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You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

What Is This Place?


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
At it's core, "just another e-fed," of course. Maybe a little more broadly -- it's a collaborative story that started with two people and grew to encompass hundreds over the years.

Right now, it's a wrestling promotion returning to its roots. Brought to its knees a few years ago by "The Hacker," the once-dominate organization was overcome from within. In-fighting and constant battles over ownership obscured the real business of providing entertaining wrestling. The Hacker's long-standing "feud from within" took the cracks that had always existed and exposed them to the world. The CSWA lost its TV deal and owner Stephen Thomas eventually lost his ownership, outsmarted by a man who co-opted his company, his wife and more. The CSWA "died" with a whimper, not a bang.

In 2012, on the heels of Merritt's ULTRATITLE, the CSWA returns. But while they don't know it yet, former owner and co-founder Chad Merritt isn't the owner behind this. The CSWA's TV deal is in place with ESEN, but with strict contractual guidelines around timely delivery of content. Some things remain the same, especially to try and "play up" the history of the storied league as it rebuilds. But it's not so much rebuilding as starting from the ground up.

BLUE MOON promises to marry the old and the new. The UNIFIED Title returns, but others don't. And will the former UNIFIED Champion Dan Ryan return, or is the CSWA once again looking for a "new generation" of stars? And what happens if former "opponents" of the CSWA reappear?

Starting July 8, the CSWA returns under the light of the BLUE MOON.

More info on the CSWA's history, including an out-of-roleplay write-up on how things started in 1988 is available at http://thecswa.com/history/.

About FWrestling

FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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What Is FW?

Take a look at some old articles that are still relevant regarding what fantasy wrestling is and where it came from.
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