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Who are the French Commandos?



Two large and very muscular metrosexual men are in their battle fatigues, which look remarkably like purple shirted Armani suits.

They're coming to you via a television recording from the depths of the most intense military training area in France, which looks remarkably similar to a small tea cafe in the middle of Paris.

The larger brown haired man begins a conversation with the slightly smaller blonde.

Jean Claude: Here we are (something in French that seems to go on forever), in Ultimate Championship Wrestling to show zee world how tag team wrestling should be done.

Pierre: But Jean Claude, we are not in America yet.

Frustrated Jean Claude: (More annoying French that goes on for forever). What, do you think your brother to be less than intelligent?


Jean Claude: What I am trying to say is that those (French language) from UCW will soon learn that zee best zee French military has to offer has finally arrived on American soil. Watch as we, zee French Commandos, become the tag team division.

Pierre: Become the tag team division? Does that mean we will have to wrestle each other?

Jean Claude holds his hand to his head in total frustration.

Jean Claude: Just wave zee flag so we can finish our segment and be done with it all.

Pierre stands up and breaks out a large white flag which he waves vigorously.

Jean Claude: No! Zee French Flag!

Pierre: I thought this was zee French Flag...


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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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