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New Year's Resolution


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
Read this full blog post at the author's site

I've got a new New Year's Resolution, only 24 days late.

As it has become quite clear that the game is winding down (in scope if not relative activity), I think it's important to try to archive what we've accomplished in our time in this game for posterity. I, for one, can't forsee myself heading up GCW for another seven years, but seven years from now I fully intend to have gcwonline.net up and operational. I want to make sure to get everything we've ever done archived and online so that anyone, at any point in the future, can come back and see what they've done.

But why stop there?

Obviously, getting GCW in order will be step one. But after that, I think it would be really great to create some sort of general archive where absolutely anyone can enter their information and their writings to be saved for good. PTCpedia is a step in that direction, but I'd like something that goes even deeper.

Of course, I have no clue how to make such a thing practical, so I'm open to suggestions. But with people beginning to transition towards other goals and interests, I think it would be nice to have a place for everyone to stash their writing online so that, when we each leave the game, we'll have left a little bit of ourselves behind.

Just a random thought here at 2:51 AM.

Read this full blog post at the author's site

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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