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Just Wrestling: Un****ables return undone by Just Wrestling Champion


Nothing More, Nothing Less.
Jun 22, 2004
n.b. If there is a better forum to have put this in, please tell me. I couldn't find a 'news' type board so I put it in here.

Live report from Pizzitola Sports Center (26 Oct 08)

PROVIDENCE, RI - Just Wrestling's first show outside of the NY/NJ home turf took place tonight. With Providence's Pizzitola Sports Center only two-thirds full, booker Tim Shipley faced a reality check: while Just Wrestling is indisputably the hottest thing in particularly New York state right now, garnering more plaudits than any of the televised nationals, word can only spread so far and perhaps a 2,800-seater was ambitious. Nonetheless, Shipley was particularly determined to put on a good show to leave Rhode Island begging for more.

It was an inauspicious start. After renewed concern over Dr. Giggles' ability to hold his own in singles matches, a change had been made; New Yorkers the Rowdy Boyz were drafted in, Giggles forced to team against them with ICE. It was clear that the former Global Wrestling star was less than thrilled about the switch and he steadfastly refused to tag Giggles until Jatt and Meff Rowdy were running rings around him with clever exploitation of the rules on tagging. Eventually Giggles got his chance, and charged in only to be downed for the three-count almost immediately.

The next match held more promise. Fathom, Ivor Avalon and Aaron Nothings had all been victorious at the Armory on Tuesday, and they faced off in three-way action to see which of the newcomers has the most potential. The answer? Aaron Nothings; he dumped Avalon with a double-arm DDT to take a second victory. Nothings now needs one more win for a title shot, but he will face stiff opposition in Inaugural Tour favourite Chris Vallette; the two are main-eventing in Jersey City.

Jesse Jamester is one of the first people you might think of if somebody asks you to name a veteran of the US circuit. Tonight marked his first match for Shipley. Despite the hype surrounding his signing earlier this month, he was unusually complacent against newcomer Dallas Steele, who by contrast was singularly impressive. Jamester resorted to a low-blow late on but the 26-year-old, who had otherwise exhibited a classical amateur style, shrugged it off and hoisted up Jamester to nail him with a stunning Death Valley driver. Dallas Steele won the match and a fair few fans too.

Turk, one of the more menacing characters on the Second Tour, has a real history with the fabled LoC; most notably the "Psycho" was their only two-time champion. Tonight, Just Wrestling featured a top LoC star as a guest for the evening. MaX-Files, best known as Max Hopper, took on Turk and the fans expected a monumental battle. It was not to be; MaX-Files was not at all at the races and Turk wrapped things up so swiftly that some fans have already placed calls to Just Wrestling headquarters demanding that Hopper agree to a rematch for no added fee. Any news on such a rematch will be here first.

We came, then, to our massively anticipated main event. Somehow the Sports Center seemed fuller, booming with noise for the return of the Un****ables. Mike Wade and Adam Dick were one of the most dominant duos in AWC history, and the Un****ables were known across the globe as the sort of tag team you just don't mess with - you just can't. Both were inducted to the AWC Roll of Legends and are regarded as two of the top wrestlers of our generation. Their reunion tonight in Providence had taken on a mythical quality, particularly for former AWC fans in the audience. But standing in the way of a triumphant throwback to days of yore were new Just Wrestling Champion, Brock Shepherd, and new free agent, Myles Jake - who sensationally left Ringside Wrestling this week after contractual disputes. Jake and Shepherd are two of Shipley's highest-rated roster members, but had never before worked together as a team. By contrast, Wade and the Face-Eater know each other inside out, but Wade had been rumoured to have "gone to seed", as one dirtsheet put it, since his escape from rW. An added dimension was that Jake vs Wade was the match and indeed the feud rW fans had been desperate to see for months, denied by skewed booking choices; tonight, albeit in tag action, those who had once followed rW would see the two spar. And we need not mention the well-known feud, now apparently based on mutual respect, between Shepherd and Facey. It would, in short, be one hell of a match.

Before we even got started, Brock Shepherd came to the ring and took the microphone. He talked mainly of how thrilled he was to have become the Just Wrestling Champion. There was a short shot at past champion Judas Crippen, who lost to Shepherd in his first and only attempt at defending the strap, but the point was that Shepherd would be a "fighting Champion", as he fiercely and effectively proclaimed. The pun was not lost when Shepherd announced he would tonight "single-handedly prove" why he is the Just Wrestling Champion, and he ended his speech to resounding cheers.

Shepherd moved aside and it was The Illustrious Face-Eater and Myles Jake who started things off, the two not yet having faced each other despite both being omnipresent on both tours. Facey was keen to impress and perhaps a little over-keen to demonstrate to his old friend his aloofness in the ring; Jake startled him with a power-slam and a two-count. It was not long before Adam Dick slapped the hand of old partner-in-crime Wade, and we heard a huge roar from the fans seeing "His Swerviness" in Just Wrestling for the first time. He and Jake went at it energetically, the former rW Ringside Champion perhaps on top, but the former rW Commonwealth Champion seemingly full of energy. Jake's stamina began to fail him, and Brock Shepherd came in to see to Wade. This was his first ring action since becoming Just Wrestling Champion and he didn't disappoint. It was a rude awakening for Mike Wade, who had dealt well enough with Jake; The One-Armed Wrecking Machine was an entirely different proposition and the tables had most definitively turned. The IFE saw this and some old-fashioned rule-breaking began to slip things back into the hands of The Un****ables, Myles Jake visibly unimpressed with their antics that bent the law every which way. Did I mention tables having turned? The very same tables soon came out, Shepherd and Facey taking a pause from their ringside brawl to sortie one from beneath the ring and slide it inside. Mike Wade got things ready, little did he know he would shortly be slammed through it. Shepherd left the Face-Eater clutching a bloodied nose on the outside and entered the ring to see Wade perching Jake up on top. A few moments later Shepherd was holding Wade on his shoulders, and Myles Jake's 38-year-old body gave one great spurt of agility to leap up and bulldog Wade's head off the shoulders of Brock Shepherd and through the table. Shepherd made the pin amid the wreckage.

A stunning main event papered the cracks of a mixed night for Just Wrestling. Tim Shipley will be looking to next week's mouthwatering main event of Chris Vallette vs Aaron Nothings to do the same. We will also see Andy Murray and The Illustrious Face-Eater (though not against each other), and last week's victorious newcomers Johnny Vivacious and Maynard Crane squaring off (against each other). Be sure to grab your ticket for the Yanitelli Center (second time lucky) if you haven't already.


The REAL Funk U. T-shirt
Aug 26, 2008
Gee the Just Wrestling Champion is COMPLETELY awesome.




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