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Who Breaks Out in 2010?


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Figured I'd throw a discussion thread together to liven this place up a bit. 2009 saw Joe The Plumber and Sean Stevens really come into their own (both were already stars, but this year was their best). Hell, Cameron Cruise broke out with a career year too. In 2010, who breaks out with the phenomenal year?

My nominations: The First, Impulse, Dorchester Stratton.

Interesting to note that all three are smaller characters, and are involved in pivotal league storylines. I like these guys because they're a departure from what usually gets over, and they have distinct dispositions. First and Impulse are clearly babyfaces, while Dorch is sickeningly heel.

Other characters who could break out: High Flyer, Ice Tre (if Brisbin ever comes back!)

So yeah, reply to this sh*t.

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
I know not really enough about NFW to make an accurate statement, but I'd say out of the Impulse/Stratton/Flyer/Castor secondary teir that any of those guys could make the big move, I really feel like one of those guys could be the guy to beat the winner of Crash 50's main event. Not right away, but down the road, and that would really elevate them and the whole mid-card of NFW.

For EPW I'll avoid as much self promotion as possible. I'd say for the HOPE angle that Layne Winters is the new blood that will get elevated from it. Outside the faction wars I'd say Fusenshoff is likely to be in the IC Title mix, and once the HOPE/Anthology saga plays itself out, if Fuse can find himself a good storyline he'd be in the main event picture.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
I have to agree with Dorchester, no doubt. I'm less familiar with The First, but what I've read has been a good indicator of a character right on the bubble.

Normally I'm a fan of any "This is awesome" list that High Flyer is on, but he's a multi time champ everywhere under the sun, and I honestly think Ford is just having fun with NFW, so with that in mind it's unlikely he'll ever have the time to really gun it there. And he's already had "Year of Flyer" everywhere else.

Of course if he takes this as a challenge to go for the balls in NFW, we're all screwed.

I'd like to throw Castor Strife into the mix - he's exactly the kind of heel the NFW was lacking.

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