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WARPED 25% Off Holiday Sale!


League Member
Aug 21, 2008

Act now to get your hands on WARPED Wrestling DVD's for a special Holiday Discount! Now through 12/26 you can get all WARPED DVD's at 25% off. Just enter the code "WARPED25" on Checkout!

You can get DVD's such as WARPEDLive 3 - "Making the CUT" featuring a 2/3 falls match between Dr. EMO and SwitchBlade (before he was champion!), WARPEDLive 6 - "Go Big Or Go Home" featuring the match where we crowned our first World Champion ever in a Three Way Dance: The Rough Ryder vs. SwitchBlade vs. Mr. Rottentreats, WARPEDLive 10 - "FnX" featuring the debut of the "FnX" division and a dangerous night of wrestling, plus so many other shows on DVD! Visit WARPEDWrestling.com and click on "DVD" for all of the listings!

This is great for anyone who hasn't seen WARPED yet and wants to catch up with all of the excitement or the biggest WARPED fan!

Remember to enter WARPED25 when checking out.

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