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Survivor Africa Ep 10

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
FADEIN: A man bursting from the ocean water SFX: A horn plays, follows by tribal chanting. CUTTO: a map of Africa, with it saying "Mother Africa" on it...CUTTO: The words "18 Survivors" CUTTO: A snake swimming in water. CUTTO: The Orange Flag of Tribe DDT, as quick shots of ALPHA, BOOGIE, CINDY, FELICIA, GREENIE, and MALONE hit the screen. CUTTO: People walking in the night time with lit torches. CUTTO: The Pink Flag of Tribe Sharpshooter. CUTTO: Quick shots of DOUGLAS, MYSTIQUE, NIXON, RABESQUE, and SANDS, hit the screen. CUTTO: The words "39 days" appear. CUTTO: The Blue Flag of Tribe Power Bomb. CUTTO: Quick shots of BORDEN, HOLLY, KRISTEN, POE, MICHAELS, and SHANE. CUTTO: The words "One Survivor" SFX: A quick drum beat ending the intro.)

(CUTTO: Tribe CFH day 28)

(CUTTO: HOLLY and GREENIE talking.)

GREENIE: "So, you've sold us all into the bondage of Michaels..."

HOLLY: "I just couldn't see taking him out of the game...He's to big of a target for people, keeps me out of the spotlight."

GREENIE: "Till when, when it's over, when he's decided it's your time to go and you walk over to Doc and allow yourself to leave."

HOLLY: "No, I'm not giving up...I want Jean gone, he's Michaels final 2 buddy, that's clear, Jean's just so generally disliked he'll be an easy mark at the end. I know that, I want him out, make the game more wide open."

GREENIE: "Then we'll vote out Jean, you have us at your mercy my lady."

(CUTTO: Greenie in an aside)

GREENIE: "I don't know what Holly's game is, but she has me and the whole former DDT over a barrel, if she wants us all off, we go, if she's honest about voting out Jean, then we got a shot...She says she wants to do this, so well, I'm hopeful, I'm just going to go to the rest of her former tribe and bluff my ass off and hope I can get one of them to turn and vote Michaels, as long as the prick doesn't win immunity."

(CUTTO: MALONE and MICHAELS in the woods.)

MICHAELS: "Look, you vote out Greenie tonight, then I know you're with me and I'll take you to final 3."

MALONE: "don't you already got 5 votes? Isn't he gone anyhow? Can't I just lie about it?"

MICHAELS: "Mark your vote with a happy face or something, lemme know it's you, then we'll move from there..."

MALONE: "Why would you trust me? And why do you want me to final 3?"

MICHAELS: "I think you're smart enough to understand your tribe is screwed at this point, and well, you're good eye candy..(Smirks) Think about it, go a long way with me."

(CUTTO: Michaels in an aside.)

MICHAELS: "Just cause I got an edge now doesn't mean I can't use a bigger one, more people you got working for you, the fewer you got working against you. Who knows, one person in my group bolts, next thing you know, I'm gone, gotta stay on top of the game."

(CUTTO: The tribe heading towards a clearing where DOC SILVER is standing. 9 boxes that contain mazes inside them are behind DOC.)

DOC: "Hey everyone. Now then, today's challenge for immunity is simple. You have a ball at one corner of this box, you have to guide it to the hole at the other corner. First person to get that done wins immunity and will assuredly make it to the round of 8. Good luck."

(CUTTO: Everyone standing at a box.)

DOC: "Survivors ready...GO!" (Everyone begins working on their puzzle. HOLLY appears to be close to being done but her ball is caught in a dead end...Same with MICHAELS. MALONE is stuck. POE is moving along well. After a few more tense moments it appears that CINDY is about to win when BORDEN solves the puzzle mere moments before her, earning victory!)

DOC: "Borden wins immunity! (Doc hands him the Big Gold Belt. BORDEN throws it over his shoulder.) and this insures you'll go from getting 5 votes to none this night."

(CUTTO: The tribe heading back to camp, GREENIE looking worried.)


GREENIE: "Ill winds blow, the tides change...Tonight bodes poorly for you. You must vote for Michaels or your time left in this game will be measured in hours."

RABESQUE: "What are you talking about?"

