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Fighting for Scraps.


Just Like Law-Jesus
May 15, 2005
The wrong side of the bong slide.
MORGAN FREEMAN (V/O): “It was April of Two-Thousand-Seven, and FISH FUND was just around the corner…”

(FADEIN: The sun is shining in SWEETWATER, TX, as locals browse the offerings at the farmer’s market. Set up next to a talkative older woman selling butternut squash is He of the Iron Lung Persuasion, the Greensboro Greenhorn, NOVA. He’s seated on a stool behind a shoddily-constructed cardboard booth, surrounded by boxes of orange t-shirts. He looks up into the camera and acts surprised, a lame, passé effect but no one ever told him, so he still does it.)

NOVA: “Oh, hey! Didn’t see you there. These?” (Holds up an orange CSWA t-shirt) “I have, like, two hundred of them…part of Thomas’ ‘Revive the Roster’ promotion, I think, like some weird way of boosting morale or something. I figured it’s…” (Looks around) “…it’s Sweetwater-friggin’-Texas, what the hell else do I have to do…”

WOMAN: (Straining to hear) “What was that?”


WOMAN: “That’s nice. Did you know in Australia they think butternut squash is a pumpkin? HA!”

NOVA: (Looking back at the camera) “Anyway, I figured I may as well make a buck while I’m sitting on my brain waiting for FISH FUND and shop a couple of these bad boys around…but ya know, people just don’t seem to be as interested in memorabilia from the CSDub these days…”

(Someone approaches NOVA’s booth and points at a shirt. Money changes hands.)

NOVA: “On the subject of FISH FUND, ERON, we kinda got our asses kicked at PRIMETIME in Birmingham, didn’t we? And now, instead of either of us getting to main event FISH FUND and go after the UNIFIED Championship, we have a date with each other to determine who gets next dibs at the Ego-Buster after Windham.” (Lights a cigarette) “But you know something, Easy E? I honestly feel like our match is more important than Ryan/Windham, and here’s why: those cats are fighting for who leads the CSWA today…and if recent events have shown us anything, it’s that the CSWA is a big f*cking MESS right now. But you and me? We’re fighting for who leads the CSWA tomorrow...”

(Another customer, then NOVA looks around to see if anyone’s looking before hitting a small glass pipe he has stashed in the money box.)

NOVA: (Holding smoke) “…and if I didn’t think there was a tomorrow for this place…” (Exhaling) “…I wouldn’t be wasting my time.”


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