

I've already been through that, so since you're accustomed to taking a loss, you really won't care so much, losing your first match in a new promotion to some guy from a federation you don't give two thoughts about.

He snickers.

Beast: Introduce away, Mr. Ryan. Show me what you're all about. I've got a feeling that this isn't the only time that we're going to "talk" to one another, and as things move down the road, it's going to be a lot more serious. It doesn't seem like you were prepared for me this time around, and according to you, this is just the first match in a new promotion.

Just wait until it gets real serious, and you won't have a frigging clue what hit you.

I'm ready, Dan.

The real question is, are you prepared for a hungry Beast?

I didn't think so.



Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
"Kids these days....


DAN RYAN sitting in a rather comfy looking chair facing the camera.

Our hero lets out what could be most closely described as a belly laugh as the scene starts....

Ryan: "Why Beast you little rascal. You're a cute kid, I swear. I'm starting to like you more and more. I'm not sure whether I should reply to ya or pat you on the head and send you back into the backyard to play with your sister."

"But I've come to a bit of a conclusion, Bee-ast."

"Ya see, I spoke with one of your brethren...or in this case sistren....about you and they assured me that this amusing display of Jeffersonian patriotism you show toward A1E is merely the result of a defensive wall put up against the self-righteous assholes of this sport that you come up against every day."

"I don't blame you. Those guys truly are assholes."

"Of course, I'm an asshole too....but for entirely different reasons. As I said before, I having nothing against your fed....although, I do have a strong urge to tell you that A1E isn't worthy to wash my nutsack just to see you get your Beastly little feathers all ruffled again."

"But I digress...."

"How shall we proceed then? I half expect you to come out next time waving a flag and listening to 'Real American' over your stereo system. I'm not sure if a tanned bleach blonde look would suit you too well but I suppose you could try it."

"I know!"

"You can show me another one of your cliche'd wrestling characters. I've so enjoyed this parade of archetypical pro wrestler moments that you've allowed me to witness so far, after all."

"My favorite so far is 'You've never seen anyone like me' man."

"Although, close behind is 'catchphrase man' which you very craftily wove into the end of that last promo."

Ryan puts on a fake tough guy voice...

"Are you ready for a hungry Beast?"

And we return to normal...

"I like it. It does sound a bit like a beef ravioli commercial I'll grant...but I still like it. I'm just glad I'm not a giant can of Chef Boyardee, I'll tell you!"

"But let me be frank here for a moment....or Dan....well, you know...."

"You've got a lot of potential. And really, there's a lot to like about you I'm sure. The fans seem to dig you, and that's always nice. Myself, I've never been one to blatantly pander to them the way you do....but to each his own."

"But you know what's funny?"

"The fans dig me anyway."


"It's an interesting time in this sport that we ply our time and effort in. The fans....go figure....seem to be content in cheering you not only if you're an apple pie eating, two by four waving, catchphrase spewing simpleton.....but also if you bust your ass every day of your life to get to the top."

Ryan in mock shock....

"My God....that's what I've done."

Back to our regularly scheduled expression...

"I've freely admitted that this will be an introduction to who you are for me. I've seen the tape. I can pretty well call your matches for you if you need a booking agent sometime in the future. But who you are? Nah, not really."

"But here's a few serious tips on me, Beast. And all joking aside, it would do you well to keep these things in mind..."

"There is no one in this sport that has been more dedicated to his craft than I have. It is that one defining characteristic more than any other that has made me who I am today."

"Am I an ass? I can be. If it amuses me, I'll be whatever I like at that moment."

"Do I respect the fans and this sport? Don't ever doubt that, chief. Get uppity with me, and I'll clue you into a whole new level of hurt you don't even have the ability to grasp yet."

"So we can do this the nice and easy way or the hard way."

"The nice and easy way means we walk into that ring, face to face like men and put on a f**king show that people talk about for months."

"The hard way is you try to make a name for yourself against me and force me to break your f**king leg off."

"You haven't got the swagger or the track record to even come close to intimidating me, son. So before you run off that big mouth of yours, it might serve you well to go ask your girl Lindz what I'm capable of."

"In the meantime, good luck with that whole loud, brash and crass thing.....let's pray it doesn't cost you a promising career...."



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
From kid to man

Fade in one last time to Beast's hotel room, where we see Beast packing up his gear and making final preparations to head over to the arena for Empire Pro's inaugural card.

Beast: Believe me, Dan, the feeling is not mutual.

You're just the kind of person I'm talking about. Standing tall, conceited, arrogant, nose shoved high up in their, thinking you're better than everyone else, but I'm not talking about in the ring. But, for every hoity-toity son-of-a-b*tch like you that stands there with his nose in the air, there's someone like me just waiting to knock you off your little pedestal.

And believe me, Dan, the fall from the pedestal isn't all it's cracked up to be. I know, I've been there. I was like you once. I was big and bad, I was better than everyone else. I had enough arrogance to fill Fort Knox. I was conceited enough that my sh*t smelled like roses.

Then I got knocked off that pedestal. My sh*t suddenly started to smell bad. The story about how I went from the most hated man in A1E to the most beloved is rather long and inconsequential, but the point remains the same, Dan.

No matter how high up you are, no matter how many titles you've won, there is always someone ready, willing and able to take you down.

Beast spreads his arms out.

Beast: And here he stands.

I said right from day 1 here in Empire Pro that I was here to make a mark and climb the ladder, Ryan, and I know just as well as everyone else that you're a huge rung to climb.

But everyone has to take a fall at one point or another.

I've had mine.

And while I'm sure you'd love to see me dressed up as the "Beast-ster" and come out to the top of the ramp, posing and flexing to "Real American", well, I'm Canadian.

Maybe "O Canada" or "God Save The Queen" would be acceptable.

But I forgot. Dan Ryan doesn't like cliches. And a Canadian coming down the ramp to his national anthem has been done to death in this sport, so don't expect me to follow that lead.

I've got more of them.

How about "I'm going to beat you like a government mule"? Or, maybe you prefer "I'm going to hit you so hard I'll knock you into next week"?

But what about my personal favorite: "I'm going to run you over like a Mack truck!"

You see, Dan, all these phrases may be cliches, and sure, we're all guilty of using them once in a while, but there's one thing you're overlooking - just because they're cliches doesn't mean they're not true.

Here's another one: This Beast is going to leave his mark on Empire Pro.

And he's going to do it with a victory over the biggest ego this sport has ever seen.

And it takes a pretty big one to think that you're the only one that's busted his ass to get where he is, Danny. If you think that you're the only one that trains hard day in and day out, works hard in every match, never quits, never says die... well then, you're going to be in for a huge surprise when you step into the ring with a mirror image of yourself at Aggression.

Hit me with a chair or a cane, put me through a table, drop me off the top of a Cell - it doesn't really matter. I'll keep on coming. And I just can't wait to see the moment at Aggression when we've beaten the hell out of each other, and you put me down with the best that you've got... I can't wait to see the look of horror on your face when I pull myself up to my feet yet again, and just beg you to try that sh*t again. I can't wait to see the look in your eyes when you realize that no matter what you do, you can't keep me down, and I can't wait to see the look of sheer surprise in your eyes before they roll up into your head after I drop you on it and get the pinfall.

Then we'll see just how big that ego of yours is. I'm going to be the big pin that bursts the balloon, Dan Ryan, and if it's ok with you, I'm going to choose Option C.

I'm going to come into Aggression and make you think twice about ever second guessing me again, my swagger and track record be damned.

See you in the ring, Dan.

Let's see if that over-infalted ego of yours can prop you up long enough to make it back to your locker room after I'm done with you.


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