GREENIE: "You heard me, betrayal in your ranks exists...You will fall..."

RABESQUE: "Look, you can beg and plead and try to scare people all you want, you're going and you know it."


GREENIE: "Look, Michaels is the problem, we should be voting him out, not Jean..."

HOLLY: "You got Jean, if you want to risk going to rocks, or you want to be voted out yourself, you can keep pushing for this..."

GREENIE: "What if me, you, Malone and Poe formed an alliance, the four of us then just got rid of everyone else...We could insure out making it to final 4..."

HOLLY: "Will they go for it?"

GREENIE: "Malone will, where is Poe?"

HOLLY: "he's got a trail on a boar."

GREENIE: "Oh great, we're only a half hour from the vote...Bah...Vote Jean, if I can find a way to deal with this I will..." (Greenie shambles off.)

(CUTTO: Holly in an aside.)

HOLLY: "I don't know if I really trust Greenie...But at the same time, Jean is clearly Michaels escape plan for the final 2...So well, whoever goes tonight helps me out."

(CUTTO: The tribe heading to counsel. DOC SILVER stands in front of the cookie jar.)

DOC: "Tonight, we will have the first member of our jury, the final 9 will form the final 2, and the jury of 7 who'll vote on who will win a million dollars and the title of Survivor champion...So now that that has been laid out...Time to vote."

(CUTTO: GREENIE voting.)

GREENIE: "You see much eomer son of Eomund...To much...You are banished forthwith from the Kingdom of Rohan and all it's domains...under pain of death...Oh this order does not come from me (Pulls vote out of coat, unfolds it to show it reads "Rabesque") it comes from the King...He signed it this morning."

(CUTTO: BORDEN voting he holds up his vote reading "Greenie")

BORDEN: "Sorry weirdo...Bye"

(CUTTO: MALONE voting, he holds up his vote reading "Rabesque")

MALONE: "sorry Beau...Can't trust ya...As for Jean...Well, whatever Greenie's reasons are...That's why we're voting this way...Seeya."

(CUTTO: MICHAELS voting, he holds up his vote reading "Greenie")

MICHAELS: "You're just awful...And so, you're going away."

(CUTTO: RABESQUE voting, he holds up his vote up reading "Greenie")

RABESQUE: "Look, you want me to sell somebody out...You gotta be joking, how could I ever trust you?"

(CUTTO: NIXON voting, she holds up her vote reading "Rabesque")

NIXON: "Somebody's got to go, and for me to have any shot it has to be you Jean...So sorry it has to be this way, you did good work at the camp, but...bye."

(CUTTO: CINDY voting, she holds up her vote reading "Rabesque")

CINDY: "hope this works...For the former DDT...We need this."

(CUTTO: POE voting, he holds up his vote reading "Greenie")

POE: "I know we talked, and well, I don't know if I trust Michaels much, but now's not the time to do this...So, seeya buddy."

(CUTTO: HOLLY voting...She stops and thinks for a moment. CUTTO: HOLLY putting her vote in the jar.)

(CUTTO: DOC with the cookie jar.)

DOC: "I will now tally the votes...First vote...Greenie...(GREENIE bows his head.) (Reaches in) Greenie...(Reaches in) Rabesque...(Reaches in.) Rabesque...(Reaches in) Greenie...(Reaches in) Rabesque...That's 3 votes Greenie, three votes Rabesque...(Reaches in) Rabesque...(RABESQUE shakes his head, smiles) (Reaches in.) Greenie...4 Votes Greenie, 4 votes Rabesque...If the last vote is not for either man, we'll take a re-vote, if it is...They will be eliminated from the game and be made the first member of our jury...I will now read the final vote...(Reaches in) The 10th person voted off of Mother Africa and 1st member of our jury is...Jean Rabesque...(Doc reveals the fatal vote reading "RABESQUE"...RABESQUE looks stunned, as does MICHAELS as Jean walks over to DOC and has his torch put out. He leaves quickly.)

DOC: "Well, we're now down to 8...And old tribal alliances seem to be fading fast...You can return to camp."

(The former group of DDT appear cheerful, while MICHAELS looks at his former tribe trying to figure out what happened in this vote.)

(CUTTO: Credits.)

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