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Sean Taylor European Vacation 4: Greece

Sean Taylor

League Member
Sep 3, 2004
Kingston, Ontario
(Location: Athens, Greece, Sean Taylor is walking through the streets of Athens. He turns a corner and words appear at the bottom left of the screen.)

"This Belt Is My Belt"
Sean Taylor
CD: Sean Taylor's European Vacation: The Soundtrack
Rule Follower Productions

(Music starts to play.)

Sean: ("signing")

This belt is my belt
It is not your belt
But Danny Collins
Yours will be my belt
Because at Blood Bath
I'm going to kick your ass
This belt will surely stay with me

You think you're hot stuff
You think you're the best
You act like a demi-god
You think you're greatest
But I'm the International Champion
The greatest of all time
Your belt will surely come with me

(A crowd builds behind him as he marches through the middle of the streets.)

I've been champ for
Over three months now
The longest ever
Everybody knows how
I own the rulebook
And those are odds that you can't beat
Sean & Crowd: This belt will surely stay with me

I'm on vacation
Taking some time off
I'm getting ready
To knock your block off
I'll take your title
And then I'll kick you when you're down
Sean & Crowd: Your belt will surely come with me

I'm like Hercules
The great Greek hero
You're like Pauly Shore
The American zero
I'll squeeze the ju-uice
And send you through the Bio-Dome
Sean & Crowd: This belt will surely stay with me


I'm young and stronger
You're turning meeker
I'll knock your teeth out
On Main Frame next week . . . uh . . . er
I know I'm better
And pretty soon you'll know it too
Sean & Crowd: Your belt will surely come with me

My name's Sean Taylor
I am the premiere
The greatest thing since
They held the Olympics here
I'm taking your title
Cause the rules only work for me!

This belt will stay
Your belt will come
Blood Bath, Danny Collins, your ass is miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

"This Belt Is My Belt"
Sean Taylor
CD: Sean Taylor's European Vacation: The Soundtrack
Rule Follower Productions

(Fade to black.)

*****OOC Note: In case you didn't catch the reference, the song parodied in the preceeding promo was "This Land" by Woody Gutherie and recently parodied by JibJab.com starring George W. Bush and John Kerry.*****

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