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Your Midweek Links: Paige Fans and the Bad NFL


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
Direct Link to Tom Holzerman's The Wrestling Blog

<div style="text-align: justify;"><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-W471pe6IVEU/VA-k57VQWXI/AAAAAAAATBk/lWtFM5pAKyM/s1600/paigepaige.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-W471pe6IVEU/VA-k57VQWXI/AAAAAAAATBk/lWtFM5pAKyM/s1600/paigepaige.jpg" height="358" width="640" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Paige is great, but she has some creepers for fans<br />Photo Credit: WWE.com</td></tr></tbody></table>It's hump day so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:<br /><br /><u>Wrestling Links:</u><br /><br />- The Merch Table: Paige Fans Special [<a href="http://wrestlingonearth.com/the-merch-table-paige-fans-special/">Wrestling on Earth</a>]<br /><br />- The Best and Worst of RAW: What Can I Say, It's the Season Premiere [<a href="http://uproxx.com/prowrestling/2014/09/the-best-and-worst-of-wwe-raw-9814-what-can-i-say-its-the-season-premiere/">With Spandex</a>]<br /><br />- Five candidates worth a closer look for the WON Hall of Fame [<a href="http://www.voicesofwrestling.com/2014/09/09/five-candidates-worth-a-closer-look-observer-hall-of-fame/">Voices of Wrestling</a>]<br /><br />- The Best and Worst of Impact Wrestling: The Moment of Gunception [<a href="http://uproxx.com/prowrestling/2014/09/the-best-and-worst-of-impact-wrestling-9314-the-moment-of-gunception/">With Spandex</a>]<br /><br /><a name='more'></a><u>Non-Wrestling Links:</u><br /><br />- Jennifer Lawrence and Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu are not to blame [<a href="https://medium.com/@henrytcasey/jennifer-lawrence-anita-sarkeesian-zoe-quinn-brianna-wu-are-not-to-blame-f7e666c2f570">Medium</a>]<br /><br />- ...And the assault charges will be dropped [<a href="http://www.atlredline.com/and-the-assault-charges-will-be-dropped-1631991138">ATL Redline</a>]<br /><br />- Here's why the NFL is full of shit [<a href="http://deadspin.com/heres-why-the-nfl-is-full-of-shit-1632370842">Deadspin</a>]<br /><br />- What will it take to get Roger Goodell fired? [<a href="http://grantland.com/the-triangle/what-does-it-take-to-get-roger-goodell-fired-2/">Grantland</a>]<br /><br />- LA still doesn't need the NFL [<a href="https://sports.vice.com/article/la-still-doesnt-need-the-nfl">VICE Sports</a>]<br /><br />- Monday Morning Jerkface, Week One [<a href="http://thefootbawlblog.com/2014/09/08/monday-morning-jerkface-week-one/">The Footbawl Blog</a>]<br /><br />- Why Your Team Sucks 2014 archive [<a href="http://deadspin.com/tag/why-your-team-sucks-2014">Deadspin</a>]<br /><br />- The Great Wheel of Food Mashups [<a href="http://www.fastcodesign.com/3031349/exclusive-infographic-the-great-wheel-of-food-mashups">Fast Co. Design</a>]<br /><br />- How to make creamy polenta, which puts the "gruel" back in "grueling" [<a href="http://foodspin.deadspin.com/how-to-make-creamy-polenta-which-puts-the-gruel-back-1631330412">Foodspin</a>]<br /><br />- Eagles Game Day Treats: Boozy Frosties Recipe [<a href="http://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2014/9/7/6116459/eagles-game-day-treats-boozy-frosties-recipe">Bleeding Green Nation</a>]<br /><br />- Stop whining about pumpkin beer [<a href="http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/stop-whining-about-pumpkin-beer-1632484122">The Concourse</a>]<br /><br />- Yes, Bruce Levenson's racist e-mail was racist [<a href="http://deadspin.com/yes-bruce-levensons-racist-email-was-racist-1631670611">Deadspin</a>]<br /><br />- Why Stephen Hawking thinks the Higgs boson will kills us all [<a href="http://uproxx.com/gammasquad/2014/09/why-stephen-hawking-thinks-the-higgs-boson-will-kill-us-all/">Gamma Squad</a>]<br /><br />- Dreadnoughtus, a newly-discovered supermassive dinosaur [<a href="http://io9.com/dreadnoughtus-a-newly-discovered-supermassive-dinosaur-1630593552">io9</a>]<br /><br />- Seven famous quotes about the future that are actually fake [<a href="http://paleofuture.gizmodo.com/7-famous-quotes-about-the-future-that-are-actually-fake-1631236877">Paleofuture</a>]<br /><br />- Enjoy this complete ranking of Adam Sandler movies at a medium pace [<a href="http://uproxx.com/filmdrunk/2014/09/enjoy-this-complete-ranking-of-adam-sandlers-movies-at-a-medium-pace/">Film Drunk</a>]<br /><br />- Here are Bill Murray's choices for an all-female <i>Ghostbusters</i> film [<a href="http://io9.com/here-are-bill-murrays-choices-for-an-all-female-ghostbu-1632335051">io9</a>]<br /><br />- 20 years later, an undeniable power ranking of <i>Mortal Kombat II</i> kharacters [<a href="http://grantland.com/hollywood-prospectus/mortal-kombat-ii-20-years-later-an-undeniable-character-ranking/">Grantland</a>]<br /><br />- F*ck off, Gene Simmons: Eight bands that prove rock music isn't dead [<a href="http://uproxx.com/music/2014/09/fck-off-gene-simmons-8-bands-that-prove-rock-music-isnt-dead/">UPROXX</a>]</div>

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