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Survivor Africa Ep 3

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: A man bursting from the ocean water SFX: A horn plays, follows by tribal chanting. CUTTO: a map of Africa, with it saying "Mother Africa" on it...CUTTO: The words "18 Survivors" CUTTO: A snake swimming in water. CUTTO: The Orange Flag of Tribe DDT, as quick shots of ALPHA, BOOGIE, CINDY, FELICIA, GREENIE, and MALONE hit the screen. CUTTO: People walking in the night time with lit torches. CUTTO: The Pink Flag of Tribe Sharpshooter. CUTTO: Quick shots of DOUGLAS, MYSTIQUE, NIXON, RABESQUE, and SANDS, hit the screen. CUTTO: The words "39 days" appear. CUTTO: The Blue Flag of Tribe Power Bomb. CUTTO: Quick shots of BORDEN, HOLLY, KRISTEN, POE, MICHAELS, and SHANE. CUTTO: The words "One Survivor" SFX: A quick drum beat ending the intro.)

(CUTTO: Tribe DDT, day 7.)

(CUTTO: MALONE sitting on the beach. About 30 feet away GREENIE is sitting with the palatir inside his legs which are folded indian style. His hand over the black orb in the typical Saruman pose.)

MALONE: "Well, I survived a vote...I don't know what's going on now, but well, I don't trust Cindy...That whole conversation where she didn't know where to go with her vote...Just bugs me...It's really sad that I'm moments away from trusting my fate in Africa to a freak who's claim to fame is pretending to be a guy who got like, 10 minutes of screen time in a nearly three hour long movie...And said character lives to lie to people...This game is maddening..."

(MALONE walks over to GREENIE. Who notices the footsteps.)

GREENIE: "Smoke rises from the mountain of doom, the hour grows late and Matthew the Maroon rides to Isenguard seeking my counsel...For that is why you have come...Is it not?"

MALONE: "I seek to deal with a threat in this camp, I come seeking your aid in the matter of dealing with Cindy...Me and her talked once...And she was quiet...To quiet...She is up to something, what, I know not...But if we go to counsel again, I wish for you to help me to vote her off..."

GREENIE: "You seek my aid in the removal of this woman...This will be done..."

MALONE: "Very well, just remember I don't trust in the least..."

GREENIE: "You see much Matthew son of Michael..."

MALONE: "Too much?" (Glares at GREENIE.)

GREENIE: (Grits teeth.) "You understand me to well...Very well, Cindy is gone, you have my word."

MALONE: "Very well."

(CUTTO Malone in an aside.)

MALONE: "This tribe...Between Felicia the airhead, Cindy the plotter, and Greenie the nightmare, I don't know where to be looking for the threat. I just hope we win these last two events and get to the first merger to get some sane people in here to balance out this madness."

(CUTTO: Tribe Sharpshooter Day 7.)

(CUTTO: RABESQUE and SANDS sitting in a clearing.)

RABESQUE: "Well, another day another step closer to the end."

SANDS: "Yeah...Just counting the days, gets so boring just waiting for the challenges, the votes."

(CUTTO: Sands in an aside.)

SANDS: "There's stuff to do, food to gather, people to talk to, but really when the game isn't being played your main enemy is boredom. Boredom leads to doing stupid things, and getting catty and into fights, and you just can't do that, you gotta be ice cold...Gotta be cold as ice..."

(CUTTO: NIXON and DOUGLAS in the woods getting fruits.)

DOUGLAS: "So if we lose, we're voting Roberts...Just wanted to let ya know..."

NIXON: "Thanks for the heads up...Wouldn't wanna make a mistake like last time."

DOUGLAS: "Ah...That's nothing...Things change with time, you know how it is."

(CUTTO: Nixon in an aside.)

NIXON: "How stupid do they think I am, Roberts goes next if I clone 4 copies of myself and vote him out 5-4. It sucks, kinda just hanging on here...I do miss mystique...Just having to hang out with these guys is like making friends with the guards at a prison."

(CUTTO: Tribe Power Bomb, day 7)


MICHAELS: "If we lose a challenge, we're gonna be voting for Kristen."

HOLLY: "Any reason her over Shane?"

MICHAELS: "Shane's a bit stronger, so we got more of a chance in the challenges if we get rid of her, hopefully we make it to first merger with only one person lost."

HOLLY: "So if we lose 2, I don't got to worry about myself."

MICHAELS: "Hey you're in with the alliance, if we lose both these challenges, then Shane and Kristen both go."


(CUTTO: Michaels in an aside.)

MICHAELS: "Holly's worried about losing her girlfriend, I understand this, but well, it's the cost of the game, she joined this alliance and Kristen didn't, so she's gone if we lose a challenge...It's nothing personal..."

(CUTTO: Day 8, the tribes head out to the beach. DOC SILVER stands on the beach waiting for the tribes.)

DOC: "OK everyone, today's challenge is simple, it's for a reward I know a lot of you want, a fishing spear, mask, snorkel and flippers. Everything you need to get your fill of food off the coasts of Africa. It's in a chest at the bottom of the ocean. There are three buoys out there. Your chest is below the buoy of your color. Get it, bring it back here and put on the stand of your color and you win. everyone ready...Let's go..."

