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Spaz and John Doe vs. Culpa and The Stalker

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Here we go...

[T.V screens at home flicker bulidings burning flash between a nuclear explosion as Rage Against the Machine "Imperial March" becomes louder]

[ Cut to: Christian Sands hitting the Sand Blaster on an unknown opponent.

Cut to: Karl Brown On the top rope doing a high risk manuver.

Cut to: Suicide hitting someone in a depraved manner with a chair.

Cut to: Adam Benjamin adminstring The Cure as his opponent taps out.

Cut to: The Assians doing The Hit to an opponent as the opponets head slams onto the mat at incredible speed.

Cut to: Beast's face as blood drips down from it.

Cut to: Dan Ryan, on the turnbuckle taunting the crowd.

Cut To: John Doe standing in a darkened room as the cameras spins fast around him

[Cut to Arena]

[As the cameras cut in fire works shoot from the ceiling onto the turnbuckles creating a large explosions, entrance ramp shots off extreme amounts of fireworks as the fireworks die out Rage Against the Machine plays loud over the arena]

[Cameras circle the arena showing the crowd]

DT: WHOA! Welcome to EPA! What a begining and what a night we have for you.

MN: Tongiht is going to be a great night here on EPA! First we will start with the debut of wrestlers as John Doe and Spaz take on Culpa and The Stalker!

[Titiontron shows a door with the words John Doe on it]

MN: Looks like where going back stage

DT: I met this guy John Doe, seems nice, good guy.

MN: Ah! Please Dave you say that about everyone, he's nice he's cool, can't you say anything negative?

DT: Yeah I can, how about shutup?

MN: Hmmm, getting there.

[Cameras walk into the locker room where John Doe is]

[John Doe stands infront of a mirror in his darkened locker room]

John Doe: Time to see what you got John. I mean this is what you been training for you whole life, a chance in the big time. Its all about tonight you have to prove yourself.

[John takes a deep breath]

John Doe: Ok, I'm set, ok only a little bit of time left, time to get pumped! Its time to rock and ruin.

[John walks out of the locker room bumping into Paul Freeman]

[Crowd cheers as they see Freeman]

John Doe: Mr. Freeman.

Freeman: Ah, John Doe, how are you tonight ready to give us a good show?

John Doe: I'm gonna do my best sir.

Freeman: You and Spaz ready? Almost time for you guys to head out there.

John Doe: I Haven't seen Spare yet but I'm sure he's ready too.

Freeman: I got faith in you two guys, just don't lighting up out there and show us what you showed us in those smaller federations. The crowd will adore you for that.

John Doe: Thank you sir, I'll make sure of that.

Freeman: I have some business to attend to, if you will excuse me.

John Doe: No problem Mr. Freeman.

[Freeman walks away as John Doe continues down the hall]

[John Doe bumps into Spaz]

DT: Well it seems the tag team has just ran into each other for the first time!

MN: Well, ever see two rookies in the ring? I mean they never wrestled on a team before, what if they mess up or fight, it always happens you never know if......

[Dt cuts off MN in the middle of his sentence]

DT: Shutup.

MN: Wow you getting better at that Dave.

[John Doe looks at Spaz waiting for him to speak]

[John extends his hand]

John Doe: Names John Doe, seems were tag partners tonight are you ready?

[Cameras turn to Spaz as he looks at John Doe's extend hand]

MD: We'll be right back folks as we take a quick comercial break!

[Camers fade out on Spaz]

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Here We Go Part II

[Camera's fade back in with them pointed at Spaz]

MN: This guy isn't shaking hands with Doe!

DT: Give him time, he's adjusting I mean it's their debuts here on EPA!

[Cameras turn back to John Doe]

John Doe: Well...I see your not the talkative type, I'll see you in the ring "partner".

[Doe drops his hand that Spaz was supposse to shake]

MN: Wow, you hear the way Doe said partner he's a little angry by the disrespect Spaz showed him.

[Doe walks away to the main lounge ]

[Doe to sits on the couch as a flashback of memory hits him]

[Fade in]

[John Doe siting in a padded room with a straight jacket on, muzzel tight to his mouth as he shakes and turns laughing a sinster laugh. Doe stands up and looks into the survellince camera in the corner, Doe laughs with foam dripping down his lips and hitting the padded floor]

[Doe gets closer to the camera]

John Doe: You'll never know who I am. I will warn you once, when "It" begins "It" never stops, you can't stop "It" in my mind.

[Doe shakes a bit his eyes rolling in the back of his head as he grabs it looking at the camera, guards come in to control Doe as they take him to the floor]

Doe: When I get out of here I will show you the rage I contain with in me."It" will begin and "It" can't stop, "It" has almost begun to take control of me!

[Cameras shoot back to Doe who stands up and walks out of the lounge walking past Culpa and the Stalker]

[Culpa looks at Stalker]

Culpa: He's a joke, he has no chance against us.

[Doe turns around and looks at Culpa]

Doe: You have now clue what will happen when "It" takes control of me! Or maybe you will in the ring.

[A drop of foam relases from does mouth as he continues down the hall]

[Cameras fade out slowly]

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