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Learning the ropes


League Member
Aug 1, 2005
Now, I appreciate that on looking at my post count most of you will mutter something about 'stupid n00bs' and hastily hit the back button, but I'd help me a lot if one or two of you could give me a hand.

I havn't applied to join the EUWC yet because I want to learn about how things are done here but i'm having trouble identifying the personalities of the commentators, the way matches are played and just the general way of doing things round here. So, if one (or more if you're feeling generous) of you could help me out I'd appreciate it enormously.



Larry Serson

League Member
Sep 5, 2004
Kingston, On, Canada
Well ... we have 2 main commenators ... one is heel(Coach) and one is a babyface(JR), just like normal wrestling ... we have 2 or 3 interviewers and they will go into any situation ...

As far as the wrestling cards and personalities ... well that is pretty much up to the president Matt ... he is a great guy and I am sure you will enjoy the guys u have in competition with, they usually work really hard, however, in saying that ... it might be hard to win a match, unless either u out RP them or work as hard as u can in the RP that you do submit.

Strat's and Interviews for the cards are used when sent in to the head office that addy is euwc_office@yahoo.com ... Matt runs 4 main shows called Main Frame a month, then we usually have a PPV a month, depending on the scheduling and time that there is in the month and personal lifes.

I am sure u will have no problem getting a hold of anyone that you need to speak to bout the EUWC ... if u would like to chat more feel free to contact me or the Pres.

Hawkeye aka Larry


League Member
Aug 1, 2005
That's really helpful Larry, thanks. As of now I've just submitted my application so I guess I just have to sit back and wait to see if I get accepted.
So, let me just see if I have this right; each person involved in a match writes an r/p on it, as well as pre-match interviews and these are then rated using the points system I've read about and the person with the most points wins the match?

P.S: You're from Kingston, Canada? I'm from Kingston, England. Snap :D


League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Long Island, NY
Angling and strats helps for events too.

Getting as active as possible could boost you up I'm sure...

I was gone for about a year and just recently came back, but I am pretty sure things are still working the way they did before, so just pick your character up, get your name out, show everyone you exsist and are ready to go.

No point system... quantity is good.... quality is better.... both make a kick ass rp and no doubt it will be a good match. I mean... if two people are rping out of control for a match... you would expect a little respect and have a good match for the results... I expect it anyways.

So... if you are accepted... good luck...



League Member
Aug 1, 2005
Havn't got an email back yet ~touches wood~

If you write the better r/p, but in yours your character loses (for whatever reason) does that mean that in the final match your character will lose as well?

Also what's with the No Mercy / Wrestlemania 2000 characters? They look like a really good idea but I can't work out if matches are actually played out on an N64 :D


League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Long Island, NY
Well I have rarely seen a person lose that should have won, but if you do lose.... and you should win... I'm sure there was some sort of angle in there some where......

I don't think that would happen unless you have an angle in which you lose.... In any case..... you should see how things were working out for me when I started here.

Undefeated for months, won the World title... and with an angle.... plus the fact that I would not have a computer for a while, I finally lost a match and lost the title... So you do your thing.... don't lose your computer any time soon, I'm sure you'll do fine... I haven't seen your work, but if it's JS Grade A, then you should do just fine.... if you get in.....

So.... uh... just get in first.....


League Member
Aug 1, 2005
I'm tempted to post my character actually, just to see if I fit in. I'm kinda worried he might be a bit too much of a comedy character =/.

(This is gonna be awkward if I don't)


League Member
Aug 1, 2005
He was called T.T.McGraw, and - since you asked (you're opening the floodgates now) - here's the profile I applied with:

Wrestler's Name: T.T. McGraw
Height: 6'0
Weight: 275lbs
Gender: Male
Wrestler's Hometown: Manchester, England
Entrance Theme: Highway Star, Deep Purple
Alignment: Babyface
Manager/Management Team (with full description): None

Wrestler's Style: Submission / Hardcore / Brawler (a little like Mankind)

Wrestler's Appearance: Long dark brown hair with a full matching goatee. He has a fairly muscular body and can be intimidating but carries a slight air of ridiculousness due to the hair on his chest (which is admirable) and the golden chain he wears.

Ring Gear: Full length white tights with jagged black lightning pattern up either leg, red boots and Triple Hesque bandages around his fists and wrists

Ring Entrance: A 'One fist in the air' pose on the stage in Takeresque fashion followed by an exageratted stomp-walk as he walks down the ramp, his tribute to his heroes - The Bushwackers. He normally rolls under the bottom rope before saluting the fans that are courteous enough to cheer him.

Gimmick / Bio: T.T McGraw was born to a working class family in manchester and - seeing the advantages of a life pretending to fight (as opposed to actually fighting) - he ventured into the wrestling industry. Throughout his career his happy-go-lucky has helped him make friends and fans alike, but has also held him back when it came to making the big leap for gold. Technically not amazing but able to entertain the fans like few other performers he found himself giving his heart and soul in his matches and then being forced to job to wrestlers with more killer instinct when it came to taking opportunities.
That all changed (for a time at least) when a wrestler from his past federation insulted his family and portrayed them in a disgraceful light in a series of home-made films. In the match that ultimately ended the feud between the two of them McGraw - at that time 'Manc McGraw' - released a side of him that had not been seen before and hasn't been seen since. In just under 30 minutes T.T ended his rivals career by holding the 'Highway Shuffle' (then called the 'Freeway Shuffle') well past the end of the match, before clamping a chair around his opponents leg and repeatedly leaping onto it from the turnbuckle.
In the years that followed he entered into a career slump as the guilt he felt for the way he acted overcame him. For 2 years he disappeared off of the wrestling circuit and seemed to have simply dropped off the face of the earth. However in March of 2005 he was spotted at his home in Manchester and within 2 weeks he had re-surfaced as T.T. McGraw, the man he was before the incident only with a different name. He has resumed the life he had before that match along with his old attitude, and seems happy with it. It remains to be seen whether that darker side of him will ever surface again...
List three strengths your wrestler has. Be as descriptive as possible.

