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WWR End of the Year Awards Show Set for January 9th


League Member
Aug 23, 2009
A. Kuluha Bacardi announced last night that the first annual WWR End of the Year Awards show will take place on Saturday January 9th from Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon in Wauseon, Ohio.

The awards will encompass federations associated with EW Torch, EWZine, The Experts, WfWA, F-Wrestling, and EW Nexus.

Here are the awards that will be given out:
-Best Federation
-E-Wrestler of the Year (the best of the best)
-Best Male E-Wrestler-
-Best Female E-Wrestler-
-Best Tag Team
-Best Character-
-Best Manager-
-Best Announcer-
-Best Heel-
-Best Face-
-Show of the Year
-Match of the Year-
-Angle of the Year-
-Best RP Player-
-Best Writer-


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