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GUNS gets Merritt a cup of coffee ...


New member
Jul 8, 1998
Sierra Vista, Arizona
(As the camera turns on and begins to film the shot shows The Double G KP, 'Good God' Kevin Powers, sitting along poolside at his Chicago home enjoying the sunrays and his surroundings.)

KP: GUNS GUNS GUNS. How good it is to see you again. If there isn't anything I like more than is to see someone else, besides me, come on TV and tell how much he hates Chad Merritt. It's great. You talk about how much he has screwed people over? Oh, believe me GUNS when I say I know ALL ABOUT HOW MERRITT CAN DO THAT!

(Powers reaches over to the table and takes a sip of his drink.)

KP: But I'm not one to hold anger cause I'm enjoying life once again. Sure, for a long time, I had my mind focused on the CSWA World Title. It was my mission, my goal, my only reason for living, but when I realized I was fighting a war against the champion AND Merritt ... there was no way to win. So, after realizing that Merritt enjoys putting World Titles on cruiserweights, I refocused and thought about what should be my next move. My next career decision.

And, to nobody's surprise, the days of old shine once again.

Now you say that Eddy has never won since Anniversary? I say he's never REALLY won since PLR broke up. Ever since PLR broke all ties it was Eddy Love that was on the short end trying to fight the good fight against Merritt's boys The Claimstakers. The Claimstakers ... you know that group right? Flair, Hornet, and Randalls? You guys went to school together. Shared homework. Were the dishwashers for Christ and his 'Last Supper'? You remember those days right?

Oh wait ... I forgot ... you probably don't even know who Christ is. If Deacon is able to talk (laughs) then give'em a call. He's got that direct hotline to him ya know.

Sure, you could care less on what I have to say. Just drunken rage. Just another flash in the pan. Just another so-called woman with a sassy attitude ... that was amusing by the way. Pretty good how Heather reminds you about stuff you have to do. Guess if they ever had to do a story about The Regans ... Life After the Presidency ... she would be Nancy and you ... well I'm sure you know who you would be.

That's Ronald Reagan by the way in case you forgot. You DO know who THAT is don't you?

It was also real amusing on how you continue to talk about how us, the so-called mid-carders, just can't cut it here and that's why you came back. Not only to stick it to Merritt one last time, but to save us all some face and finish this league once and for all. How Godlike you are. Taking it upon yourself to make decisions for all of us. Now tell the truth Granddaddy ... you came back because you managed to fix the tin foil on the old black and white JUST RIGHT and saw the latest CSWA product. Suddenly you got giddy ... the cobwebs in your empty skull started to clear ... a tingle went down your spine and piss ran down your leg ... but then after your realized that the tube was disconnected and you replied it to the bag around your ankle so that no more piss would spill ... that's when you stood up, put your teeth in, put that snap on you call a knee back into place, and yelled out with a blood thirsty cry ...

"I ... I am ... I am ... damn who am I? I don't remember who I am!"

And Heather said, after putting that frozen hot dog AND cucumber away, 'You are GUNS you old fool!'

'Oh yeah ... I AM ... SOMEBODY!'

Now when Fish Fund comes around and people start walking about during the CSWA World Title match they won't really care cause they will have already got their dollars' worth. They'll know after Logan and The Double G KP take out Love and Radder ... that very match would be one they will never EVER forget!

If Merritt wants to promote Windham then fine. Promote Hornet for all I care. Promote this GXW thing ... oh wait. I'm sure this struck your brain cell ... Powers you ARE in GXW! My GOD he's RIGHT! Give him his 7.95, T-Shirt, and bragging rights! In case you haven't noticed it is Ryan who is shooting his mouth off about this because of Dupree.

Personally I have this hatred thing for promoters. Ever since one or two decided to leave because of personal differences ... I've never had any respect for them.

Never had ... never will.

Now GUNS, you just take your time, enjoy the show, and promise not to scream when Heather is giving you another anal probe with her big ten inch making sure you ain't got no colon cancer ... I'll just leave you to your mid-day snooze.

I ... HAVE ... SPOKEN!

(Powers takes another sip and smiles continuing to relax as the camera fades out.)

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