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Final Words


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern is sitting in an airport terminal waiting to board a plane. He's dressed in his usual casual attire of t-shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots ... his hair is pulled into a pony tail and he's holding the latest issue of Pro Wrestling Illustrated....}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " I'll make this short, 'cause tha' plane's 'bout ta' board. "

" It's real simple gentleman, talk is cheap. We've yapped at each other for over a week now ... n' tha' only thing that got settled is that Dan Ryan is a BIT<BLEEP>. Other than THAT, all is as it was before this match got signed! "

" N' what REALLY is gonna' change when this match is over? Ever'body's still gonna' HATE ever'body else. ONLY difference, is there's gonna' be a NEW CSWA US Champ ... ME. {{...smiles...}} Sounds cocky right? Sounds like I've gone off tha' deep end, huh? I mean, tha' great Hornet, tha' up n' comer TRIPLE X, the GXW WORLD CHAMPION .. ALL are in this match. WHY woulda' country hick have much uva' chance here? Hard question ta' answer ..."

" But I'll try anyway."

" I've been harpin' on this ever since this match went on tha' books. It's NICE ta' have a STORY, it's nice for tha' fans ta' CARE abouta' match. It's nice that fans havva' REASON ta' cheer n' boy do they hava' reason. Hornet gets his crack at the loud mouth Ryan, TripleX gets his crack at the man he claims tries to show him up at every opportunity, RYAN gets to try n' prove he belongs against impossible odds, n' Shane Southern ... well, Shane Southern gets a chance to wrestle for the US Title. Yeah, not tha' most interestin' story line, but it's tha' one tha' other THREE in this match better pay tha' closest attention to."

" It's simple, for me, it's just about winnin' n' losin'. JUST about tha' THRILL of victory. I'm comin' ta' Sweetwater for that reason, n' that reason only. What you boys do when you get there is up to you. "

V/O: "Flight 783 to ABILENE, now boarding."

" That's me. See ya' soon boys. Party's Over. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}

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