1. Incredible Durability: T.T. is able to take a licking and keep on kicking, so much so that opponents often have to go to extreme measures to actually pin him.

2. Submissions expert: Aside from having a head made of steel (or filled with it) McGraw is also a very accomplished submission wrestler and is able to make even the toughest of wrestlers consider tapping with his trademark move the 'Highway Shuffle'

3. Charisma: What he lacks in technical wrestling ability and style he makes up for in his ability to get over with the fans.

List three weaknesses your wrestler has. Again, be as descriptive as possible.

1. Lack of technical ability: You will rarely see T.T do a capture suplex, or any other move that demands a high level of technical knowledge. He's a Brawler through and through until he can lock in a submission hold (of which he knows many) and this means he often suffers against wrestlers who are technically superior.

2. Naive: Being a rookie is bad enough without also being as innocently naive as T.T. is. It's not that he believes everyone's a nice guy so much as that it's very easy to fool him. Though intelligent and sharp of wit, he is sometimes unable to see the wood for the trees and can be manipulated by a clever wrestler.

3. Can't Quit - He doesn't know when enoughs enough, as the numerous scars he carries will testify (if they could speak, which they can't). He will keep getting up and keep getting beaten down until he can no longer stand and this means that when he loses; he often loses very badly. Moreover he will always regret it for a long time after, if only due to loss of blood.

Choose 10 wrestling holds your wrestler performs on a consistent basis:

1. Torture Rack - one of his trademarks
2. Scoop Slam - fairly self explanitory
3. Vertical Suplex - see above
4. Leg Drop (from the top rope) - another favourite of his
5. Headbutt to Groin (opponent down) - a little rough, but he likes it
6. Boston Crab - One of many he uses
7. STF - ditto
8. Sleeper hold - a move he has just about perfected
9. Reverse DDT
10. Flurry of punches (in the corner)

5 Set Up Moves: (moves that will build to your wrestler's finisher)

1. Evenflow DDT - his favourite set-up move. A kick to the stomach and then a perfectly executed DDT set up the 'Highway Shuffle'
2. Running Big Boot - as performed by Hulk Hogan

Key Finisher: (List 3-5 move that your wrestler may use as a finisher. Please give a basic description of each move.)

1. 'Highway Shuffle' - a form of the Texas Cloverleaf, escept instead of squatting while administering the hold he stands. The 'Shuffle' part comes from his tendancy to allow the opponent to close in on the ropes before dragging them back into the centre of the ring. This normally follows an Evenflow DDT.
2. Evenflow DDT - as described before, this is a powerful DDT. This will sometimes pin a lessser opponent and gives stronger ones something to kick out of to make them look impressive

LAST DITCH EFFORT!! (Pick from the list above. Your wrestler's absolute last ditch finisher. If executed there is a 99.9% chance that it will score the pin.)
1. 'Highway Shuffle'

"Hi I'm John Burgundy (excuse the name) and i'm here with one of our newly signed rookies, er......"

John turns around for a second and the boom mic pops on screen as someone hisses something to him. Meanwhile McGraw just stands there looking a little awkward but smiling nonetheless.

"So, T.T. You're new here in the EUWC but you bring with you a reputation for hardcore. So what's your first goal going to be?"

T.T thinks for a second before responding. He gives the impression of trying to seem intelligent in a tragically comedic kind of way.

"I don't really have a goal. Just being here is amazing, you know? I honestly didn't think I'd get this far in 'The biz' and now I have, i'm just a little bit shellshocked."

As he says 'The Biz' he accompanies it with a 'Quote, Unquote' hand gesture straight out of Austin Powers and someone backstage laughs. John Burgundy hisses at someone behind him and the laugh turns into a rather forced cough.

"Amateurs I swear to god, i'm working with monkeys. Anyway, you must have a plan? A belt you're looking to go after?"

McGraw pretends to look confused, scratching his head and pausing dramatically.

"Well, I hadn't really thought about that. Do they have a belt for rookies? Or maybe the World Championship, that one seems pretty cool. You know maybe I'll just hang out, make some friends. Maybe get some of them to come and play Everquest with me"

Burgundy shakes his head. His microphone hand is trembling as his presenting career crumbles before his eyes.

"So now that you're hear, your main goals are to either win the world championship or get some of the wrestlers to play Everquest with you?"

McGraw goes to respond


"No, thank you. You've said quite enough. My career is effectively ruined. Have a good life kid. When they kick you out of this joint you can come and join me, if i'm not dead by then. Cut it Ronald, we're going"

The crew storm out, the background is rolled off set and the camera captures a few seconds of T.T standing looking aimlessly around an empty film studio before it cuts to black.


League Member
Aug 1, 2005
~this thread isn't registering the fact that I've already posted, so here's a bump~

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