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Survivor Africa Ep 6

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: A man bursting from the ocean water SFX: A horn plays, follows by tribal chanting. CUTTO: a map of Africa, with it saying "Mother Africa" on it...CUTTO: The words "18 Survivors" CUTTO: A snake swimming in water. CUTTO: The Orange Flag of Tribe DDT, as quick shots of ALPHA, BOOGIE, CINDY, FELICIA, GREENIE, and MALONE hit the screen. CUTTO: People walking in the night time with lit torches. CUTTO: The Pink Flag of Tribe Sharpshooter. CUTTO: Quick shots of DOUGLAS, MYSTIQUE, NIXON, RABESQUE, and SANDS, hit the screen. CUTTO: The words "39 days" appear. CUTTO: The Blue Flag of Tribe Power Bomb. CUTTO: Quick shots of BORDEN, HOLLY, KRISTEN, POE, MICHAELS, and SHANE. CUTTO: The words "One Survivor" SFX: A quick drum beat ending the intro.)

(CUTTO: Day 19.)

(CUTTO: Tribe Power Bomb, MICHAELS talking to HOLLY.)

MICHAELS: "So I figure Shane's trying to go after me. I know he was talking with Jean and Sands...I know he was talking to you."

HOLLY: "Yeah he did."

MICHAELS: "Well, whatever it is about it's over now, Shane is gone, we lose something, we're taking him out, ahead of Jean, he goes first. I can't keep somebody in here who's actively plotting against me."

HOLLY: "OK, I'll vote him out."

(CUTTO: MICHAELS in an aside.)

MICHAELS: "I can't believe the nerve of Shane. I mean, we have two fresh victims, Sands and Rabesque, we can pick 'em off and go to the merger and everything's cool, but he goes and starts stuff. Hell, I'd like to go to the merger with a huge lead, but if we lose one, well I'm not sweating it. Betrayal is something I just won't tolerate."


SHANE: "I've gotten to Holly, I think it's a done deal that we've got Michaels if we all stick to it."

RABESQUE: "Well then let's do it, we'll take him out."

SHANE: "Good."

(CUTTO: Shane in an aside.)

SHANE: "I've been sticking around on the sidelines to much really. I needed to get into the game and start shaking things up. Michaels has his alliance and he thinks it's good, but it's not, we're going to break this thing up."

(CUTTO: Tribe DDT, Day 19.)


DOUGLAS: "So what do you think about what Nixon did?"

MALONE: "Wasn't the nicest of things I wouldn't say."

DOUGLAS: "Well, if she can do that to my tribe, she can do it to this tribe. If we lose a vote, we should get rid of her."

(CUTTO: Douglas in an aside.)

DOUGLAS: "Nixon's just proven herself as untrustworthy, and I want people to see that and vote her off if we lose another challenge. Better her then me."

(CUTTO: GREENIE and NIXON sitting on a beach.)

NIXON: "So what do think we have to do to get throught this thing?"

GREENIE: "We must sow doubt into the minds of the enemy. We must have break them up. And we must do all we can to destroy their tribe. At the same time we must not weaken...We can not give into malcontents...To warmongers..."

NIXON: "So how do we break up the other tribe?

GREENIE: "If we get To the merger even, with you and Cindy around, we could use you two as a sort of 'girl power' thing to undermine Holly. She could be turned."

NIXON: "I can see that, that would be a good plan most likely."

GREENIE: "They did vote off a woman, and he didn't take you, I dunno if Michaels is really 'extremely' bisexual really..."

NIXON: "I hear ya."

(CUTTO: Nixon in an aside.)

NIXON: "I got to stick with this tribe, I can't burn them like I burned my last tribe or else I'm going to be so totally screwed. Can't win with a jury of people who I stabbed in the back."

(FADEIN: DOC SILVER in front of a beach, with large sections of the beach roped off.)

DOC: "OK folks, today's challenge is for immunity, and reward, as will the rest of the challenges be...Losing tribe today gets a bag of rice and loses a player, winning tribe gets steaks and keeps their team together. Today's challenge is simple, there are six tiles buried in the sand for each team, each team has 6 lots, you start digging, find your piece, once you find your piece you can move to another sand lot and help a tribemate out. First team to find all six pieces wins immunity. Who's sitting out for Power Bomb?" (POE raises his hand.) "OK, teams get ready."