(CUTTO: DOC in front of the army of Survivors, who are all ready to rush into the ocean except for HOLLY, who's sitting out.)

DOC: "OK. Survivors...GO! (Everyone rushes into the drink, they swim towards their buoys...ALPHA leads the way, as he's first to go after his team's chest, RABESQUE and SANDS get to their chest next, while POE and MICHAELS get to their chest...ALPHA, MALONE and GREENIE go under and drag their chest closer to short...As do SANDS, ROBERTS and DOUGLAS. POE, and KRISTEN fight to move their chest closer to shore. CUTTO: ALPHA with MALONE and CINDY moving their chest onto land, POE, MICHAELS and SHANE carrying their case, and taking the lead...As they get to the stands where they put the chests...POE slips, and the whole team goes toppling! ALPHA and company get their chest onto it's stand in time, winning the challenge!)

DOC: "DDT wins reward!" (The members of DDT open their chest and pillage it's spoils, flush with victory. The other tribes look annoyed, POE is most upset of all.)

(CUTTO: Tribe DDT, day 8)

(CUTTO: MALONE and GREENIE on a raft fishing, while ALPHA is swimming with the fishing spear.)

(CUTTO: ALPHA in an aside.)

ALPHA: "This is going to be a really good moment for me. I've been telling everyone about what I'm done in my life, stuff I can do."

(CUTTO: ALPHA with a manta ray on his spear.)

MALONE: "What's that, is that a ray?"

ALPHA: "Yeah"

MALONE: "Well catch a fish."

ALPHA: "Look I got you food."

MALONE: "Do we even want it, do they taste good?"

ALPHA: "God...You SUCK"

(CUTTO: ALPHA with 3 rays caught, feeing the tribe.)

MALONE: "These rays taste good, I think you should keep catching them."

ALPHA: "Just keep me around and I'll feed the tribe."

(FADEIN: The three tribes in front of a maze. DOC SILVER stands in front of the entrance.)

DOC: "Today's immunity challenge is simple, first two teams to get everyone through this maze wins immunity...Who's sitting out for Power Bomb (Borden raises his hand.) OK...Good luck...Survivors ready...GO!"

(The Tribes rush into the maze, ALPHA shouts "Split up!" to his tribe mates, who quickly scatter throughout the maze. The other tribes split up into groups of 3 and 2 and head through the maze. CUTTO: MALONE getting out of the maze first. He is followed by MICHAELS, POE, and HOLLY who all make it out of the maze at once...ALPHA, followed by RABESQUE, SANDS and NIXON. GREENIE in a group with ROBERTS and DOUGLAS get out, right behind them comes CINDY. CUTTO: FELICIA trying to find her way through the maze CUTTO: KRISTEN and SHANE also trying to find their way out.CUTTO: The exit of the maze, and after a few agonizing moments for the tribes, FELICIA rushes through the exit, saving DDT from a second vote! A defeated KRISTEN and SHANE head out of the maze as Power Bomb looks annoyed at it's first immunity loss.)

DOC: "Power Bomb, you know the drill, counsel tonight."

(CUTTO: MICHAELS and HOLLY talking.)

MICHAELS: "Well, We should get rid of Kristen tonight, she's most useless, compared to Shane...We got one more vote before the merger, so we need to keep the team strong till then."

HOLLY: "Sure thing."

(CUTTO: Michaels in an aside.)

MICHAELS: "Well, this is the first test of the alliance, hopefully everything goes smooth, we get 4 votes on Kristen, mebbe she and Shane do something to go after me, but that won't matter in the end."

(CUTTO: Holly in an aside.)

HOLLY: "Sucks he went with Kristen, but again, I'm here to win, not make friends, so if she has to go, she goes."


(CUTTO: SHANE talking to KRISTEN.)

SHANE: "I think Michaels is out to get you."

KRISTEN: "He won't even talk to me, he's just being a total jerk about this."

SHANE: "Well we could send some votes his way, see if anyone has a change of heart."

KRISTEN: "Better then nothing."

SHANE: "I hear ya, good luck."

(CUTTO: Power Bomb arriving for their first tribal counsel. DOC SILVER stands in front of the cookie jar.)

DOC: "OK, send somebody home."

(CUTTO: MICHAELS voting. He holds up his vote reading "KRISTEN")

MICHAELS: "Sorry, I have to keep the men to myself."

(CUTTO: KRISTEN voting, she holds up her vote reading "MICHAELS")

KRISTEN: "Well, you're the biggest player here, so you deserve this.)

(CUTTO: SHANE voting.)

(CUTTO: POE voting.)

(CUTTO: BORDEN voting.)

(CUTTO: HOLLY voting.)

(CUTTO: DOC with the cookie jar in front of him.)

DOC: "I will now read the votes...First vote..."Kristen" (KRISTEN nods and frowns.) "Kristen"..."Kristen"..."Michaels" (MICHAELS smirks.) (Doc reaches in.) 3rd person voted off of Mother Africa is...KRISTEN COLE...(Doc reveals the fatal vote reading "Kristen". She walks over and DOC puts out her torch and she leaves.)

DOC: "Well, that's that, you can return to camp."

(MICHAELS and the rest of the tribe leave having completed business nobody appearing the worst for the experiance.)

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