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Pirates of the E-Wrestling Caribbean

Shawn FX

Jul 25, 2008
Gainesville, FL
By and large, in terms of e-wrestling, "Gamemasters" have gone the way of Davey Jone's LOCK-AH. (Thank you Calypso) Instead, you have the pirates running amuck in the ocean, so to speak. I don't know if that is necessarily a good thing. I personally prefer some structure, a fleshed out environment to roleplay in, and an opportunity to add something unique to said environment. Jocking for position (to "run" the whole show) has never been that appealing to me, as a handler, or even as a one day aspiring fed head.

I, as a captain, would not want a mutiny on me hands. "HAR MATEY! WE'RE TAKIN' OVER!" Rules are meant to be broken? You, as the handler, nor you as the fed head, wants to go overboard. You simply want to work together as a team, sailing away to your next destination, across many an uncharted body of water, and drinking rum together after you land at your next port of call. Do you have a heading? "Yes, Mr. Gibbs, we have our heading!" No ship can sail properly without its rowdy crew. What good is a rowdy crew without it's captain with compass in hand?

I, as an e-fed participant, just want to be able to write and tell a good story (or ongoing saga) as it relates to the promotion my character(s) is/are in. Sure, make no mistake, a World Title would be something to aspire to and is a legitimate goal of mine as well. Before that can happen however, the story behind winning that championship, has to come first. An e-federation can only be as good as its representative champion and vice-versa. The challengers make the champion. Ask yourselves this question: "Is my e-federation known by its characters or are the characters known by its e-federation?" Either way, someone did something right. Well... at least you'd hope. Pirates naturally love GOLD. Captains especially like to find it.




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