(CUTTO: The survivors standing in their sand lots.)

DOC: "Survivors...GO!" (Everyone on both tribes begins frantically digging....MALONE finds his piece after a little while and rushes over to CINDY's sand lot...POE finds his and rushes over to MICHAELS...Both sides keep digging as HOLLY finds her piece and rushes over to the MICHAELS/POE effort. ALPHA finds his piece and rushes over to GREENIE. The three person effort of POWER BOMB finds their piece and they head over to BOLDEN. ALPHA finds the piece in GREENIE's lot and they head over to DOUGLAS. MICHAELS finds his team's third piece. DOUGLAS finds his piece, and they head over to NIXON. BOLDEN finds his piece, as GREENIE finds the 5th piece for his tribe, as the whole tribe charge to CINDY's lot and find the final piece, winning the challenge!)

DOC: "DDT wins! Take your food, and the idol, head off, and enjoy the night, Power Bomb, Tribal counsel tonight."

(CUTTO: A disgusted looking MICHAELS shaking his head, as the rest of Power Bomb look unhappy while DDT wonders off laden with meat.)

(CUTTO: Tribe Power Bomb, Day 23.)

(CUTTO: MICHAELS and POE talking.)

MICHAELS: "We're taking out Shane tonight."

POE: "Whatever you say man, I just go with the flow. I've been scouting around, I think I got a lead on another boar."

MICHAELS: "Well that's good. Good luck with that. Hopefully I'll be able to eat it."

POE: "You're OK man, don't worry about it."

(CUTTO: MICHAELS in an aside.)

MICHAELS: "I feel like I'm in an election. I got my core group, of Bolden and Poe. Then there's the swing voters. The ones I got to worry about, Sands, Rabesque, and Holly. I just need one of them to stick with me and Shane's gone and we're a happy family again, but if they turn on me then I'm gone. That's the problem with being the power in a group, it puts a mark on your back, and I know Steven Shane is just my first challenge, if I can't survive him, well then I guess I'm not a Survivor anymore then am I?"

(CUTTO: SHANE talking to HOLLY.)

SHANE: "Well, I know Michaels is out for me now, so well, I need you to be with me, Jean and Christian are in, so well, you decide this. I don't know what I can really offer you besides it'll be me and you to the end if you do this for me, and I know you might not believe that, but it's true. We can take this game, but it starts with outting Michaels."

HOLLY: "OK...If it's us to the end, then that's fine with me."

(CUTTO: Shane in an aside.)

SHANE: "I got Michaels. Tonight's vote is going to be a shock for him. I mean he went here and ran around making friends, but in the end, they sold him out first chance they got. So for all his planning, in the end, it meant nothing."

(CUTTO: The Tribe heading to counsel. DOC SILVER stands in front of the cookie Jar.)

DOC: "Time to vote somebody off."

(CUTTO: POE voting.)

(CUTTO: SANDS voting.)

(CUTTO: MICHAELS voting, he holds up his vote reading "Shane")

MICHAELS: "You didn't really think you could beat me, did you?"

(CUTTO: HOLLY voting.)

(CUTTO: BOLDEN voting.)


(CUTTO: SHANE voting. He holds up his vote reading "Michaels")

SHANE: "The King is dead, long live the King."

(CUTTO: DOC with the cookie Jar.)

DOC: "OK, time to see who's leaving...First vote...Shane...(Reaches in) Shane...(Shane Nods. Doc reaches in again.) Michaels...(Michaels shoots a quick look at Shane. Doc reaches in.) Shane...3 votes Shane, 1 vote Michaels...(Reaches in.) 6th person voted off of Mother Africa...STEVEN SHANE...(Doc reveals the fatal vote...Shane takes his torch to Doc who puts it out...Shane walks off.)

DOC: "Well that's that...You may head back to camp."

(MICHAELS looking rather pleased with himself leaves leading the tribe back to camp. The rest just appear glad that the vote is over with.)

(CUTTO Credits.)
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