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FW.com Revamp - Questions For You


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
Well, I zapped my own note, so this one will be a bit brief.

We're in the process of revamping the site again and open it up to new content. As before, columns and news will play a major role, although in a slightly different way. One example: there will be a "Weekly Wire," in which columnists will cover 2-3 leagues (both on and off FW) and provide news/commentary.

There are a couple of other major additions that have been sketched out for over a year. Sad I know, but I think things will start moving quickly over the next few weeks.

I need your help primarily on the new "Community" area of the website. Eons ago, FW.com had an area that gave mini-profiles on FW Central leagues. That'll be coming up, but hopefully in a way that will allow fedheads to update that information themselves. In addition to profiles telling a bit about the league and linking to the league homepage, champs/contenders listings, etc., what would be helpful in learning more about the leagues in general...or what would just be fun to have?



Jan 1, 1970
First off,

I don't think this should turn into an ew-news environment where every league posts every little thing they can think of.

I'm just going to filter the news from NFW and I know I don't update it unless events happen for the most part.

I think there should be 3-5 columnists tops.

Rankings, we've got covered.

Profiles, we've got covered.

I think stuff like Feud Spotlights as well as links to events that happen that week would be nice...

Maybe in the rankings, we give profiles of the top 3-5 wrestlers...

And I can't think of anything else -- so maybe peeps should start throwing ideas out to Chad besides myself. :)

About FWrestling

FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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