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NBW Presents: Scorched III - Lighting the World on Fire

Spike Saunders

Super Moderator
Oct 7, 2004
Well archived forum or not, I'll still post it. I guess FW is just Defiance and their crew specifically only now.

AUG 19th, 2018 [h=3]SCORCHED III - LIGHTING THE WORLD ON FIRE[/h] [h=5]Published by: Trent McKnight[/h] Kansas City, MO - Good evening Knight Watchers! I'm back here to give you the lo' down on NBW's Scorched PPV event last night. As one would expect, there is plenty to discuss. How about we start off with the debut of that towering giant? Or perhaps our new Champion? Maybe even the arrival of a world reknowned fighter?

I know, we could talk about that fantastic El Fuego, Fuergo... I don't know spanish but it was flames and all kinds of fun! Also as you know the Clan Strongbern returned and they have their careers on the line, but did they keep it? You know, one thing I really want to talk about ... That shocking victory! Who knew he'd get the win!

Tired of my generalistic statements and questions? Alright how about this folks. The PPV is available all week on Instant Demand. So go ahead and order it. Answer all those questions for yourself and understand why I decided to keep it like this.

I am after all replacing Richie on a one night only for now.


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