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You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

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{{..FADE-IN: Backstage at Primetime. A young stagehand knocks on a dressing room door. It opens a crack, and an almost muffled voice says "Yeah?"...}}

Stagehand: Ummm {{...looks down at his clipboard...}} mister....uh, they sent me down here to tell you that they're running short on time and your match with Evan Aho's been pushed to the Primetime card in New Orleans.

Man: Figures...ok, thanks.

{{...The stagehand shrugs, crosses something off his list, and walks off leaving a crack in the door. The camera pushes it's way into the dressing room to see a man, about 6'3" 240, with his back to the camera. He's got long brown hair tied in a pony tail behind his head, black wrestling trunks and matching boots. A black mask sits on the bench next to him...}}

Man: {{...on the phone...}} ...yeah, I got bumped off the card......no, it's been rescheduled for New Orleans.... {{...laughes...}} yeah, it works out perfectly.......Yeah, I saw Aho tonight. He didn't look like he was into it, but whatever works for him, it doesn't make any differance to me....... Look, I've worked hard to get to this point, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let a two-bit group of thugs keep me from realizing my dream........ Yeah, I saw what they did to Wildstar, it was disgusting, but that don't mean that'll happen to me.... What do you mean, WHY? Because...I've got the advantage here, NOT them. Hell, they don't care about some no-name guy in a black mask...they've got bigger fish to fry, at least in thier mind........Yeah, Aho's a great wrestler, but his head ain't screwed on straight right now. You know me...all I need is an in, and it's over..... OK, well I gotta' go..... Yeah, I'll call when I get there. Bye.

{{...The man picks up a towel, and walks into the shower...}}


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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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